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Everything posted by Latam

  1. the club opens at 23:00. the first 30 payers get a free album Atma - Beyond Good And Evil !!! plus a sticker. the first 100 payers get a free Mushroom Magazine
  2. Radio Deea, Dreamtime Productions & GeomagneticTv offers 10 invitations at the launch party of the album Atma - Beyond Good And Evil at Studio Martin - 25th of november 2006. Friday 24th of november at 17:00 Styx and Latam will speak live at Radio Deea about the tour and about the party at Studio Martin. Tune in!
  3. 25.11.2006 - BUCURESTI - Studio Martin Live: ATMA - GeomagneticTV MINDSTORM - GeomagneticTV (USA) DJ's: STYX - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) DOCTOR SPOOK - GeomagneticTV (USA) Label Head LATAM - Bucuresti CHAIKOVSKY - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) Live Visuals: Geomagnetic.tv/MindsEyeMedia.com Deco: Purple Dragons - Transylvania Entrance fee: 20 RON untill 00:00 30 ROn after 00:00
  4. The europen tour of promoting the new album ATMA "Beyond Good And Evil" will start in Romania on 25th of november, in the same time with the official release in USA. Organized by Dreamtime Productions (Munchen) and GeomagneticTv(San Francisco), the tour will start in november in Romania and will continue in Europe (January -April) In Romania, the tour will go through the cities: Bucuresti, Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca, Brasov, Timisoara, Iasi si Constanta. The album will be distributed world wide (Sua, Japan, Australia, England, Germany, Brazil, Mexico..) In Romania, the album will be distributed in limited edition and will be available for sale only at the date and place of the parties . ROMANIA (Nov -Dec) 25.11.2006 - BUCURESTI - Studio Martin Live: ATMA - GeomagneticTV MINDSTORM - GeomagneticTV (Usa) DJ's: STYX - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) DOCTOR SPOOK - GeomagneticTV (Usa) Label Head CHAIKOVSKY - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) LATAM - Bucuresti Live Visuals: Geomagnetic.tv/MindsEyeMedia.com Deco: Purple Dragons - Transylvania 01.12.2006 - SIBIU - Club Chill Out Live: ATMA - GeomagneticTV DJ's: STYX - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) R-TUR The Guardians Of Truth(Sibiu) CHAIKOVSKY - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) Visuals: Geomagnetic.tv/MindsEyeMedia.com Deco: Purple Dragons - Transylvania 08.12.2006 - CLUJ NAPOCA - King Club Live: ATMA - GeomagneticTV DJ's: STYX - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) COOPER Cosmic Plasma(Danemarca) CHAIKOVSKY - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) Visuals: Geomagnetic.tv/MindsEyeMedia.com Deco: Purple Dragons - Transylvania 15.12.2006 - TIMISOARA - JAZZ Club Live: ATMA - GeomagneticTV DJ's: STYX - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) UNIT - One Love (Timisoara) CHAIKOVSKY - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) R-TUR - The Guardians Of Truth(Sibiu) Visuals: Geomagnetic.tv/MindsEyeMedia.com Deco: Purple Dragons - Transylvania 16.12.2006 - BRASOV - Hush Hush Club Live: ATMA - GeomagneticTV DJ's: STYX - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) HUSHPUPPY (Israel) CHAIKOVSKY - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) R-TUR - The Guardians Of Truth(Sibiu) Visuals: Geomagnetic.tv/MindsEyeMedia.com Deco: Purple Dragons - Transylvania 26.01.2007 - IASI - XS Club Live: ATMA - GeomagneticTV DJ's: STYX - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) SOUNDQUEST - (Israel) CHAIKOVSKY - Dreamtime Productions (Germany) L.N.S - (Iasi) Visuals: Geomagnetic.tv/MindsEyeMedia.com Deco: Purple Dragons - Transylvania Info: www.dreamtime.ro Hotline: +40726478278 EUROPE(Ian - April) 13.01.2007 - SKOPJE - MACEDONIA Live: ATMA - GeomagneticTV (Ro) ATRIOHM - Parvati Rec (Macedonia) OCELOT - Vertigo Rec\Dropout Productions (Usa) DJ's: SkunX - (Skopje - Macedonia) LEO(Atriohm) - (Macedonia) AARON (Ocelot) - (San Francisco - USA) MITHUNA - (Skopje - Macedonia) Ambient Zona: Mistique- Cosmicleaf, ICFS (Macedonia) Gataful- Glowing Flame Records (Macedonia) Ulterior - ICFA (Macedonia) KaiZer -(Skopje - Macedonia) GJoe - Glowing Flame Records (Macedonia) More infos, and party's coming SOON !!!! !!!
  5. pics from this party here
  6. acu esti activ oricum e cam neprofesionist forumu ala, dar ce conteaza? poti sa mai schimbi o vorba doua
  7. ce user ai pe spacesheep?
  8. this time we wait u with a sound progressive trance with a touch of electro-psychedelic, groovyy and pumpy
  9. lets hope not oricum sti de forumul spacesheep?
  10. wow, cineva scrie romaneste pe psynewas... ne cunoastem? de unde esti?
  11. saturday 4 november DJs: Vanja (Candyflip / Liquid & Solid / OV-Silence Rec | Macedonia) Latam (Romania) Club Domino (Constanta) - Str Mircea cel Batran nr 105, corner with str Decebal
  12. [11.11.2006] Open your Mind 3rd Round @ Chill Out Club Sibiu DJ's: Styx (Dreamtime-Germany) Latam (Thrancians-Bucharest) Lygos (Dreamtime-Bucharest) Chill: Chaikovsky (dreamtime) Deco: Purple Dragons Entry Fee: 10 RON More info http://www.goatrance.de/goabase/party/details/21605
  13. Thrancians Latam Lygos (Sibiu / Hermanschtadt) progressive psytrance Bucharest - Romania Club WEB Saturday 9 September 23:00
  15. Club ORANGE (Mamaia), Friday 18 August, 22:00 DJs: Latam Lotus Neurosect & Shamanic Therianthropy Afterparty @the COTTON Club Beach (6:00 AM) entrance fee: 10 RON (with drink) contact: 0721442852 0722811418
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