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Everything posted by X-scream

  1. I saw them live this fall, and it kicked the shit out of any psy party I've ever been to.. amazing Skylined and Climbatize, has to be some of the best tracks ever made imo..
  2. * Orichalcum & Deviant, The - Orichalcum & The Deviant TIP Records, 1997 http://www.discogs.com/release/153755 Finally!
  3. you mean uvAntam.com? Or is it a new Ubar album?
  4. Niiiice Ka-Sol - Fairytale CD - Suntrip Various Artists - Lucas Presents God Save The Machine CD - TIP World Various Artists - Quadruped V - 1 CD - Ultimate Various Artists - Tathata CD - Spirit Zone Various Artists - Tathata II - Psychedelic Trance Compilation CD - Spirit Zone Various Artists - The Mystery Of The Thirteen Crystal Skulls CD - TIP World X-Dream - The Best 1991 - 2001 2xCD - Solstice And as usual, too lazy to discogify
  5. * X-Dream - Panic In Paradise - CD - Tunnel Rec http://www.discogs.com/release/203355 * Ketha Minh - Ketha Minh - CD - Tunnel Rec http://www.discogs.com/release/402387 Now I'm just waiting for the Ka-sol album to get released ...
  6. Aight! Sounds very promising! I feel like Filteria definately needs a change of direction and this sounds delicious indeed Fylonetic
  7. don't think I've ever heard this one before, great track! Sounds french to me.. Elixir..
  8. Yes! Go kill go!
  9. oh, right.. I almost forgot Did this one a week ago: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=37262
  10. haha, cut-&-paste laziness While you're at it, why can't you fix the DAMN broken RSS feeds?
  11. I'm saving up after some heavy buying in feb/mars.. just got one vinyl today: * Paris & Sharp - Aphrodite http://www.discogs.com/release/38860 The A-side is an incredibly tasty progg tune, check it out ! Sent shivers down my spine first time I heard it
  12. Argh!! From where?
  13. 1 What On Earth Is G+G?!?! (8:07) 2 Beyond The Point Of No Return (6:07) 3 6000 Miles From Guru (6:51) 4 Of Course You Can Go Nuts! (2:41) 5 Guri & Guru : An Odyssey (7:54) 6 A Chestnut Gourmet Needs Discipline (5:13) 7 Guru vs Guriemon (1:06) 8 A Stopover Trip In The Vortex (The Ascension PJPII) (8:25) 9 "Guri & Guru" With Google (4:05) 10 Guru & Gurio In The Schoolyard (8:16) 11 Green Green, Are You Going Out? (1:23) 12 In The Court Of The Crimson King (11:44) UvAntam.com is Takeshi Isogai aka Ubar Tmar. Yes, the totally insane japanese is back with a live recording from his more recent project "uvAntam.com". This was already released in 2005 but I never heard of it until just recently. I've now listened to it maybe 4-5 times and I must say this is probably the most interesting music released in 2005, along side the brilliant second album of Artifakt (Artikts II). Just a fair warning before you start listening to this one: If it sounds weird, it was probably intentional. And no, your CD is not skipping! The album consists of 12 tracks from a live recording and immediately we recognize the Ubar Tmar sound but with a more tech-ier edge to it. You have to admire Takeshi for sticking to his own sound, this is pure Ubar Tmar style but with a more modern touch! Those who didn't like his previous works should give this a go anyway, there's enough sonic trickery to satisfy anyone, really... In the first track we get some really neat demented stuff on a steady pounding beat. In "What On Earth Is G+G?!?!" he introduces a couple of effects that will be used in almost all of the tracks.There's this CD-skipping like effect and a stuttering buffer override thingy, that you'll probably love or get annoyed the hell out of I must say I like it, at least in a moderate amount. "Beyond The Point Of No Return" continues in the same fashion. Some scary sounds and mad samples tickling your senses before a sick riff tares you apart at the middle/end of the track. Lovely! "6000 Miles From Guru" sounds pretty similar to the previous track, but a bit more experimental (emphasis on mental!). "Of Course You Can Go Nuts!", sounds very much like the end of #2, which means this is really good Too bad it's just 2 minutes 41 seconds "Guri & Guru : An Odyssey" is probably the dance floor killer of this album. We even got the screaming crowd at the end. The climax is a real crowd pleaser.. awesome track. And the weirdest track name of them all "A Chestnut Gourmet Needs Discipline". A nice track with a lot of those weird effects you've heard up till now. After that "Guru vs Guriemon", the one minute track, starts with some trademarked Ubar melodies, immediately followed by some f-cking intense driving noisy sounds!! Ohm-y god, this is so good but WHY is this only one minute? "Stopover Trip In The Vortex (The Ascension PJPII)" is probably the most old-school sounding track here. Some pretty sweet melodies but nothing special, an ok track. The next three tracks are probably the weirdest on the album... "'Guri & Guru' With Google" is a, pretty good, psy break beatish track but "Guru & Gurio In The Schoolyard" and "Green Green, Are You Going Out?" are just to plain weird. Especially "Guru & Gurio In The Schoolyard" which has this incredibly annoying sound that I can't stand. The final track "In The Court Of The Crimson King" is also just a bit over the top some times, but overall it's a damn fine track, and it has electric guitars that do work! Once again, there's still this remaining problem with Takeshi (at least in my opinion) and that is his love for awkward and silly sounds/melodies. But those are very few in this album compared to his earlier releases so it's not really a problem at all, it's just me nit picking. There are a lot of truly great tracks in this album and some (#5) could easily work on the dance floor in the midst of a really insane set while others could destroy it (in the negative sense of the word ). If you play "In The Court of the Grimson King" people will literally go "WTF?" when the kick goes out of usual 4/4 and that destroying-buffer effect does some massive work. The album starts of very impressive and in the first half of the album he has this perfect balance, not too insane, but not unsane either The latter half is more experimental with moments that are a little too over the top for me. I'm not saying it's bad because it is definately not, it's just a little too much of the weirdness! Bottom line, if you're into easy digestible full-on this might not be for you. There are maybe one or two tracks you can take before you start crying for more predictable breaks. But if you like new interesting and crazy music you should really try to track this one down... And, friends of suomi-psy will totally love this Goodies: 1, 2(!!), 3, 4(!), 5(!), 6, 7(!!), 12 Go buy or uvAntam will try die YOU! http://uvantam.com/ http://www.discogs.com/release/609628
  14. it's on the way to you!
  15. * Uvantam.com - Guri & Guru (Panorama, 2005) http://www.discogs.com/release/609628 * Ubar Tmar - Eigou Kaiki (Panorama, 2002) http://www.discogs.com/release/327236 * Bypass Unit - On A Trance Mission (Hypnotic, 1996) http://www.discogs.com/release/240419
  16. nice review. Informative without loosing yourself in a quadrouple of poetric mumbo jumbo And to-the-point no bullshit analyze, keep it up Oblivion sounds like a gem indeed, gonna check out this release.. 4-minute samples: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=5308
  17. coolio, I think I have a short review somewhere that I can evolve a bit
  18. Excellent album.. I love that organic, mystic atmosphere present throughout the whole album. Track 2 and 3 are truly amazing, instant classics that will be played yeeeears from now
  19. Mandalavandalz - Poisonmachine Sandman - Witchcraft (re-issue) Shakta - The Enlightened Ape Shiwa 2000 - Runkmeditation & Perstantra Tegma - Around The World In 80 Min. Various Artists - Far East Psytrance League 2005 Various Artists - Red (TIP, bought it solely for LB and Sopford tracks..) Various - Sanatonic Audio yay! Too lazy to discogify
  20. The Ka-sol is a (!!!) track damnit! My f@wking god, jaw dropping to say the least.. And the rest is very good too, I pretty much like all of 'em...
  21. yeah, but hey opi.. you're taking swedish classes so you should be all set
  22. well, uhm.... no
  23. * Ubar Tmar - Macrometasomakosmos http://www.discogs.com/release/238294 And these will arrive any time: VA - Sanatonic Audio and 3 vinyls that I can't remember ...
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