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  1. Thanks m8! I have several things i have to work on indeed, but thanks for the tip i'll try to tweak the twisted picture into something more mind manifesting! Great, now to all others: DOWNLOAD AND BE NICE LIKE THE GUY HERE OVER! You wont regret it...i hope...
  2. Edited because Super old, MODS / ADMIN! Could you please delete this Topic? Thank you. - Psyolopher
  3. haha lol! just need to get a GF, juuust so i can tell her this!
  4. cute 12 year old poi picture!
  5. www.myspace.com/djdolliproduction let me know if you like something there! i make Ambient, chillout, progerssive housey psytrance and techno! Lotsa diffrent stuff! Art and stuff like that i used apophysis and Photoshop.... =) and your site is cool!
  6. I like your pic very much aswell! very detailed!
  7. Nice! photoshop? i liked the first one and the 3rd one much!
  8. Im listening to Ari Miller's music: check it out: http://www.myspace.com/arimillermusic I think he´s talented! i like Kross fade the test
  9. hehe! well the only thing that is hard to get used to are the buttons....They are abit all over the place! =p
  10. Muse - time is running out Muse - Apocalypse Please Muse - Sing for Absolution Muse - Megalomania ...and so on! YES I CONFESS, I LIKE MUSE.....im in muse mood today....
  11. http://www.winamp.com/skins/details.php?id=137015 wow that was hard! ^^
  12. winamp.com is loaded with cool skins!
  13. I like this one better:
  14. Very nice indeed! Would like some of that on my future album if i'd afford it!
  15. Filteria - Unfiltered (Moon Rmx)
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