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    Synths, samplers etc. (soft- and hardware), making music, audio in general.
  1. I think there would be much more interesting remixes if you would release samples and midi files that you used in your tracks..
  2. What i like the most in this track is the breaks, some pretty cool breaks you have here. Sound is pretty much ok. Overall the track is well produced but there isnt really anything i havent heard before so id suggest you to add some your very own ideas. Although this makes my head nod
  3. Go check subsynth, its free, it uses very little cpu. It is very simple 2 oscillator synth, you can not play it in real time but you can create pretty nice waves with it. http://www.sonicspot.com/subsynth/subsynth.html
  4. funny and insane, i like it. especially the synth sound is great. perhaps a bit more lenght to the track and a few more elements added would make it better?
  5. here is my latest track, id love to hear your comments about it. stream: http://www.mikseri.net/music/play.php?id=225034&type=hi download: http://www.mikseri.net/music/play.php?id=225034&type=dl
  6. Roland junos does not have VCOs. They have DCOs.
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