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Everything posted by Solipsism

  1. if anyone is interested i have a new track called Natural evil, if features space guitarist Sphinxgod and Charles Mansaon on vocals Natural Evil Feat. Sphinxgod cheers solipsism
  2. i don't really like vocals in any electronic music, unless it's done in the form of voice inserts like radio broadcasts and so on, i can't think of any vocal tracks off the top of my head that have appealed to me so much they're memorable...but then i don't remember a lot of things in the morning solipsism
  3. Hi there, if anyone is interested i was recently interviewed by the international online music awards site rcat communications. The interview itself only went online a couple of hours ago and if anyone is interested in finding out all the gory details you can read it here The Big Interview Please feel free to take a look cheers solipsism
  4. ideally, i'd take the wav formats, but they'd take a while to download so i'd probably opt for the 320kbps mp3, i've never used flac files so don't know much about them
  5. thanks for the welcome...most appreciated
  6. hey, thanks for listening....it's probably one of the least accessible forms of electronic music in regards to a fan base and there's not that many folks producing IDM in comparison to other styles but i'm happy with that. Before i did IDM, i used to produce techno but i do prefer IDM as it's the style that allows me to experiment the most with broken and effected beats. Cheers again for the welcome and for listening ! One of the reason's i wass searching on psytrance forums last night is that on the besonic site where my music is...there is a distinct lack of quality psytrance or goa trance....lots of people claiming to be goa or psytrance artists but when it comes down to it, they're really doing plain old trance or sometimes something completely different. So if there's any artists on this site i'd be pleased if they came along and joined and let those folks hear what proper psytrance is, the address is www.besonic.com cheers solipsism
  7. hi there, i stumbled across this site by accident and it seems like a pretty cool place. I've only really started listening to psytrance or goa trance in the past year or so after getting a 1200 micrograms album called 1200 micrograms funnily enough...or not so funnily last year. Personally, i produce IDM and if anyone would like a listen, they're more than welcome to, my web address is linked on my signature. I know it might not be everyone's cup of tea but i'm sure some of you will find something in it you like...maybe not, but that's life. It's been great to see some goa artists listed here that i've not heard of and i'll definitely check them out. cheers solipsism
  8. nine inch nails and air also use reason....air did a whole album on reason though i can't remember which one it was, oddly enough the propellerheads didn't use reason
  9. Reason 2.5 was designed in such a way that to ge the full potential from it, it needs to be rewired or exported to a program like cubase. The reasoning behind this is that in order for all the different units to be of a high a standard as possible they had to downgrade if you like other aspects of the software....it tells you in the reason 2.5 manual that it has been designed primarily to be be rewired, reason creates sounds at a lower output than would be considered normal this is to save on the processor power thus allowing for more functionality in reason's different untis. the thinking behind it is you can then raise the output in whichever host program it's being rewired or exported to also programs like cubase will automatically generate a fuller sound...this is why you'll be experiencing the problems regarding the sound quality of your finished reason productions. If you're just starting out you'll find there is tons and tons of stuff you can do with reason, it's all about getting to know the untis and how to wire them up and which units to use with which....this will only come with practise, trial and error, but in theory the possibilities with reason are endless, it's down to how you use the program...a way to really open up reason's functions and use the program to it's full capacity is to get a midi controller keyboard, this will give you a lot more functionality and freedom over what you can do with the program.
  10. Pages 267-268 in the Operation Manual explain how to setup a VST instrument, and use it on a MIDI track. If you already have activated the VST in the VST instruments panel, you need to select a blank MIDI track in the project window - then in the track inspector set the In and Out. In the Out (there will be a dropdown box when you place the mouse over it), you should be able to select your VST instrument. Make sure you select a channel too. Check the manual on the pages i've noted above and it will give you a step by step process.
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