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Blair Thaumic

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Blair Thaumic last won the day on March 9 2018

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  1. A nearly three hour dive into the roots of Goa trance, focused on the years 1992-1994. Goa techno, early trance, or just Goa music; call it what you want, it still kicks. For this set, I tried to combine the more well-known names of the early days (Juno Reactor, Total Eclipse, Voodoo People) with the obscure and overlooked; I also used some less popular tracks by famous artists. I wonder if anyone can ID them all? Mixed on two turntables and two CDJs; you'll hear some fuckups here and there, mostly because I'm not good with vinyl. If you can get past that, it's a fairly epic journey IMO.
  2. You reminded me of this classic. Probably one of my favorite Seb Taylor tracks.
  3. The title track from https://www.discogs.com/Various-Sonic-Anarchy/master/14837 comes to mind. And maybe some Deflo and Ubar Tmar. IMO, the closest thing to punk Goa is UK acid techno.
  4. Discobedience is gooood but Igor Swamp is better https://hkpnz.bandcamp.com/album/akrabadabra
  5. https://singularityhub.com/2018/04/08/can-we-make-a-musical-turing-test/
  6. Uptempo: 1. Igor Swamp - Akrabadabra (Hippie Killer Productions/Nullzone) 2. VA - Purple Brain (A.N.A.L.) 3. Espoo Sound Machine - Discobedience (Sound Kitchen) 4. Gangguru - Be Your Own Guru (DAT) 5. Denshi-Danshi - Brain Chemistry (Suntrip) 6. Ray Castle & Collaborators - Mystique Of The Metaverse (Suntrip) 7. Veasna - Spectral Flux (Neogoa) 8. Jayex - Soul Echoes (Surface Tension) 9. Oraalidonitsi - Who Cares About Name (Random) 10. Discolin - Hercule Roilot (Nullzone)
  7. Fusion Anomaly: http://fusionanomaly.net/nodebase.html
  8. https://www.discogs.com/Various-Strong-Sun-Moon/release/235708 I didn't see this on the psybreaks list, but it has a few really good ones. Especially the Syzgism track, which is a one-off collab between Ray Castle and a member of Joujouka. https://www.discogs.com/Various-Psy-Harmonics-4-Out-On-The-Full/release/205040 https://www.discogs.com/Ray-Castle-Gourmet-Genre/release/282461 https://www.discogs.com/Squarefeet-Flat-Foot/release/2411815 https://www.discogs.com/Various-Not-My-Cup-Of-Tea/release/80019?ev=rr https://www.discogs.com/The-Nam-Shub-Of-Enki-Fuck-Piece/release/223986 https://www.discogs.com/Various-Clairaudience/release/89464 https://www.discogs.com/label/8055-Demon-Tea-Recordings and https://www.discogs.com/label/9907-Devic-Craft-Cordings lean toward psybreaks in general; it might be worth digging through their catalog.
  9. Try Adu - Drumbas and Step Up. Tamlin's album has a few good dnb tracks too. For something older, maybe Green House Effect - Superfly or OVNI - Fountain.
  10. 2017: https://alfamatrix.bandcamp.com/album/arrange-the-molecule-deluxe-edition 2018: https://analrecords.bandcamp.com/album/purple-brain
  11. Tokyo is amazing. I spent a month there and feel like I only scratched the surface. On the 27th you have this psytrance party at Koenji Cave: https://www.djsbarcave.tokyo/single-post/2018/04/03/427-dual-airspace There's also something happening in Chiba on the 28th with Overdream: http://trancelife.net/event-3244/ Also Psychedelic Garden in Shinjuku has a nice selection of CDs and fluoro clothing. http://www.psychedelicgarden.com/
  12. I love this Benza track but the sample couldn't be more unfitting.
  13. Let's pour out another round:
  14. Yes, let's! Uptempo: 1. VA - Fluorotronik (Tranceform) https://tranceformrecords.bandcamp.com/album/fluorotronik 2. Tangentti - Ten Years After (Foil On) https://foilon.bandcamp.com/album/ten-years-after 3. Oraalidonitsi - Avaruusvauvojen iltahämärä (not on label) https://oraalidonitsi.bandcamp.com/album/avaruusvauvojen-iltah-m-r 4. Erätarkastaja - Kolmas erä (Foil On) https://foilon.bandcamp.com/album/kolmas-er 5. VA - audiodrugz (Nullzone) https://nullzone2007.bandcamp.com/album/v-a-audiodrugz-441khz-16bit-standard-ver 6. VA - Vokuhila Mori (Mathematician) https://www.mathematicianrecords.com/vokuhilamori 7. VA - Audio Poppers (Trance Bum) http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/audio-poppers 8. VA - Takamatsu Nightlife (Nullzone) https://nullzone2007.bandcamp.com/album/v-a-takamatsu-nightlife 9. Darth Phader - Acid Faija (People Of The Butterflies) http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/darth-phader-acid-faija 10. Suomies - Jokin tie (not on label) https://suomies.bandcamp.com/releases Downtempo: 1. Nodens Ictus - The Cozmic Key (not on label) https://nodensictus.bandcamp.com/
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