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Everything posted by chrizzFTD

  1. In no particular order: Hallucinogen Space Pussy Shamanix The Herb Garden Infected Mushroom The Messenger (with DJ Jörg) The Shen Dancing With Kadafi Psykovsky Wishful Sinful Call of Beauty Aura Leta
  2. Hoping for a new Fragletrollet album at some point
  3. Any Buddhas album, split with Ka-Sol or Schlab comp would be awesome on vinyl! I’d love to support any crowdfunding activity without worrying about time or shipping cost. Please let me know if you’re still pursuing this:)
  4. Came around this by accident in 2016 (was dragged by a friend to a Loud’s live set in a festival) and was quite impressed with it; probably because I was expecting ~cheesy~ fullon and that’s why I didn’t want to go at the beginning, but they were playing most of this album instead. Now I listen to this from start to end every once in a while and think this album is one of the very few releases that I’ve listened in the past couple of years that I can play in a lot of different settings. As someone else mentioned before, ‘Goblins Talking’ is quite good and I’ve noticed it’s excellent for people that are not too familiar with trance genres to get into. With such a beautiful melody and buildup, that’s definitely one of the highlights of the album for me. ‘Africa 101’ would be one of the tracks that I didn’t like at the beginning as I felt it was very cheesy but now I dance to it like a crazy monkey. Same goes for ‘Om’ as I sometimes wanted for it to be over but now I feel it’s excellent to get in a trance state or meditation Unlike others, I love the intro to the album and the overall voice samples as I feel they drive the concept in a nice direction and blend properly with the more ambient sounds, creating a beautiful atmosphere. If you give this a try I’d recommend listening to the continuous mix which is available on YouTube and Spotify.
  5. I'll be there, too!
  6. I'm in for this! If someone wants to develop this, I'd like to help. We could find a way to sync the information on the PDF to automatically update the web guide.
  7. Symphonatic is amazing. Dream Theater, Classical Mushroom and The Messenger are among my favorite IM compilation tracks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbPkSh3MBz4 By the way, that 'Space Mantra. Ganesh Propaganda' compilation is close to perfect in my opinion. I dig it from beginning to end a lot.
  8. I was also expecting him to elaborate I love debating ideas but when one part can't sustain with arguments (or fully elaborate), it makes me feel we hit a wall. A lot of my friends know the new IM (post 2002) and 'love' them. They don't know any Hallucinogen, AP, MFG... not even the most pop like Astrix or GMS! and when I play Classical Mushroom or The Gathering to them they have no idea it's also IM; most of the times they don't even like those tracks. So I feel Infected Mushroom got really big and well known at the time they became a completely different band/project. Maybe it's an exaggeration, but think of it as what happened to At the Drive-in when they formed The Mars Volta. Anyway, can someone point me in the right direction? I've been looking for this track for a looooong time, idk if it IS Infected Mushroom or somebody else, but I absolutely love this one and would love to buy it or get a FLAC/WAV. any help? :c
  9. I also thought 1997 when reading the title! No doubts about it. P.S. I love all of you:)
  10. Thank you so much! I was looking for ZNA Gathering just before my post & looks really interesting I'm definitely going to that Connection Festival! Thanks a lot c:
  11. Hello fellas, I hope all of you are doing great. I've never been so active before & maybe I should start posting more instead of just reading the threads I'll be moving to Madrid next month thanks to a job opportunity I just got; and one of the things that make me happiest about it is the possibility of going to different parties around Europe (I currently live in America and have not been to Europe before) I feel there are some big festivals around(OZORA, BOOM, Lost Theory) but I don't know anything about the small ones; and would like to ask for suggestions on which should I go to. So, my 'utopian' festival would have acts like: Filteria, Mindsphere, Crossing Mind, E-Mantra, Ra, Alienapia, Battle of the Future Buddhas, Spruce, Ka-Sol, KoxBox, Hallucinogen, Shpongle, Prometheus, Derango, Fragletrollet, Enichkin, old Psykovsky, old Hux Flux, pre2001-Infected Mushroom, Texas Faggot, Cybernetika, Pleiadians, Merr0w, to name a few. I know some of these acts don't play anymore (I.M. for example) but these are the sounds I'd love to dance to on an open air festival. Big parties like OZORA have some acts and styles that I don't mind/like. I will go these year because I love Simon, Benji & Raja acts, I've never seen Shpongle live and I feel it's an experience I must have, but I personally prefer the 'smallest' parties, between the trees at the forest, with everyone just loving and dancing to the skies. I would love going to one like this, for example: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/s960x960/1556433_467959966682626_4572918734884704406_o.jpg (was very sad because I wasn't able to go) Do you know of any party you think I should go to? I'll be living in Europe starting next month and at least until July 2016 thank you so much for your time, I hope we can meet up some day:)
  12. Are you shpongled? at a Levi's store in a shopping mall. It was nice & unexpected.
  13. There are so many tracks that give me that feeling, I think that's why we all love music. These are some of the tracks that are ecstasy to my ears when it comes to this kind of music: Osom - Compos Mentis Psykovsky - Kuklusklan (Remix) Infected Mushroom - Nothing Comes Easy, Disco Mushroom & Return of the Shadows Audialize - Wanted Battle of the Future Buddhas - Morron Younger Brother - Magic Monkey Juice (Mostly because it makes me remember what I felt when I saw Younger Brother live at Tulum) Hallucinogen - most of his tracks, specially Trancespotter, Shamanix & The Herb Garden Prometheus - Arcadia Magik & Triplets Filteria - Lost in the Wild & The Snuggling Snail The Zap! - The Mouse & the Opera Singer Sunshepherd - Sunshepherd I love the tracks above, but I think I know what you mean with "don't confuse this with your favourite tracks" as there are other tracks that make me have that 'eargasmic' feeling just for a few seconds. The problem here is that I can only dig those seconds and not that much the rest of the track, for example: Sick Addiction - Detune Saga (from 3:30 to 4:45; the rest of the track is just disappointing to me) Infected Mushroom - Coolio RMX (@ the climaxes) Son Kite - Colours (from 4:45 to 7:15)
  14. Benji Vaughan - Even Toundra Filteria - Lost in the Wild BOTFB - Urban Legends Dimension 5 - TransAddendum Spruce - Ubikvad Omniheita
  15. looking forward to the update too! P.S. do you have any vinyl?
  16. Can anyone rec me something similar to Dousk? House music isn't my cup of tea and what I've heard I didn't like; but I got the chance to see Dousk live last year and I was amazed. I love both of his albums, I would like to hear something as beautiful as D.I.Y. and something as great as Kind of Human. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwwtTo5_EJs OH GOD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr_khHho9s0 whoisthisguy
  17. Hello, thanks a lot for the replies, I'm currently listening to Enichkin's In Memory Of Love and it's gorgeous, will try to find more about this artist. I'm also digging Select Project & will search for that Tamlin album:) I'll listen to these albums & artists through the week. Thankyou very much
  18. Hi everyone, I hope you're doing ok:) I have been visiting this forum for a while now, but never registered until a few months ago. I've found some great music through here and the user's comments, but I'd like to ask for some suggestions now; Can anyone rec me some albums like Psykovsky's Debut & Fragletrollet's Playground of Spirit, please? I've been digging them for a long time and I'd love to listen more albums like those two. I love the atmospheres they create, the transitions between tracks and how they constantly evolve to really say something. I'm also looking forward to listening something like Battle of the Future Buddha's track 'Morron' on the album Masters of Outhouse. Thanks in advance
  19. I love this and the entire Debut album. I love darkpsy. Speed is not relevant when it takes me into a deep and complex journey. How about the first track on 'Akashik Memory' by Ghreg on Earth Vs. Electrypnose? or Exorcisto by Osom? P.S. most of the time, when I try to play this to other friends, all they say is that it sounds like a washing machine and it makes me sad ):
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