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Everything posted by NHJO__HYENNRO

  1. HALLO. I search at facebook martin freeland. At last found martin 's birthday information with astral projection member. My favorite martin is february 27! maybe 1967. hahaha.
  2. Hello. Peoples. My 20250224 today pic!. I will get money for my big project "MHJO NHJO in SEOUL, ITAEWON" that is name making and compose special music and theme music and food and pic and cd and clothes etc shop!. cause I am now seek my job for money. cause I will do arbeit.
  3. hey OOOD nice album ever!. I also release my new single and soon notice. thanks
  4. Hello. I"m AZ NHJO HYENNRO and MICHAEL RON XRSTXERD from RUSSIA/USA/GERMANY/UK/CHINA/JAPAN/KOREAETC. This is my 20241203. and Now Currently I seek a job for make SPECIAL MUSIC COMPOSE AND MAKE NAME(Personal, Company, Band, Artist.)and FOOD, PIC, CLOTHES, ETC. cause I will gather money for so lot for make SPECIAL PLACE at Seoul, Itaewon (Very lot foreigner (white black etc) in there.) and make big CLUB MHJO (ROCK,METAL,ETC CLUB), NHJO(ELECTRONICA, TRANCE, TECHNO, GOA, PSY, ETC CLUB). and make big SPECIAL CITY BELOW SEOUL. very BIG and NICE Special City Only enter SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL PEOPLES (MUSIC,SPORTS,STUDY,ETC.)
  5. Hello. I'm AZ NHJO HYENNRO, MICHAEL RON XRSTXERD from RUSSIA/USA/GERMANY/CHINA/JAPAN/ENGLAND/FRANCE ETC. I want to know now 2024 acrive GOA/PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE active Labels worldwide. Because I want to contract famous label. Please information please. Thanks.
  6. MHJO NHJO RECORDS 2024 NEW RELEASES. DATE: 20240822 ARTIST: Michael Ron Xrstxerd (마이클 론 흐르스트헤르드) TITLE: TANZEN TECHNO A2 GENRE: GOA/PSYCHEDELIC NIGHT CLUB TRANCE TECHNO. BPM: 140.2 TRACK LIST: 1. Tanzen Techno 7 2. Tanzen Techno 8 3. Tanzen Techno 9 4. Tanzen Techno 10 5. Tanzen Techno 11 6. Tanzen Techno 11 (Long Edit) DESCRIPTION: Hello. I'm Michael Ron Xrstxerd from RUSSIA/USA/GERMANY/CHINA/JAPAN/UK/FRANCE/KOREA. My new ROCK/METAL/PROGRESSIVE/POWER/CLASSIC/JAZZ/POP/ELECTRONICA/TECHNO/TRANCE project Micheal Ron Xrstxerd. My new 6 Psychedelc Techno, Trance Tracks. very Danceable tracks. For Big Festival, Club, Night Club, Driving, Personal Listening, Party. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=michael+ron+xrstxerd https://www.facebook.com/michael.ron.xrstxerd/ https://cafe.naver.com/michaelronxrstxerd https://www.soundclick.com/michaelronxrstxerd https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=11564809 https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=85500675 https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/20663622?wl_ref=list_ab_03 https://www.music-flo.com/detail/album/427766609/albumtrack https://vibe.naver.com/album/31992139 https://open.spotify.com/album/6gdlnjzdHyTxPEbOXVVGdc https://music.apple.com/us/album/tanzen-techno-a2/1761771593?ls=1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCJZCH8P https://play.anghami.com/album/1056422163 If you listen my trakcs and want dj/live, email to me. thanks Worldwide Booking/Live DJ Possible contact to michaelronxrstxerd@gmail.com nhjohyennro@naver.com 2024년을 강타할 Michael Ron Xrstxerd (마이클 론 흐르스트헤르드)의 새로운 앨범 "Tanzen "가 발매되었습니다. 11곡의 빠른템포의 신나는 댄스일렉트로니카 테크노트랜스곡들입니다. 신나게 춤을 추면서 즐겨봅시다. 개인감상용, 페스티벌용, 드라이브용, 클럽용, 나이트클럽용, 드라이브등, 조깅용, 운동용등 MICHAEL RON XRSTXERD'S NEW 2024 DANCE ELECTRONICA TECHNO, TRANCE ALBUM "Tanzen Techno A2 " Released. 6 Nice Danceable Fast 140.4 BPM Super Dance Tracks. For Big Festival, Club, Night Club, Driving, Personal Listening, Party.
  7. MHJO NHJO RECORDS 2024 NEW RELEASES. DATE: 20240822 ARTIST: Michael Ron Xrstxerd (마이클 론 흐르스트헤르드) TITLE: TANZEN TECHNO A1 GENRE: GOA/PSYCHEDELIC NIGHT CLUB TRANCE TECHNO. BPM: 140.2 TRACK LIST: 1. Tanzen Techno 1 2. Tanzen Techno 2 3. Tanzen Techno 3 4. Tanzen Techno 4 DESCRIPTION: Hello. I'm Michael Ron Xrstxerd from RUSSIA/USA/GERMANY/CHINA/JAPAN/UK/FRANCE/KOREA. My new ROCK/METAL/PROGRESSIVE/POWER/CLASSIC/JAZZ/POP/ELECTRONICA/TECHNO/TRANCE project Micheal Ron Xrstxerd. My new 4 Psychedelc Techno, Trance Tracks. very Danceable tracks. For Big Festival, Club, Night Club, Driving, Personal Listening, Party. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=michael+ron+xrstxerd https://cafe.naver.com/michaelronxrstxerd https://www.soundclick.com/michaelronxrstxerd https://open.spotify.com/album/3T6M26sQGgMb4VPFB7aNh6 https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=11534148 https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=85393381 https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/20655377?wl_ref=list_ab_03 https://www.music-flo.com/detail/album/426641669/albumtrack https://vibe.naver.com/album/31905358 https://open.spotify.com/album/3T6M26sQGgMb4VPFB7aNh6 https://music.apple.com/us/album/tanzen-techno-a1-ep/1755672429 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D8V61JZ8 https://play.anghami.com/album/1054925321 If You listen and want worldwide DJ/LIVE, email to me. Thanks Worldwide Booking/Live DJ Possible contact to michaelronxrstxerd@gmail.com nhjohyennro@naver.com 2024년을 강타할 Michael Ron Xrstxerd (마이클 론 흐르스트헤르드)의 새로운 앨범 "Tanzen "가 발매되었습니다. 11곡의 빠른템포의 신나는 댄스일렉트로니카 테크노트랜스곡들입니다. 신나게 춤을 추면서 즐겨봅시다. 개인감상용, 페스티벌용, 드라이브용, 클럽용, 나이트클럽용, 드라이브등, 조깅용, 운동용등 MICHAEL RON XRSTXERD'S NEW 2024 DANCE ELECTRONICA TECHNO, TRANCE ALBUM "Tanzen Techno A1 " Released. 11 Nice Danceable Fast 140.4 BPM Super Dance Tracks. For Big Festival, Club, Night Club, Driving, Personal Listening, Party.
  8. HEELO, I'm AZ NHJO HYENNRO from RUSSIA/USA//GERMANY/CHINA/JAPAN/UK/FRANCE/KOREA ETC. ARTIST: GUGUNGJININ INFORMATION ABOUT GUGUNGJININ at Chenese movie Hangwiehong 2 boss. GENRE: GOA/PSYCHEDELIC EURO/ASIA TRANCE. 1. GUGUNGJININ - Space Dance 1 2. GUGUNGJININ - Space Dance 2 3. GUGUNGJININ - Space Dance 3 4. GUGUNGJININ - Space Dance 4 5. GUGUNGJININ - Space Dance 5 6. GUGUNGJININ - Space Dance 6 Release at 2024 05 23 https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=11495439 https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=85199064 https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/20644742?wl_ref=list_ab_03 https://www.music-flo.com/detail/album/425162771/albumtrack https://vibe.naver.com/album/31630954 https://music.apple.com/us/album/space-dance-a1/1747260142?ls=1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D4M4NCJR https://play.anghami.com/album/1052870910 Thanks. have fun and enjoy and comment. any worldwide booking welcome. www.aznhjohyennto.com www.thesupermanr.com www.gugungjinin.com nhjohyennro@naver.com blog.naver.com/nhjohyennro
  9. HEELO, I'm AZ NHJO HYENNRO from RUSSIA/USA//GERMANY/CHINA/JAPAN/UK/FRANCE/KOREA ETC. ARTIST: AZ NHJO HYENNRO GENRE: GOA/PSYCHEDELIC EURO/ASIA TRANCE. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D3HPZYJV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BKYDSYWNQF8H&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yy8147ff6HrYVbih6lY1hNBrBvOupGUiRCAhkcKLV_HgGfAHrJ_Rj6uIq2zvFAbpkAD3FUCkxYlRUQIshDyaQbgiGbPh9TEih17cR9TuuQw.xQruNMkjCVdncBi0XU_2unuII0YEiHSZYa3kwGIg_RQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=AZ+NHJO+HYENNRO&marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&qid=1716475783&sprefix=az+nhjo+hyennr%2Caps%2C288&sr=8-1&trackAsin=B0D3HPZYJV https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=AZ+NHJO+HYENNRO+XR+1 My new Single Album. 1. AZ NHJO HYENNRO - Tanzen Musik XR 1 2. AZ NHJO HYENNRO - Tanzen Musik XR 1 (140 Edit) Thanks. have fun and enjoy and comment. any worldwide booking welcome.
  10. HI. Hey FP. I live in SEOUL, SONGPA GU, SONGPA 2 DONG HANYANG ART. If I have lot money I will take with you with Outback Steak house and Papajohns Special Pizza. But I have now not have lot money. I love Pizza. If you visit my house room I will buy pizza with you. haha. But I you have lot money you pay haha!. I always visit psynews. I recently make My new band "The Superman" and "The Trance" etc. I will release my new albums and singles at nearly soon. thanks my email nhjohyennro@naver.com
  11. 하이. 접니다. AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)입니다. ARTIST: The Superman ALBUM TITLE: Tanzen Musik A1 GENRE: PSY/GOA NIGHT CLUB TRANCE MUSIC PRODUCER/COMPOSER: The Superman WORLDWIDE RELEASE DATE: 20240422 ALBUM DESCRIBE: The Superman Project start at 2023/12/26 at Seoul, South Korea. The Superman's New 2024 April Albums released. Total 15 Tracks very danceable Russian, German, USA, UK, France style Goa/Psy Night Club Trance tracks. For Home, Club, Party, Driving etc. The Superman project can make All kind of musikc etc ROCK/HEAVY METAL/PROGRESSIVE ROCK, METAL/ELECTRONICA GOA/PSY FULL ON TRANCE and CLASSIC, POP, K-POP, J-POP , GERMAN POP, RUSSIAN POP, ELETRONICA, ETC Big Thanks. 1. The Superman - 1. Tanzen Musik 1 <- Russian German style dance trance tracks. Composed and Arranged by The Superman 2. The Superman - 2. Tanzen Musik 2 <-Some Yahel like style trance trakcs. Composed and Arranged by The Superman 3. The Superman - 3. Tanzen Musik 3 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 4. The Superman - 4. Tanzen Musik 4 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 5. The Superman - 5. Tanzen Musik 5 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 6. The Superman - 6. Tanzen Musik 6 <- Some SST: Shiva Space Technology like style dance tracks. Composed and Arranged by The Superman 7. The Superman - 7. Tanzen Musik 7 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 8. The Superman - 8. Tanzen Musik 8 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 9. The Superman - 9. Tanzen Musik 9 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 10. The Superman - 10. Tanzen Musik 10 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 11. The Superman - 11. Tanzen Musik 11 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 12. The Superman - 12. Tanzen Musik 12 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 13. The Superman - 13. Tanzen Musik 13 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 14. The Superman - 14. Tanzen Musik 14 Composed and Arranged by The Superman 15. The Superman - 15. Tanzen Musik 1 (145 Edit) Composed and Arranged by The Superman Hallo. My recently works 15 tracks. BPM: 130.4 STYLE: MELODICAL NIGHT GOA/PSY TRANCE. - Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/album/tanzen-musik-a1/1743143686 - Youtube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m8l8VXrd2DmyR72ORyVYTjHgObhi3ArlI&si=gzAmGbHPPGjPmlR2 - Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6Z8zmnJIAOo2M1OebTrSmv?si=ukr72CygT06Rc0Y3ns6HOg - Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0D2NSJ2XS?ref=dm_sh_rJQyuR88fdGGutAkiBHynaX60 - KKBOX: https://www.kkbox.com/my/en/album/-nc5MNAINWEdbYYzaL - Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/album/359634245 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgSXimcrjviB5L6gL5IZWsw https://www.amazon.com/music/player/artists/B0CY5353G8/더-슈퍼맨-the-superman www.soundclick.com/thesuperman <will be more tracks https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557930361224 < My The Superman facebook page. new release and informations. cafe.naver.com/thesupermanr <My The Superman cafe in naver.com WORLDWIDE DJ/PERFORMANCE BOOKING WELCOME. mail to nhjohyennro@naver.com thesupermannr@gmail.com AND WE WANT RELEASE CD, If you interest my this works email to me. And We seek team. We can Quality trakcs and vocal and compose and arrange technology. Big Thanks www.aznhjohyennro.com <at 2024 December www.thesupermanr.com <at 2024 December nhjohyennro@naver.com thesupermannr@gmail.com This pic is my recently my pic at my studio, room. and the other one is my this new release album pic. thanks
  12. people very thanks for reply and praise. My The Superman new album "Tanzen Musik A1" will release wthin 2024 April to various store worldwide. I think my 2024 carol is 90 score my new album is 98 score. hehe. Please expect. And I will start reply for my topic for answer. I was no reply for my topic to other freiends but I change mind I will alway reply my topic rative. https://y2down.cc/en/youtube-wav.html And If you want my carol works download to wav mp3 etc do use this nice site. only you process link copy and paste and process you will get wav mp3 etc fiels! thank
  13. Hey. And My new The Superman album - "Tanzen Musik 1 2024" will be finish and will be released at 2024/04 later. Get excited about it! will be 10 new style of melodical goa/psychedelic trance. also movie will be making. thanks.
  14. Hello. Peoples. My 2024 PSYCHEDELIC TRANC CAROL PART. 1 movie released. Work by My acquaintance work friend. Thanks peoples. Please listen and view and comment! and worldwide dj/live possible. and any cowork and release and label company contact welcome and My 2024 Psychedelic Trance 2024 Part. 2 will be released at 2024/12 early. more better arrange and vocal and solo. and MY SITE. www.aznhjohyennro.com <2024/12 early open. www.thesupermanr.comb <soon www.gugungjinin.com <soon 하이. 접니다. AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)입니다. AZ NOOC HYENNRO(아즈 노크 현느로). AZ NDNO HYENNRO(아즈 노드노 현느로). AZ MHSV TKIYCIV(아즈 므흐스브 트크으이시부). AZ XVER VKTNZER (아즈 흐버 브크튼져) AZ XROC XPSTXER(아즈 흐록 흐프스트써). AZ XRTK WATHXER(아즈 흐르트브 바쓰서) AZ XZER GKTNZER(아즈 흐져 그크튼저). Hello. I'm THE SUPERMAN from RUSSIA/USA/GERMANY/CHINA/JAPAN/ UK/FRANCE/KOREACOREA ETC. My 2024 Psychedelic Trance Carol Part. 1. All producer/arrange and vocal by me. Russian, German, English, Korean vocal by me Next Part. 2 will released at 2024 november. More advance arrange and vocal and solo. more info: www.aznhjohyennro.com www.aznhjohyennrorecords.com www.aznoochyennro.com www.azndnohyennro.com www.azmhsvtkiyciv.com www.azxvervktnzer.com www.azxrocxpstxer.com www.azxrtkwathxer.com www.azxzergktnzer.com www.nhjomhjo.com www.nhjo.com www.mhjo.com blog.naver.com/nhjohyennro cafe.naver.com/elecsx8 cafe.navar.com/goapsyn FOR WORLDWIDE CONTACT AND BOOKING to email: aznhjohyennro@gmail.com nhjohyennro@naver.com ARTIST: The Superman ALBUM TITLE: Psychedelic Trance Carol 2024 Part. 1 GENRE: PSY/GOA CAROL TRANCE MUSIC PRODUCER/COMPOSER: The Superman WORLDWIDE RELEASE DATE: 20240311 ALBUM DESCRIBE: The Superman Project start at 2023/12/26 at Seoul, South Korea. Electronica PSY/GOA Carol Trance tracks. The Superman project can make All kind of musikc etc ROCK/HEAVY METAL/PROGRESSIVE ROCK, METAL/ELECTRONICA GOA/PSY FULL ON TRANCE and CLASSIC, POP, K-POP, J-POP , GERMAN POP, RUSSIAN POP, ELETRONICA, ETC Big Thanks. 1. The Superman - Lookout the window (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 2. The Superman - Lookout the window (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 3. The Superman - Rudolf Reindeer (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 4. The Superman - Rudolf Reindeer (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 5. The Superman - Jingle Bells (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 6. The Superman - Jingle Bells (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 7. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 8. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (German Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 9. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (Russian Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 10. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 11. The Superman - Silver Bells (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 12. The Superman - Silver Bells (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)의 2024년 PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE CAROL PART. 1 12곡의 신나고 빠른 보컬댄스캐롤의 진수를 즐겨보자 ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, GERMAN, KOREAN 4개의 언어로 불러봤다. 개인감상용, 나이트클럽용, 클럽용, 드라이브용등이다. 2024년 겨울에 발표될 PART. 2는 곡중간에 기타, 신디솔로애드립이 추가될예정입니다. ARTIST: The Superman ALBUM TITLE: Psychedelic Trance Carol 2024 Part. 1 GENRE: PSY/GOA CAROL TRANCE MUSIC PRODUCER/COMPOSER: The Superman WORLDWIDE RELEASE DATE: 20240420 ALBUM DESCRIBE: The The Superman Project start at 2002/12/26 at Seoul, South Korea. Electronica PSY/GOA Carol Trance tracks. The Superman project can make All kind of musikc etc ROCK/HEAVY METAL/PROGRESSIVE ROCK, METAL/ELECTRONICA GOA/PSY FULL ON TRANCE and CLASSIC, POP, K-POP, J-POP , GERMAN POP, RUSSIAN POP, ELETRONICA, ETC Big Thanks. 1. The Superman - Lookout the window (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 2. The Superman - Lookout the window (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 3. The Superman - Rudolf Reindeer (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 4. The Superman - Rudolf Reindeer (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 5. The Superman - Jingle Bells (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 6. The Superman - Jingle Bells (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 7. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 8. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (German Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 9. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (Russian Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)Superman 11. The Superman - Silver Bells (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 12. The Superman - Silver Bells (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)
  15. 하이. 접니다. AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)입니다. AZ NOOC HYENNRO(아즈 노크 현느로)입니다. AZ NDNO HYENNRO(아즈 노드노 현느로)입니다. AZ MHSV TKIYCIV(아즈 므흐스브 트크으이시부)입니다. AZ XVER VKTNZER(아즈 흐버 브크큰져)입니다. AZ XROC XPSTXER(아즈 흐록 흐프스터)입니다. AZ XRTK WATHXER(아즈 흐르트크 바쓰써)입니다. AZ XZER GKTNZER(아즈 흐져 그크튼져)입니다. THE SUPERMAN(더 슈퍼맨)입니다. GUGUNGJININ(구궁진인)입니다. HELLO. My new project THE SUPERMAN, GUGUNGJININ, AZ XROC XPSTXER, AZ XRTK WATHXER release. ARTIST: THE SUPERMAN TITLE: PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE CAROL 2024 PART. 1 GENRE/STYLE: GOA/PSYCHEDELIC VOCAL HARDCORE TRANCE TeKNo. SEQUENCING: CUBASE MIC: SENNHEISER 835S COMPUTER: INTEL 10900K 10 CORE, 20 THREAD, 3.7hgz. VOCAL BY: AZ NHJO HYENNRO. Hey people. I am currently recover from disease. I was very much study learn practice exercise guitar synthesizer piano recorder etc. I am now improve than old tracks. haha. I seek team and release to CD, and seek good big label. and I want LIVE/DJING worldwide. THANKS and please listen and enjoy musiks. and I decide my new 2024 carol album worldwide releases. and If you listen my new carol tracks and want WAV file, You send to me emali to nhjohyennro@naver.com and I will send this 2024 carol works wave 12 files send to you. haha. It's really. but Don't release my wav file to other artists names. Please listen my works and spread my 12 wave files. thanks. For me my works spread to worldwide, my reputation is more high. haha. Please joy my works and you can receive original 12 wave 16bit, 44khaz original my carol works. email to me: nhjohyennro@naver.com and I will send my original 12 carols wav files to you as freely. please listen and please spread all over the worlds thanks. and My site: www.aznhjohyennro.com and www.thesupermanr.com www.gugungjinin.com 여러분 반갑습니다. 간만입니다. 최신 작업곡들 릴리스 정보올립니다. 크크크크. 저 요즘최근 VIBE, FLO > VARIOUS DFSB > VARIOUS, THE SUPERMAN MUSICSPRAY > AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) DIGITAL RECORDS > AZ XROC XPSTXER(아즈 흐록 흐퍼스터써) CUOMUSIC > AZ XRTK WATHXER(아즈 흐르트브 바쓰써) SELLBUYMUSIC > SUPERMAN 루미넌트 > GUGUNGJININ (구궁진인) 로 앨범곡들 발표하고있습니다. 먼저 소개할 앨범은 가장 최근앨범인 THE SUPERMAN - PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE CAROL 2024 PART. 1 싸이키델릭 트랜스 캐롤 2024 파트.1 AZ NHJO HYENNRO - PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE CAROL 2024 PART. 1 싸이키델릭 트랜스 캐롤 2024 파트.1 입니다. 12곡의 신나는 빠른템포의의 신나는 보컬트랜스캐롤들입니다. 영어, 러시아어, 독일어, 한글 로 불러봤습니다. COMPUTER은 INTEL I10900K 10core 20thread 3.7ghz 5.3ghz과 SENNHEISER 835S로 작업했습니다. 1. iTunes / Apple Music 2. Spotify 3. Googleplay Music / Youtube Music / Youtube Art Tracks 4. Amazon Music 5. Pandora 6. Kkbox 7. Facebook 8. Deezer 9. iHeartRadio 10. AWA 11. Yandex 12. Saavn 13. KuGuo / Kuwo / QQ Music 14. NetEase Cloud Music 15. Xiami Music 16. Tidal 17. TikTok 18. Resso 19. Anghami 20. Boomplay 21. Boom/VKontakte 22. ROXI 와 같은 해외유명 음악스토어에 조만간 다올라갈예정입니다. - Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/album/싸이키델릭-트랜스-캐롤-2024-pt-1/1735910577 - Youtube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mVSgcCd--nSoBI9172RQ0CbUpU1mGYMlk - Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5c8bbZ36A1jkpBVOb2rXz1?si=ZCJ-SmKTSbKkPFVoIbkFQw - Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0CY53RLQP?ref=dm_sh_QNKbn3GXg7nPPLc6wL1VcJlkd - KKBOX: https://www.kkbox.com/my/en/album/L_zlLL7uYWLlScy0eb - Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/album/351171228 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRH2xugQtjQ&list=OLAK5uy_mVSgcCd--nSoBI9172RQ0CbUpU1mGYMlk&index=2 등에 4월달안으로 릴리스되고 국내 VIBE, MELON, FLO, BUGS에는 21세기 2024년 4월 중순까지는 올라갈예정입니다. 국내도 올라오면 링크올리겠습니다. 저의 목표가 BEATLES, METALLICA, HELLOWEEN, RAMMSTEIN, ACE OF BASE, 2 UNLIMITED, M.C. SAR & THE REAL MCCOY, VANGELIS, JEAN MICHEL JARRE, MAN WITH NO NAME, ASTRAL PROJETION, JORG KESTANDAD SERVERER능가이기떄문에 12곡 심혈을 만들어 편곡보컬해봤습니다. 크크크크. 감사합니다. 2024년 12월초 저의 사이트 www.aznhjohyennro.com 이 발표됩니다. 저의 모든 테크놀로지를 동원해서 사이트를 만들얘정이고 각종 수많은 정보가 포함될것같습니다. 많은 기대바랍니다. 저의 수많은 사진들과 학창시절받은 상장 성적표들도 스캔해서 올릴예정 크크크크. 한가지 자랑할꺼는 저가 중123떄 8학군학교인 개원중학교를 입학졸업했는데 저가 91년도 1학년때 저가 반에서 6등 저짝이 5등 친한친구가 3등했는데 저만 고졸이고 저짝 성균관대 3등한에 한양대학교 중문학과 같다는. 그리고 12월초 저의 PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE CAROL 2024 PART.2 에서는 더뛰어난구성과편곡보컬 선보이겠습니다.감사합니다. 각종 메이져기획사들 BMG, SONY, EMI, UNIVERSAL, WARNER, SM, JYP, YG등 연락환영합니다. 라이브공연및 파티부킹받습니다. 각종 여러가지 장르작곡자작사편곡문의도 환영합니다. AZ NHJO HYENNRO > 1억곡이상목표 THE SUPERMAN > 1억곡이상목표 AZ XROC XPSTXER > 1억곡이상목표 GUGUNGJININ > 1만곡이상목표 구궁진인은 www.google.com 에서 GUGUNGJININ 구궁진인치면나옵니다. 저의 사이트프로젝트중하니로서 일렉트로니카 테크노 트랜스 고아싸이트랜스 하드코어를 추구합니다. https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=11267683 https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=83929491 https://music.bugs.co.kr/album/20572148?wl_ref=list_ab_03 https://www.music-flo.com/detail/album/414737999/albumtrack https://vibe.naver.com/album/9756274 https://open.spotify.com/album/7oxjjeKeHFZxXDySYGJHx2 https://music.apple.com/US/album/1692469322?ls=1 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7YY8H9S https://play.anghami.com/album/1040334350 https://listen.tidal.com/album/299764496 https://www.kkbox.com/jp/en/album/KkcdhTXgLfA_PKIeg8 GUGUNGJININ 밴드명으로도 앞으로 수많이명곡들 올릴예정입니다. 참고로 구궁진인은 황비홍 2에 나오는 악역보스역인데 저가 좋아해서 밴드명으로 했습니다. ARTIST: The Superman ALBUM TITLE: Psychedelic Trance Carol 2024 Part. 1 GENRE: PSY/GOA CAROL TRANCE MUSIC PRODUCER/COMPOSER: The Superman WORLDWIDE RELEASE DATE: 20240311 ALBUM DESCRIBE: The Superman Project start at 2023/12/26 at Seoul, South Korea. Electronica PSY/GOA Carol Trance tracks. The Superman project can make All kind of musikc etc ROCK/HEAVY METAL/PROGRESSIVE ROCK, METAL/ELECTRONICA GOA/PSY FULL ON TRANCE and CLASSIC, POP, K-POP, J-POP , GERMAN POP, RUSSIAN POP, ELETRONICA, ETC Big Thanks. 1. The Superman - Lookout the window (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 2. The Superman - Lookout the window (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 3. The Superman - Rudolf Reindeer (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 4. The Superman - Rudolf Reindeer (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 5. The Superman - Jingle Bells (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 6. The Superman - Jingle Bells (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 7. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 8. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (German Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 9. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (Russian Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 10. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 11. The Superman - Silver Bells (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman 12. The Superman - Silver Bells (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by The Superman AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)의 2024년 PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE CAROL PART. 1 12곡의 신나고 빠른 보컬댄스캐롤의 진수를 즐겨보자 ENGLISH, RUSSIAN, GERMAN, KOREAN 4개의 언어로 불러봤다. 개인감상용, 나이트클럽용, 클럽용, 드라이브용등이다. 2024년 겨울에 발표될 PART. 2는 곡중간에 기타, 신디솔로애드립이 추가될예정입니다. ARTIST: AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) ALBUM TITLE: Psychedelic Trance Carol 2024 Part. 1 GENRE: PSY/GOA CAROL TRANCE MUSIC PRODUCER/COMPOSER: AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) WORLDWIDE RELEASE DATE: 20240420 ALBUM DESCRIBE: The The Superman Project start at 2002/12/26 at Seoul, South Korea. Electronica PSY/GOA Carol Trance tracks. The Superman project can make All kind of musikc etc ROCK/HEAVY METAL/PROGRESSIVE ROCK, METAL/ELECTRONICA GOA/PSY FULL ON TRANCE and CLASSIC, POP, K-POP, J-POP , GERMAN POP, RUSSIAN POP, ELETRONICA, ETC Big Thanks. 1. The Superman - Lookout the window (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 2. The Superman - Lookout the window (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 3. The Superman - Rudolf Reindeer (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 4. The Superman - Rudolf Reindeer (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 5. The Superman - Jingle Bells (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 6. The Superman - Jingle Bells (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 7. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 8. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (German Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 9. The Superman - Silent Night, Holy Night (Russian Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로)Superman 11. The Superman - Silver Bells (English Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) 12. The Superman - Silver Bells (Korean Ver.) Remake and Arrange and Vocal by AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) www.aznhjohyennro.com <2024년 12월 오픈예정 www.thesupermanr.com <2025년 6월 오픈예정 https://search.naver.com/search.naver?where=nexearch&sm=tab_etc&mra=bjky&pkid=1&os=210150&qvt=0&query=조현오 blog.naver.com/nhjohyennro cafe.naver.com/aznhjohyennro cafe.naver.com/goapsyn cafe.naver.com/thesupermanr cafe.naver.com/elecsx8 cafe.naver.com/vfxprojectx cafe.naver.com/gugungjinin www.soundcloud.com/aznhjohyennroofficial www.facebook.com/aznhjohyennro HEANPHONE: 082 010 2278 9334 EMALI: nhjohyennro@naver.com aznhjohyennro@gmail.com WORLDWIDE LIVE/DJING BOOKING WELCOME PLEASE LISTEN MY MUSIKS AND CONTACT TO ME VIA EMAIL. AND I WANT TO ENTER WORLDWIDE BIG LABEL AND WANT RELEASE CDS AND RELEASE. 저의 곡들을 많이 퍼트리기위해서 저의 원본 WAV파일을 공개합니다. 저의 이번 PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE CAROL PART. 1 12곡 WAV파일을 원하시면 EMAIL: nhjohyennro@naver.com 로 메일주시면 WAV 16BIT, 44khz 파일 12개 무료로 보내드리겠습니다. 많이 들어주시고 받아주시고 많이 퍼트려주시고 방송타게해주시면 감사. 나이트클럽, 클럽, 라이브, 파티용, 개인감상용등입니다. 감사합니다. 2024년 12월에 저의 사이트 www.aznhjohyennro.com이 완공되며 2024년 12월초 저의 PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE CAROL 2024 PART. 2가 공개됩니다. 더진화된편곡보컬애드립등. 기대해주세요. 곡많이 들어주시고 SONY, EMI, WARNER, UNIVERSAL, SM, JYP, YG등과 같은 대형기획사 연락도환영하고 WORLDWIDE LIVE/DJ BOOKING도 환영합니다. 연락주세요. 감사합니다.
  16. HELLO. I"m AZ NHJO HYENNRO from South Korea. high. That's me. This is AZ NHJO HYENNRO. It’s been a while, everyone. On July 21, 2023, I suddenly collapsed while walking down the street, was rushed to 119, and spent two months in the intensive care unit at Asan Hospital and a week in the psychiatric department. I am writing and uploading a song for the first time in a while. HELLO. I'm AZ NHJO HYENNRO. MY 2023 NEW TRACK! ARTIST: AZ NHJO HYENNRO. BPM: 130.4 SEQUENCER: CUBASE 5 GENRE: PSY ANY WORLDWIDE BOOKING CONTACT to nhjohyennro@naver.com please listen and reply. this is 0.9 version. I will more long make
  17. Hi. My New Mukbang Papajohns allmeat pizza plus goonbe chicken. Please view and subscribe and like thanks.
  18. HELLO. I'm AZ NHJO HYENNRO from RUSSIA/SOUTH KOREA. MY NEW 580 CLASSIC TRANCE TRACK RELEASED. ARTIST: AZ NHJO HYENNRO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtzvd3m-05UOWEltsovPRZQ/playlists https://music.amazon.com/artists/B01F1HMC48/az-nhjo-hyennro GENRE/STYLE: CLASSICAL TRANCE. USED: Cubase 5, ElectraX, Gladator, Kontakt, Groove agent 1, Hive etc. THANKS. Worldwide booking welcome nhjohyennro@naver.com Gesetz 1 Handwerk 1 Herold 1 Herr 1 Held 1 Kind 1 Knecht 1 Karte 1 Haufen 1 Kasse 1 Kommissar 1 Kosten 1 Konterbande 1 Kunde 1 Gewerbe 1 Gesang 1 Gewinn 1 Gewinnler 1 Geselle 1 Gerat 1 Gebiet 1 Gepack 1 Gesellschaft 1 Gericht 1 Geleit 1 Kundig 1 Geschick 1 Gebrauch 1 Gliederung 1 Gluck 1 Gefangene 1 Gerichtsrat 1 Gemeinschaft 1 Gerucht 1 Geschichte 1
  19. HELLO. I'M AZ NHJO HYENNRO FROM RUSSIA/SOUTH KOREA. I contract goapsy label SPEEDSONUD from Brazil. and I will lot works will release and dj/live worldwide. Thanks
  20. Hello. I'm AZ NHJO HYENNRO from RUSSIA/SOUTH KOREA. I want to contract any goapsy label. please notice to me goapsy label demo email address you know thanks
  21. HALLO. I'm AZ NHJO HYENRO from RUSSIA SOUTH KOREA. MY new project PSYBTM's new albums released. GENRE: Goa Psy trance USED: Cubase 5, Kontakt, Hive, Vanguard, Gladator, Groove agent ARTIST: PSYBTS BTS mean Bangtan Soyeun Dan korea idol group world famous. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=psybts+rainbow Soon world famous shop release will be include amazon, spotify etc Thanks.
  22. HALLO. I'm AZ NHJO HYENNRO from South Korea. My new album release. ARTIST: JORG TITLE: DANCE VOOV 1 Track: 7 track Genre: GOA/PSY DANCE RAVE TRANCE. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jorg+dance+voov BPM: 140 USED: Cubase 5, Kontakt, Hive, Gladator, FM8, Groove agent MY new project "JORG"'s new album released. Listen and comment please thany you!
  23. HELLO. AZ NOOC HYENNRO(아즈 노크 현느로) AZ NDNO HYENNRO(아즈 노드노 현느로) AZ NHJO HYENNRO(아즈 노흐즈오 현느로) AZ MHSV TKIYCIV(아즈 므흐스브 트크으이시부) AZ XVER VKTNZER(아즈 흐버 브크튼저)입니다. MY Birthday is coming soon. 2022 0716 please gift and money to me hehe. aznhjohyennro@gmail.com PAYPAL Songpa gu Songpa 2 Dong Hanyang APT 25-607, Seoul, South Korea (AZ NHJO HYENNRO) Thanks If you send money to me I will buy more equipements and more nice track making will be.
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