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Everything posted by Neurosect

  1. gangam style- because some people are retarded
  2. i dont think they are horror maybe thrillers but: the others insidious the conjuring these are good movies ... horror :the only one who i really enjoy watching fritt vitt
  3. i cant even want to understand this track ) for me a big impact was mfg back then... and then booom ..i found PLEIADIANS... i was like " dude this music is so weird and fukin mind bending " still nobody beat these guys in my oppinion..
  4. this track (kindzadza) its like a slice of bread with : chicken, fish ,mayonnaise ,fruits, vegetables and other craps
  5. i remember that those days i wanted to find out more about "goa trance" but only software i knew was Napster a friend had one of the first internet cafee in town the only problem was that i couldn't copy them..so i ask him to help me split some mp3's into files for diskettes ,...damn..memories
  6. mine were Total Eclipse - crucible ..with video Transwave -land of freedom.. and ofc..people can fly by AP
  7. omg..haha..my ears are hurting
  8. im not ashame with this ..genius from my country ( see Enigma ) ..i love this track..but taking into acc that im a goa freak since so many years i might hide this as my preferences
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y2bAAu1mK4
  10. and Captain Planet hehe
  12. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/154763_10151160495380785_314145549_n.jpg
  13. ONE of the first persons that helped me..all the best to you bro ..
  14. interesting track...something bettewen acid house ..acid trance ..psy etc ..listen to hux flux cryptic crunch also tiwsteddd
  15. i dont know..i kinda like nitzo.. the first party i went...i remember..they all played some funky psytrance ...and then in the middle of the night i heard a kick so powerful that the trees were bending .. i woke up from my tend and go in front of stage...this music was different.. a dj from Greece was invited in my country to play..that was a special feeling listening those melodies.. so..thank you Alebrican.. well..yes i still dig this genre ...
  16. very good indeed
  17. im bored..good luck
  19. well..as usual...all hate it ..but darkpsy stages are always full lol
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