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Everything posted by PsycheDanic

  1. Phutureprimitive - 'Sub Conscious' is probz my favourite psydub release. This track in particular always makes me smile.
  2. One of the best psytrance albums I have ever heard. I thought 'Ukalen' was the only *perfect* psy album for me out there, but this one is definitely joint with it. I love the way each track segues into the next. The album is like one long track, essentially. A proper story!
  3. One of the greatest psytrance albums ever. They haven't released anything in a while. I wasn't so bowled over by 'Back to (Para)normal'. I believe there's gonna be newer stuff out sometime soonish. This is one of my favourites by them. The bit between 5:10 and 6:29 fucking rocks. Sums up forest trance to me. Huge creaking trees. <3
  4. Thanks, dude! ))
  5. Do any of you have a track ID for the one in this video? :- o Mind = blown.
  6. :- o I truly missed out.
  7. So, it looks like Mubali has done a pretty in-depth tutorial video. It looks very good. http://www.pyramind.com/training/2014/05/05/elite-session-with-mubali-video-recap/
  8. 'Albert's Journey' is a fucking masterpiece, as is 'Gnomadelic'. <3
  9. Electrypnose - '5h Countdown'. Often written as '5th Countdown', including the remixes, though its actual name is '5h Countdown', the 'h' standing for 'hour'. Vince gave himself 5 hours to write this track, and it's an epic one at that.
  10. I was at that same party. Was in a state of absolute joy when he dropped this beauty. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5hAy4xnw9Y
  11. The two sets Electrypnose played on the PsyMusic radio a few years ago are top quality. Will try and find links later.
  12. When forest meets Goa. Warning: This track is fucking epic.
  13. Agneton's track on this VA is fucking sublime! By far my favourite track by him. Those kick changes, not to mention that *massive* crescendo at the end... Huge tune! <3
  14. Updating my iPhone with hundreds of new tunes. Basically, I hadn't updated it since late 2011 (!) due to all of the music on my iPhone being on my defunct external hard drive. I was always a bit wary of using these iPod to PC programs, but today I decided to bite the dust and give it a go. And it's worked! Am over the fucking moon... Gonna go for a long bike ride tomorrow to break my earphone virginity with many, many tracks I have only been able to listen to on my PC until now. YAY!
  15. Good thread! One track I have always found to be severely underrated is Grapes of Wrath - 'Goa Helvede Til'! Nobody ever seems to mention this track when talking about Grapes of Wrath. Anyway, give it a listen. It's hard to believe that it was released in 2005 - the production is miles better than a lot of trance released today! http://beatspace-parvati.bandcamp.com/track/grapes-of-wrath-goa-helvede-til
  16. Understandable!
  17. Ah, nice one! Biijah FTW! Hope you think our track is OK.
  18. Yggdrasil (cannot fuckin' wait for 'Yggdrasounds III' and Hutti Heita's album to finally get released) Real Vision Music Sanaton Sonic Chakras Deviant Force Kamino
  19. Ah, bugger. I did indeed... Wondered why there was a lack of introduction threads! Heheheh. Aye, I noticed the supreme love of Goa on this forum. Pretty mad! I do indeed like Goa muchly, especially new school stuff.
  20. 'ey up, peeps. I thought I'd say hello as this forum has taken my fancy. I usually post over on PsyMusic.co.uk and make the occasional post on IsraTrance, but I must say I do like the look of this forum. Been lurking over the past few weeks and I really like the General Psytrance section. Lots of interesting discussion regarding the music and scene on that page. IsraTrance can be a bit of a slagging match sometimes, which is why I rarely post on there, and my beloved PsyMusic - while great - doesn't have a sub-forum that has emphasis on actual psytrance discussion. Anyway, I'm Dan. I'm a total forest psy freak, though I do think there are gems to be found in pretty much every sub-style of psytrance. I like it all, really, but I do tend to listen more to nighttime music than anything else. I'm also in a couple of psytrance projects. Jötunn (forest project with Mark Day), Nocturnal Reprobates (hi-tech project with Apollyon) and my own project, Kodama. Hopefully my interest will stay piqued and I will continue to post more on here. Over an' out.
  21. Psytrance Sator Arepo (!!!) Paranoiac (heard him for the first time about 15 minutes ago and am blown away!) Attoya Alien Mental Grapes of Wrath (they played at a festival in Israel last year, so I have hopes ) Hokus Pokus (oh, please reform!!!) Baba Yaga Drone Bixie Drury Nevil Savage Scream Kuro Fusion (sadly only has 3 released tracks and AFAIK has never played live) Parasect (only a month and a half to go!) Nxum Paganopath *Any* of the Yggdrasil Records artists (though I have already seen Hutti Heita/Loke live and heard Frode perform DJ sets) Abyss Ooze Oneiromanix/Skydda Skogen Taigan Sunset/Troglotaigan Umma Gumma (though they only have two tracks released... I can only hope) Gorm eniChkin Insector Venom Sense Furious Paralocks Highko Kashyyyk Glosolalia Ellis Thomas Sensient Mindsphere Khetzal Artifact303 Astral Projection (retro set only) Ovnimoon Via Axis Psychill Koan (on a tropical beach with acid and cocktails! ) Molokow Phutureprimitive ('Sub Conscious' era set only ) Psychosonic (German chill project - not sure if he is still making music but the album 'Jupiter Tales' is phenomenally underrated) Shpongle (DJ set - have seen them live twice but am more interested in a DJ set, so I can hear the tracks in their original format) Nordlight Resonant Dawn The Wave Farmers
  22. Not in order of preference. Alcohol for when I want to socialise in general. Speed for when I want to socialise at psytrance parties and also for when I want to produce music. (This only tends to happen after parties...) LSD for when I want to hear special psytrance artists at parties. (These days I tend to only go to parties where artists I really want to hear are playing, so I do end up tripping once every month or two.) Cannabis for when I want to produce music (and also smoke in conjunction with alcohol when socialising).
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