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Everything posted by PsycheDanic

  1. Agnostic, leaning very heavily towards atheist. Anti-theist on top of that.
  2. Fair! I wonder who that could have been. *Tries to think of other Dans who live in London into dark* (.) (.)
  3. Also related: Damn good song.
  4. I dunno, man. The band shirt I got given by Matt has the word 'Kike' written on it (and I haven't ever worn it for this very reason, though I doubt I will ever sell it), not to mention all the sieg heiling that was going on at the gig (as well as the band and crowd singing little racist skits in between songs) and Richie being openly racist to black people on the streets of London. I'd definitely call them a racist band. Or at least they were a racist band - I can't exactly comment on them nowadays. Having said that, Matt was a very nice guy, evidently. Do you know how Richie actually died? I heard he was mugged and killed, though there's nothing written on the internet about it.
  5. This is going to be difficult to compile, hahah. Will have to have a long, hard think about this! I definitely prefer 'Wooden Beats'. Blinding album!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Ft24GBO2k Mmmm. Very dark!
  7. Just checked your Last.fm and noticed that you are a fan of Horna. Brilliant band!
  8. Niklas seems like a very strange dude, haha. Cannot tell whether he is being hyperbolic when reading interviews with him. I never really got into that orthodox black metal sound, though I do like some older Deathspell Omega. I like pretty much every other style of black metal, though, from the traditional stuff to black thrash (mmm, black thrash). I think the French LLN stuff is fucking dull, though. Nice to 'meet' somebody else on a psytrance forum who has been active within the black metal scene, though. While we're on the subject of black metal and psytrance, Fenriz said in an interview once that Nocturno Culto is a fan of black metal. Also, are you aware of Kaiaphas? He was once in Grand Belial's Key (politics aside, another band I really dig) and Ancient and is now behind the dark progressive act Minimal Criminal.
  9. Oops. I forgot to include the Sator Arepo link in my previous post, so I have edited it. Hey there! Nah, I got into psytrance in 2007 and the only festival I attended was a tiny one here in England called Offworld. How come you ask?
  10. Oh, and to answer the question, when there's dark (preferably forest), that's when I emerge. Freqs of Nature (both last year and this year) was a haven due to the forest floor continuously blasting out amazing forest, dark and hi-tech. <3
  11. Regarding psytrance and (black) metal being compared to one another, I think this is perfectly valid. In my opinion, similarities regarding the actual music, the atmospherics conveyed in the music and the aesthetics. One of the drawing factors for me getting into psytrance was the 16th note kick and bass - there is a definite similarity to be found in the psytrance k&b and the double pedal kick drum in metal, as well as quite a few general rhythmic similarities. I also find similarities in the atmospheres of forest trance and a lot of black metal - the emphasis on similar aesthetics such as forests and trolls really helps, as well as the main geographical features of both styles (Scandinavia). I can hear this in the music, though, and others have agreed with me in the past. This is a difficult one. Sure, the kick isn't fat distorted like it is in speedcore, but I do believe that psytrance can be hard music - just in a different way to how hard is usually defined in electronic music (fat, distorted kick drum). For example, I find this track by Sator Arepo to be very hard. I think the word 'intense' is a better adjective to describe more extreme styles of psytrance. The music can be very overwhelming due to all of the layers combined with the heavy low end prominent in dark psy. I don't experience this overwhelming feeling with any other style of music, to be honest. It encompasses my whole body and mind. Very hard to describe, but I certainly don't experience this with any other form of electronic music.
  12. Also, the amount of psytrance fans into (extreme) metal is uncanny. So many of us out there!
  13. Ah, metal. I was majorly into it from 2000 - 2007 until I got cursed with the psytrance bug. I still listen to a lot of it, though not a hell of a lot of newer stuff, I have to admit. I like most styles of metal, though my favourite is no doubt depressive black metal. Anybody a fan? I haven't seen any bands mentioned in this thread, so here is a list of my favourite stuff: Alcest Amesoeurs Apati Beatrik Forgotten Tomb Lyrinx (my own band - I perform vocals... ) Mortifera Lifelover Nachtmystium Silencer I included Alcest as I think they are still relevant to the depressive black metal genre, even though their sound is radically different and is more of a shoegaze/metal crossover. Alcest are no doubt my favourite metal band. Oh and I'm surprised to see that Saturnus haven't been mentioned by any of the doom metal lovers. Brilliant band. This is my favourite Saturnus song:
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