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Everything posted by desysko

  1. Oh man I just love astropilot. His ambient stuff is good along with his progressive stuff. Never get sick of it.
  2. Well I'm glad that I'm a bit less cynical. I can do it all the time especially with the stuff from the 90s. Airwave's early stuff were pretty good.
  3. desysko

    I like...

    and you cannot lie! (oh no that song is coming back to my head) I don't know why, but that is one of the best feelings in the world. I like... driving during the day or night, it being warm outside so that I could wear shorts and t-shirt, have my windows open, and blast some music whether it's trance, goa, 90's house, tech, or whatever! Joy riding is a pleasure that I can't get enough, especially since I'm stuck inside a lot of the time.
  4. desysko

    I like...

    Psh, maybe you are an old lady? haha, I like kefir plain but I don't mind adding raspberries sometimes. Ormion knows what he is talking about. I love ice cream so much. I can eat it all day and not get sick of it (and not gain any weight from it either). Chinese and Japanese food is good. I really like some of their curry and udon meals.
  5. desysko

    I like...

    I've made some curd with kefir before, it was good. I've been wanting to make some cheese with my kefir for a while now, but been busy and keep forgetting.
  6. desysko

    I like...

    ...kefir. It's a strange milk product that is produced from bacteria that you put in milk. It is quite healthy, but it does have a bit of a sour taste. I don't think most people like it or even know what it is, since it mainly comes from the Caucasus region (or at least the real stuff).
  7. Sounds quite nice, and another awesome job with the artwork. I really like the use of the red/orange and blue. I could stare at it all day.
  8. https://soundcloud.com/neogoa/arronax-dreams-of-planet-earth Great track uploaded by our favorites NeoGoa.
  9. I did a rough google translate of the page. Not a bad article. It got all the basic points of Goa and I think it gave it a brief but informative introduction. Are you planning to publish more articles on Goa and/or other electronic genres, or is this it?
  10. Seems nice. Also, you got some nice gear, sure looks pretty.
  11. https://soundcloud.com/juno-reactor1/conquistador-parts-1-2
  12. desysko


    If you were truly sorry, you would buy all of us something, something like ice cream! Then mail it to all of us.
  13. I've had astropilot stuff for a while now but never really listened to it because I wasn't in the mood. Finally got around to it, and this is quite a nice album.
  14. Ya it is. I really enjoy all of his albums before Kaleidescope. I also really like his compilations that he did, like the ISOS series. Number 5-6 is probably one of my favorites since it has a really nice summer vibe which I really need at the moment.
  15. Quite a nice album. Not really what I expected it to be (which is a good thing).
  16. I can understand your frustration now that I read it. I guess you are right that they could have released it under one of the other former names or a new one, since it isn't truly with all the people who were originally behind it. What does bother me is that Claudio is still active though, at least as a remixer. So he definitely possibly could have been doing stuff with Union Jack's new stuff (unless he has recently since they have released some new tracks since their latest album). But in the end, while it does matter to some degree for me about the members of the groups, I also care about the sounds and music they produce, which I think has been good.
  17. Being a Ukrainian, I found these to be very funny:
  18. I have no idea how I forgot about it, but Earthbound and Mother 3 (sequel to Earthbound) is definitely one of my favorite Nintendo games of all time. I love all the weirdness of Earthbound and the story and game play of Mother 3.
  19. Ooh, haven't listened to that in some time. A nice simple track.
  20. Ya, just like that haha. What a great way to explain it.
  21. Pscyhonaut, what a great game that was. But man that last level was hell, all that platforming. I have to say that my favorite Final Fantasy was 6 (I think that is right, I know that the numbering is different for the japanese compared to the american releases).
  22. Wow, what a track coming from JOOF. I should check out this ep.
  23. Currently on a Watchmen craving, pretty good comics and movie. I'm suppose to be thinking more about my future though. Gotta think what I should do with my life since I don't want to waste it in the dump.
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