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Everything posted by desysko

  1. Why does everyone keep saying it was such a terrible year? I thought it was a great one.
  2. So most x0xb0x come with the standard Sokkos 1.9 firmware, which is the brain behind the sequences and stuff like that on the x0xb0x. The problem is that some folks want some features and etc but the amount of memory available for any firmware is extremely tiny. Because of this, there are some limitations. But some folks have modified the Sokkos firmware to add there own features (while at the same time having to sacrifice some other features). The one I stuck with is the MarOS 1.4.1. The great thing about this firmware is the ability to control the sequences much easier on a DAW. I can do it by two ways. The first way is by creating a sequence from notes c1-c2 (i think, I can't remember at the moment) which affect the x0xb0x by switching the pattern. On the x0x, you do this by selecting 1-8 tabs but with this firmware, you can do it by selecting those notes which correspond with the pattern (so like c1 = 1st pattern tab, etc). The other way of control is by transposing. While on Sokkos 2.0 it was added, it was more confusing for me to do so. With MarOS, you just have to select notes c2-c5 to transpose the patterns (the downside is that transposing to c2 or c#2 doesn't seem to work with me but I think that's because of some other features that were also added with MarOS, which I will have to check out if I can disable it or something since I really love those low bassy acid lines). The one thing which I will need to do more research and testing with is whether I can switch patterns and transpose them at the same time through the DAW. Like I mentioned in earlier posts, another features is the ability to control the gate of the notes. Normally, the patterns of the x0xb0x are at 1/16ths but the gates are at 8. With this firmware, you can now control it so you can from 1 to 16 for the gate length. On 16, you can get much smoother notes which is nice and on 1, you get real quick notes. You can also change patterns to triplets, and a bunch of other stuff that I haven't tested out yet. Another cool feature is the randomizer. This is something only the MarOS has, while patterns are playing, you can randomize certain things (the chances/randomizer goes from 0% [so nothing happens[ to I believe 100% [which means it will for sure affect everything]). For example, you can set it so that there can be an increased chance of a note being accented that usually isnt, increase the chance of a slide happening, and etc. You can also select which part of the pattern you want to be affected by this random event thing. It makes more sense when you play around with it. Maybe I should post a video on it. On of the best features though is the randomizer for the patten. The guy behind MarOS did an awesome job with it. The randomizer gives some really nice patterns and not only that but the amount of randomizing and editing you can do with them is awesome. There are some downsides, like the midi track options are gone since the guy had to get rid of some options in order to add the new features. If I took some time and figured out how the code worked (along with learning to code in the first place, haha) then I could possibly get rid of some of the features and work on some new ones since I don't care for some of the options like the ability to send a swing signal on midi and stuff like that. But regardless, I should have gotten this firmware a long time ago. Here's a bunch of links of the firmwares and stuff related to them: https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3975&sid=b22192423d452940d26e29bcafde34b8 https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=66349&sid=b22192423d452940d26e29bcafde34b8 https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=43270&sid=b22192423d452940d26e29bcafde34b8 https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=27432 https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33914 https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=35107
  3. Yep, no problem. I also am currently hard on a new track, but doing differently than what I usually do. I usually record everything live but I decided to it differently for this track. I have to say, it is much tougher since I am not used to it. But on the plus side, I downloaded a new firmware for the x0xb0x, all I have to say that I am loving the device SO MUCH more now. So much easier to integrate it with Ableton plus I now can control the gate amount on the x0x without messing with that on the DAW, along with a bunch of other cool features.
  4. Ah the percussions..well with this track I put it together roughly in 2 hours since that's how long the guest was at my house. I put a lot more attention with the percussions than usual. I use the Korg EMX for sequencing the percussions since it is very easy to use. All the percussion sounds come from the EMX too. The thing with the EMX is that the percussion are all sampled so there are some limitations with how much I can mess around with the sounds, but it's not that big of a deal. In short, they are all sampled and sequenced on the EMX along with effects that are included on the EMX, which some of them aren't the most best like the reverb because once you get too much sounds or too high of a pitch, it creates some glitches/error which can be interesting at times but sometimes it gets in the way.
  5. Oh main, Electric Universe's Rain is such a beautiful track. I regret not listening to that compilation sooner.
  6. How could I forget to post that. Definitely one of the best albums of recent times.
  7. Oh yea, pretty much check out anything from Ovnimoon records, they tend to have good stuff (especially Ovnimoon's latest album(s)).
  8. So I'm assuming you aren't referring to Goa but more of the other variants of Psy-trance, right? The only major subgenres that I can think of that really don't have melodies are darkpsy (no offense to folks of that scene but I just can't get into it at all, and there probably is melodic stuff but whatever) and the "progressive psy" that is actually minimal music that has some sounds from the psy scene. Regarding your comment on the cheese part, from what I've seen/read it is usually with Full-on (which folks still debate whether if it should be called psy or not, who cares about that now). Here's some stuff I found quickly on Ektoplazm that you may enjoy: http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/astropilot-emptiness- One of my favorite releases ever http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/pettra-middle-eastern http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/interconnekted-cyclic-journeys http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/reaction http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/jikkenteki-flights-of-infinity But as you will notice, they all have a common theme: they are tagged as either Goa, Full-on, Morning or Progressive. Like I mentioned, I don't really listen to the other subgenres that much no matter how much I tried to; so I hope that other folks will contribute with some other stuff. I would say that Psy-music isn't for everyone, not that not everyone can listen to it but simply that some folks are more interested in other aspects of music that others. It took me some time to actually "listen (that is to not hear just kicks and sounds but subtle stuff)" and enjoy psytrance. Also I just have to ask since you happen to choose that name, are you by any chance connected with the Rank 1 group? I recognized that since I listened to a lot of older Rank 1 tracks.
  9. Yea acid is just something that always caught my attention even though when I was younger, I never knew what it was exactly. I was always excited to hear a track with something acid like.I eventually learned what made those acid sounds eventually. But here's a new sketch: https://soundcloud.com/deskoch/some-ambient-of-a16-live-recording Just some random noodling that I did live that I was going to show to my Dad's friend who is a musician but I forgot to send him the file.
  10. https://soundcloud.com/deskoch/dark-acid-goa I may not have finalized my tracks in a while, but I sure have fun with my new overdrive pedal. I have literally been spending the past 3 days just playing with the tone/drive knobs and different configurations of the x0xb0x. SO MUCH FUN. This is why you don't get hardware synths, you become lazy when it comes to music productions and just fool around, hahah. I can literally just listen to this for hours, fiddling just a little at a time.
  11. Man, I'm in love with Lieb all over again. I know he has had some awesome work from Spicelab and L.S.G. for example, but this track (along with the rest of the album) is just awesome. I just it so much. Especially the 3:42 mark when that ghastly choir sound is added, just awesome. Need to find more tracks with that sound, can never get sick of it.
  12. He should have announced it here! But thanks for sharing, I enjoy his take of Goa/Psy music.
  13. For sure under $1000, I've read it's possibly will be around $800. But considering that is cheaper than the original 303's and has more options than them all, I would say it's quite worth it.
  14. Yea all that is awesome for me. Plus the sequencer and the extra things you can do with it seem very awesome since the standard tb303/clones don't have them. Overall, I'm excited for it to be released but probably wont buy it till later this year. Gotta save up some money for taxes and such plus for other gear like a mixer (which means I'll finally be able to record all of my stuff instead of having to multi-track and record each thing seperately). http://www.soundcraft.com/products/signature-12-mtk These new ones coming soon seem pretty interesting since you can record all channels through the usb which is awesome since that would be way more inputs than my current audio interface. But like any new product, gotta give it some time for reviews to pop up and give their verdict on how good of a job it does.
  15. Not much of an update. Still working on the track. Been busy with life and the new semester has been quite the annoyance. BUT ONE THING I WANT SO MUCH IS THIS: http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2015/02/13/abstrakt-overview-avalon-bassline-design-goals/ I would love to have another 303 clone that has more abilities and controls (especially more than my current x0xb0x). Hey Proxeeus, you need to check this one out. It's a very nice looking machine. ACID ACID ACID
  16. Just finished what is probably one of my (now) favorite books, The Brothers Karamazov. Being Slavic and knowing a good amount of history, i recognized a lot of stuff and I just love the whole book. Just wow.
  17. https://soundcloud.com/mfgpassenger/pure-enrgy-mfg-passenger-remix
  18. desysko


    Man, I've been seeing them ever since I've been a kid. Always wondered what the hell they were till I read about them in high school.
  19. https://soundcloud.com/deskoch/future-beats-of-acid-intro-working Been working more with the track, have something that is sort of an intro, not sure yet. But 5 minutes sure can be an overkill for an intro, hahah.
  20. Hey, guys not sure if anyone of you have seen this yet but apparently Nervasystem has gotten something new on discogs from the Voodoo Voltage label. Not only that but it's Voodoo Voltage first release! Tracklist: 1. Diagonal Voltage 2. From The Future Anyone else excited/have more news?
  21. Hmm, not sure if I would call it hard trance though. From what I know of Hard trance, it is more like what Cosmic Gate released. I just mentioned the possibility of an emulation since I know that there are many methods of getting a similar sound. It probably was an actual 303, since there were no x0xb0x at the times.
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