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Everything posted by desysko

  1. Wow, that is great. Now I don't have to open another tab for that stuff. Awesome job.
  2. Well I'm quite glad that the album is going to be released. I really enjoyed the first album and can't wait to hear what you have brought out in this album.
  3. By the way, is it possible to to purchase the album still right now?
  4. I would disagree with you here, Balance-Music. Modular is something that requires lots of attention and money. Plus it is easy to get lost in modular stuff. Sometimes, simple is better. Then again, it depends on the person, situation, and etc. But I wouldn't mind some modular craziness.
  5. Not exactly related, but gosh dang it does my blood boil when I hear any patriotic/nationalistic stuff. It's completely stupid and used by higher powers like governments who then abused those abused. War and killing is such bull..... Argh, it pisses me off when folks who claim to be peaceful or believe in stuff related to peace and love yet still support wars (like in Ukraine and Russia, having relatives from both sides can be a pain because of this crap).
  6. New video from Aharon....doesn't sound bad.
  7. https://soundcloud.com/deskoch/unknown-future
  8. Another thing to consider is that a lot of resources are out there already that give tips and guides to psy/goa. But still, it's good to be nice to new folks.,
  9. Just voted at /r/trance top trance tracks. Lots of good tracks from this year.
  10. Man, one thing I dislike is when nothing comes to your head in regards to music making. Spent several hours on something that had interesting ideas but in the end, I simply disliked it.
  11. Wow, such great news. and Happy Birthday to one of best music labels!
  12. But he's from Korea...or Russia...well he does put etc in his locations too...maybe NHJO is the manifestation of Gaia?
  13. Almost looks realistic like a photo but through a filter.
  14. Yea I saw that synth a while ago. Looks really nice but like usual, don't have the $ for it haha.
  15. I don't think he was accusing you of anything, it's just that he was curious as to the contracts and stuff like because of your past.
  16. What's different about the Japanese version?
  17. Oh that is fine, I'm not the biggest fan of Full on these days and the machine-gun bassline has been overused now. But nice to see an open minded label.
  18. When I first started out with music during High school, I'll admit I had thoughts about making it big but as I've grown older and more involved with music, I've realized how unlikely one is to become famous (well in some genres). In the trance scene especially, it is easy to get lost in the ocean of thousands of new tracks. But one good thing about Goa and Psy is that it is a bit smaller, so it can be somewhat easier to be more known especially with Goa music. But then again, I don't really have any official releases so I can't say for sure but from my experience, the community of the Goa scene is an active one that searches for good new stuff.
  19. Only because some folks were mentioned doesn't mean we are not considering other folks. @Panoptes I didn't mean to imply that is what you said, I simply meant what other folks have written in the past. But I agree with what you wrote,
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