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Everything posted by rainbow_326

  1. Hi, anyone having this album of Asia 2001 and would like to trade? https://www.discogs.com/Martin-Cooper-Goa-2001/release/257449 Offer up to 250usd can also be arranged, you can send me a message Regards
  2. any cds left here?
  3. Hey, I have also sent a message but got no reply yet, psyberian could you please check your messages ?
  4. yeah, it's me Joske! thank you I'll keep looking
  5. Hello to everyone at psynews and happy new year to all of us ! I am looking for the following releases Brainforest ‎- Mr. Trance (Roy Sason's first release) http://www.discogs.com/Brainforest-Mr-Trance/release/572420 And the first release of Etay Avraham (Etaie Avrame ‎ Golden Fingers) http://www.discogs.com/Etaie-Avrame-Golden-Fingers/release/630108 Any information is appreciated ! I am willing to trade or buy any of them !
  6. I was told by a friend from Russia that it is a bootleg and produced by mp3 files so the quality is not the best, not many people have it but I would like to find it.
  7. I am willing to offer 400-500 euros, no one has this cd?
  8. Hi, I am also looking to buy (or trade) the cd of the title Dj Spy ‎– Goa Mix Volume 4 (Area 51) [2001] http://www.discogs.com/DJ-Spy-Goa-Mix-Volume-4/release/2167223 if anyone is interested please reply here or send me a pm
  9. That's me http://www.discogs.com/user/rainbow326
  10. Hi, I am looking to trade or buy the cd of the title Dj Spy ‎– Goa Mix Volume 5 (Area 51) [2001] http://www.discogs.com/DJ-Spy-Goa-Mix-Volume-5/release/2149696
  11. I just listened to the tracks and I would like to buy the album! Is there anyone having it that want to give it away? Here is the discogs link http://www.discogs.com/Filipe-Santos-Nitz-Ho-Goa/release/1910817
  12. hi technosomy, I have sent you a pm at discogs !
  13. I am willing to pay a fair amount of money for Janana 3 !! http://www.discogs.com/Various-Janana-3-Total-Trance-Music/release/555490 If anyone is interested send me a message
  14. Good morning everyone! I am looking for old Nitzhonot/Uplifting cds, some of them are really hard to find :/ If anyone do not want their old and dusted nitzho cds or have some duplicate cds, here is your chance! I would really like to buy Janana 3 (typhoon) http://www.discogs.com/Various-Janana-3-Total-Trance-Music/release/555490 and Iceman - Turbulent http://www.discogs.com/Iceman-Turbulent/release/316967 And check agneton's nitzho-list for the cds I am interested in http://www.discogs.com/lists/Releases-With-NitzhonotUpliftingNitzhogoa-Tracks/20797 You can reply here or send me a pm! Apostolis
  15. Thanks fot telling me, I noticed it too! Anyway, I had to ask just to be sure
  16. Do you still have Morning in Space cd ?
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