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Everything posted by Balance

  1. It Japan that I learnt to enjoy dark Psy with Mubali in the mountains at sunrise. He'd done an awesome set the promoter, Mubali & me watched the sunrise together. Magic.
  2. Definitely would purchase them an a vinyl player!
  3. Back in the 90's here in Melbourne most the warehouse raves had mixed genres played by the dj's. So you'd have a few Psy tracks played in a standard techno set or whatever. Of course many proper Psy/Goa parties but I was usually too lazy to drive so far to the bush. 2002 Outback Eclipse festival in South Australia was insanely hardcore. Middle of the desert, super hot all day. No one emptied the toilets so they leaked in to a huge filthy festering sandy pool that stunk. Third night I accidentally stumble in to the edge. Thank god I was wearing knee high army boots! But seeing full solar eclipse was amazing. Also taking time out on a dose of Valium and vodka watching the stars with my bro was fun. 1995 I danced all night next to Simon Posford without even knowing who he was until at sunrise he took to the stage and I was like "OMG the nerdy dude is Hallucinogen?" 1999 the one and only time I had some of Hoffman's magical liquid at sunrise watching local act Sugar play live
  4. Desperate to get this & am very sad it hasn't been out somewhere digitally anyone who has a copy to sell please get in touch thanks.
  5. Absolutely breath taking music. They take the style of their second album & strip it even further with rhythms that will assault any sound system. You get it via the Nachtstrom Schallplatten Bandcamp site.
  6. Balance

    Cybered - Acid Box

    Wonderful album. I've loved his work since the early Horns & Hoofs days. Very crunchy back then whereas this beast has a slightly more modern techno edge, I love the slightly melancholic feel to the album. For my tech crunch & darker stuff I stick with Nachstrom schallplatten label. The VX album is just stunning. I find their releases very inspirational in my own production sense.
  7. Even google cannot come up with tracks like Halluincogen L.S.D. so Radi I am sorry but you will just have to keep it on repeat like finally finding the perfect porn clip.
  8. Spend a few months ina country teaching English. On the side do some private tutoring (they say not to but everyone does). I did it for a year in Japan. i got put in a dump of a country town, so after 3 months I quit and just travelled to Tokyo & worked doing tutoring. I got better pay, i also sometimes just asked for lessons in Japanese instead of money which was equally as useful and until my pay got enough to rent I just couch surfed or slept in capsule hotels. Unless you have a trade skill getting any work outside of hospitality or maybe supermarket packing will limit your ability to go whenever you feel the urge. A trade skill is much more handy, you can just get a short term job being a sparky/plumber etc. or even work on cars etc.
  9. If something ain't broke, then don't fix it. That's what this albm makes me feel and thank goodnees I got a gift voucher to buy it with and didn't spend my own cash. These remixes yeah sure have some goodness in them but to me they just sound awkward. All threse acts have such unique sound and these remixes just blend the Astral sound with what seems choice samples from the originals. LSD is devastating, it losed all it's earthiness and tribal goodness that reminds me of what a good outdoor trip is about. It just sounds too dance orientated and not drug related anymore, and hey when a track is called LSD I expect it to sound like a drug track. Anywat, you hopefully get what I mean. I'm keen to hear Astral release something of their own but this for me just doesn't cut it. It seems like lazy attemp to cash in on some bigish names eing remixed by a famous giant of a name. Surely AP & TIP can do better?
  10. IMO the problem is it's either some basic shanti sampled dub rubbish or else some kind of generic slowed down Goa melody with a rubbish broken beat underneath. Rarely do artists who make mostly uptempo tunes have the skill in making solid downtempo.
  11. Thanks am very keen! Postage is expensive I think to Australia but would happily pay for these. Please let me know when available
  12. Hi Draeke Just want to ask if there's some way to purchase poster size format of some of the artworks from DAT? Would be inspiring to have on my studio wall. Cheers
  13. Can't wait. Doof's early work has always been a massive inspiration to me. Such a warm depth in his sounds, real analogue vibes!
  14. I was afraid I'd get chewed out if I said anything again. Somebody I know asked the big man himself about this recently at a gig and was told to forget about it. I guess it ain't happening.
  15. Just got the sad news that someone very close to me is getting divorced. There are a young children involved & it's heart breaking. I don't even know what to say to the person I'm close to. Marriage is such hard work.
  16. Ok let's drop it, I regret asking. I don't want to get banned & I don't want to tear in to someone I only know on a forum. You're allowed your views & I'm leaving this topic now.
  17. curious to know what's wrong with abortion? You do that until almost the end it's just a bunch of cells...
  18. Good on you. I went in 2004 and dunno why but either I was too burnt out to enjoy it or else it was a bad season but I enjoyed just chilling out more than the few gigs I went to. Music was quite the minimal side of things and at that age I was not in to minimal or techno at all. Atriohm!! nice, lovely tunes from this act!
  19. One of my fav old acid trax
  20. So I'm looking at getting back inn guitar after a decade of giving it up. I used to play in a Cannibal Corpse tribute band, it was surprisingly good pay and lots of gigs at the time. Wondering what players here own? I've always been an ibanez fan,'used to have a 7 stringer of theirs but thinking might go 8 this time as I'm paying more deeper stuff like Meshuggah.
  21. Napalm Death have a new album out end of this month https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Napalm_Death_Apex_Predator_Easy_Meat?id=Bgtmmfyvepe3s3n4mvd2bn54swa
  22. Nice self promotion. I'd argue Timewarp for more variety in sound. No insult intended. forest - sanaton Prog/tech - Horns & Hoofs Entertainment Actually I'm finding more & more Ektoplazm is the best current place to get good current psy music. I just make a donation each month that I download from them.
  23. I'd avoid fruit picking. My wife's uncle runs a very large orchard & farm. The travellers fruit picking have terrible living conditions & the pay is abominable. If suggest working in cafes etc. depending where you want to go why not spend a year working & saving and travel for 6-12 months on your savings? In '99-'00 I'd did this. Worked for a year after high school at an abattoir slaughtering pigs. Great pay. Covered my airfare to Europe, Nepal & S.E Asia. Stayed in backpacker accomadation. Sure I lived on bread, cheese & eggs in Europe but it was worth the worst 12 months of work ever.' I still sadly have nightmares of the screaming pigs...
  24. Dragged out my old acid techno vinyl's, dusted off and spinning them for inspiration when my Acidlab Bassline 3'& Drumatix arrives shortly.
  25. Happy birthday. Will b there in 5 years.
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