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Everything posted by StratosOZ

  1. Dude, seriously? The guy is trying his best, with something that, as far as I can tell, is a hobby (and probably a personal passion). A hobby that competes for time with a real job/income, a family, a new baby, etc. Ok, so he made a mistake. He also explained why, and offered to fix it. Carrying on like this is not a good look, trust me
  2. Sounds epic. I love Faxi Nadu, but haven't heard of the rest yet. Will have to check this out
  3. Might have to become your best mate so I can get an invite
  4. This is some funky, dirty acid. Love it!
  5. Nope, sure as shit ain't Goa. I would never buy this. Let me tell you though: if I heard this in a club I would dance my skinny white butt off. It think it's pretty good party music, with loads of psychedelic touches.
  6. Are there any plans to throw a suntrip party in Australia?
  7. It is brilliant, but I find in dub live even better
  8. I concur. This shit will melt your face off. Brilliant. Beyond spaces is my favorite track of the year
  9. I did, and I must say, I agree. The problem is, every time I listen to etnica, I can't shake the feeling of sadness/disappointment that comes with knowing they are still around making music, but it will never go back to being the stuff that rocked my world so long ago. I guess I've changed too though. A lot of those feelings are associated with memories/events/people of a different time. Maybe it's nostalgia that I'm feeling.
  10. ho. lee. shit! not even past track 1 yet and I've got goosebumps!
  11. Haha, me too! Such an amazing game. It had a brilliant soundtrack too. Remember the epic choral song in the final battle with Sephiroth? Nice work on you tracks too, btw.
  12. Righto, I'll be more specific. I care MUCH MUCH more about more goapocalipsis than I do about supposedly poor mastering on a brilliant album that has probably changed many people's lives. Didn't mean to offend, by the way, I guess my enthusiasm got in the way of my social skills. Regarding the relevance, I wasn't referring to him mastering Goapocalipsis. I listen to the album at least once a week, so I guess it's on my mind. Consider me reprimanded about making off-topic comments. 'cos that naughty stuff never happens on this forum...
  13. Who cares about mastering. I just want more of that dark, acidic goodness he gave us with Goapocalipsis
  14. the link won't work for me EDIT: it does work if I go to Lord Flames' facebook and click on link.
  15. Sounds pretty fuckin interesting. Different if nothing else. That Zelda song seems cool!
  16. Oh my god this is good. Blows their other releases out of the water (yes, it's that good). I can hardly even get past the 1st 2 tracks cause I keep hitting repeat!
  17. Yep, this has been getting a lot of play with me too lately. Skarma track is amazing and stands out for me at the moment. The rest are all really good too.
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