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GeorgeMoonstoneD last won the day on March 18 2024

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  1. You could have expressed your wish for the track to be released in a more civilized way.. That's all.. Calling somebody, anybody, you don't know in personal, an asshole, because you disagree with his decision, yes for me is serious. I met Juan in Spain at Connection Festival 2018, were discussing about the music, the scene in the past and now etc and asked him about this remix (you see, i share the same wish with you..). He was negative BUT POLITE and KIND.. I am wondering if you were taking part in that discussion, would you call him an asshole..? Anyway, enough said..
  2. So, for you, artists who decide not to release THEIR music for one reason or another are assholes.. Why do i get the feeling that this is pathetic to say the least..
  3. Some interesting links that make things clear: - Crop Circles - Tetrahedron ? - crop_circles_-_tetrahedron-(unreleased_album)-dat-1997-angel - Discogs Release # 543012 Case closed, right..?? 😉
  4. Actually not.. It also came out in CD and lossless digital formats. Check this out: https://www.discogs.com/master/33875-Crop-Circles-Lunar-Civilization Merry Xmas and happy 2024, brother..! 🎅
  5. Despite the fact it has been released on the reissue of "Lunar Civilization EP", for the time being i have no idea if or where it can be purchased from.. Etnica refused to renew their contract with DAT Records, when it expired some years ago and demanded the label to remove all their music from all platforms. That's why no Etnica / Pleiadians / CC music is available at DAT Records Back Catalogue Bandcamp page. Etnica recently started releasing their music again under Classic Goa Trax, but i have no idea what is going to happen with their "DAT Records" past releases..
  6. I searched for "Crop Circles - Pentagone" and found some 128kbps MP3. Track time is 9:02 and it is exactly the same as the "Tetrahedron" one... And i can assure you that i am a connoisseur on the CC / Etnica / Pleiadians stuff.. You can check it out yourself.. Indeed, "Pentagon(e)" never made it to any compilation, in any kind of format.. IMO, there's never been any alternate version of the track. It was just circulating in P2P sites as "Pentagone", before its official release, but it was the same track. I was discussing this with a friend, who was involved (and still does) in DAT Records releases and is aware of the unreleased stuff found in the DATs of Etnica. He has never seen or heard about a different version of the track..
  7. astralprojection & Mantra604, are U both sure an original (different anyway) version of "Pentagone" exists, apart from the "Tetrahedron" one..??!! I am really surprised, as i had no idea about it..
  8. Check this out.. https://www.psynews.org/forums/topic/77490-nervasystem-underground-culture-double-vinyl-album-crowd-funder/#comment-10028789
  9. Good luck with this Drezz..! 😉 I've opened a thread in Discogs, for non-psynews members.. https://www.discogs.com/group/thread/994718
  10. Celebra Brasil 2000 Great footage...
  11. I was just expecting files ripped from DAT / masters, instead of vinyl rips. But considering that in this case we are talking about music composed almost 30 years ago, the rarity of the release and quality of the rip (it is very good, as I wrote above), I am REALLY HAPPY with this digital reissue..
  12. As for the KoxBox, it is indeed Vinyl rip.. A very good one, but still vinyl rip..
  13. Hi Airam, The track you are lookin' for is " 100th Monkey ~ Spiritus (Unreleased Mix) " from 1995-96. It was released in VA - Phoenix.
  14. Thankfully, it looks official ! https://www.facebook.com/rastaliens2020/posts/1666551270177209?__tn__=-R https://www.facebook.com/KoxboxMusic/posts/10158537137173077?__tn__=-R https://www.facebook.com/KoxboxMusic/posts/10158494695818077?__tn__=-R Me either.. I was afraid of fake lossless music, converted from MP3.. Pay attention to Frank's comments here: https://www.facebook.com/KoxboxMusic/posts/10158414362728077?__tn__=-R Live At Burning Man 1996 is FINALLY coming..
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