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Everything posted by R.E.S.

  1. If u like comment and share please.. Thanx for your time..
  2. sth a bit different.. enjoy
  3. https://youtu.be/-NRK79WBlcE https://youtu.be/uZH8StSPIR4
  4. Yet another..
  5. Hi there! Thanx! I use Cubase 5.. cheers!
  6. enjoy! comments always welcome..
  7. i smell potential.. keep walking
  8. 145 bpm comments feedback always welcome..
  9. feedback and comments always welcome..
  10. Feedback and comments wanted and welcome! Thanx for your time!
  11. Enjoy people! Comments on production always welcome.. Thanx for your time! https://soundcloud.com/redeyesyndrome/the-push
  12. Hey guys! Thanx a lot for the help and the feedback! You really boosted my confidence. I've been sending demos for several years now but nobody seems to give a fuck. I will soon make it available for download in soundcloud (i don't know if you still can) and I also will upload to youtube so people can "steal" it. Psyhouse hehehe excellent idea! Thanx again! Have fun!
  13. Hi there! In what genre would you place this track? Comments and feedback very welcome!
  14. Enjoy! 146 Bpm https://youtu.be/8wRR8TYVaaI
  15. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/2Uux2Fg8Lrw
  16. Very trippy! Lov it! I like a lot the progression of your elements (fx's), very good manipulation. Thumps up!!
  17. Again, enjoy!!
  18. Enjoy
  19. Enjoy!
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