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Proxeeus last won the day on May 30 2023

Proxeeus had the most liked content!


276 Excellent

1 Follower

About Proxeeus

  • Birthday 10/21/1984

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  • Location
    Orleans, France

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  1. 9 years later, The Gate is still a masterpiece of a track.
  2. thread's a roller coaster
  3. I'm always lurking
  4. haha, well those will at least be properly mastered now :p
  5. Proxeeus


    I double dare you.
  6. Love me some good deadlines 🫠
  7. Well to be fair 2023 is 4 weeks old sooo :p
  8. Yo ! We're super happy to release a new Moon Beasts track today, "Sparks". This time, we've tried to avoid the usual sonic mayhem and explore the more chill & trippy side of psychedelic music. The result is, in our opinion, a very nice blend of flavors But eh, what good is it writing about it when you can go to our Bandcamp space right here right now and listen for yourself ! The track is available on a name-your-price basis, that means that you can grab it for free (although donations are always much appreciated!) We sincerely hope you'll enjoy the ride ! https://moonbeasts.bandcamp.com/track/sparks
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  9. Motherfuckin' Neogoa Recs is back. You have no idea how happy this makes me.
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