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Everything posted by Proxeeus

  1. Aaand another killer release. We're spoiled kids
  2. There, fixed that for you.
  3. I completely agree with this post - past the basics, unfortunately, besides keeping at it day after day while trying stuff out, I don't think there's more to it than doing just that. Getting into the habit of "finishing" a track (by finishing I mean that even if you think it blows, is too repetitive, or last only 3 minutes, or is too basic, or whatever, call it complete), moving in, and starting a new one, actually puts in place a sense of "progress", so to speak. You may not see it right away going from track A to track B, but 6 months later when you're at track ZXW, and you compare it with good ole track A... Yeah, you'll be surprised ! I know it's not "technical" advice, but I found keeping this in mind helps a lot!
  4. Oh my, that x0x .. *heavy breathing* From the little I've toyed with the Push controller, it looks like it'll be a fun instrument to sketch ideas with. I didn't have enough time to do some proper jams with it yet, but it's very high on my to-do list. It's automatically setup to work out of the box with Live plugins (obviously), so no configuration is needed if you stick with Live instruments -- but for 3rd party VSTs (which is my main use), you have to do quite a bit of setup in order to have correct mapping for MIDI controls, plugin browsing via Push, that kind of stuff. Once that is done, it's back to the "Plug n Play" aspect though, and setting up the basis of a track is done in a matter of seconds. I really can't wait to clear myself some time so that I can get back to experimenting with it and can I have that x0x please?
  5. Looks like a fun setup to play with! Thanks for sharing
  6. Well...this is it then ! Can't back down now can I ? This certainly feels strange as hell ! Excited and a bit terrified at the same time. I sincerely hope you will enjoy this ! I'm going to blush, thank you sir, and everybody
  7. Woop woop, congratulations! The World Beyond is truly awesome (The Gate...THE GATE I SAY !), and Jagoa's EP is pure bliss. I still need to give JaraLuca's album a proper listen though, but from what I've heard so far, this task shouldn't be bothersome in the least Bring it on!
  8. 10 years is beyond Internet Archeology, it's basically Necromancy at this point
  9. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YEEEESSSS. Not constructive I know, but this is great news.
  10. Right, I see. You certainly know how to sell your x0x
  11. Oooooh we can't hear enough x0x, bring it on What other features are you talking about, by the way? I'm wondering what kind of stuff can be added to a hardware clone of a TB-303?
  12. I quite like the eerie atmosphere of the track! Percussions are cool too, are you only using plain samples, or something else? I'm curious
  13. I know they did not announce a price tag yet on the 303 clone but, any wild guess ?
  14. I watched the video - it indeed sounds great ! Put some distortion on this and you should have one sonic beast... The plugin/cartridge system looks pretty neat as well.
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