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Everything posted by Proxeeus

  1. I definitely can get behind that avatar /rimshot
  2. C'mon Simba, show us some unreleased stuff
  3. Pretty cool tune, Martian Arts ! I hate being "that guy" but maybe, if you're after acidy and/or distorted 303-ish sounding stuff, you could check some stuff I've been trying to make, I tend to add 303 lines whenever I can (I'm addicted :/), although in this case they're leads, not basslines, so that may not be what you're actually looking for. Still, acid For example: https://soundcloud.com/proxeeus/tyca-tyca Or this one, may have more "bassy" stuff https://soundcloud.com/proxeeus/out-of-this-world (sorry about the audio quality & general processing, it blows very much, I know)
  4. Woopsie, I've made a couple of posts already and didn't notice the Introductions thread! Anyway, hello everybody I've actually been lurking around these parts for a long time and only registered an account pretty recently thinking that it may finally be the time to talk to other like-minded people (the "Trance-music and your friends" thread also inspired me to do so). I've been into goa (of the old-school type, more specifically) for quite some years now, although I like some newer artists as well, such as E-Mantra. Anyways, glad to have started posting here! Take care
  5. The "Whirlrain of.." tracks from Underhead are pretty cool ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MbMNX6pzNE
  6. Can't get enough of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZRD3OMsqr0
  7. Years ago, while randomly browsing the Internet, I came accross a lot of DJ Mixes made by Goa Getter, which were loaded with classic tracks (I've actually discovered a lot of old-school gems this way). A google search for Goa Getter mixes should point you to the right direction I think ! You can at least get the track lists here: http://lsdb.eu/list/artist/11828/dj-goa-getter.html
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