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  1. psy trance, festival open-air
  2. https://www.facebook.com/events/216575925186164/ https://www.facebook.com/MoonGateFestival?fref=ts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8xvzF6lkU8 Fazendas de Almeirim / Santarém / Portugal ..::: Psychedelic Tribal Festival :::... Hello Tribe, welcome to MOON GATE Festival. This time TRIBEDELIK TRIBE will take you on a magic journey that will last 5 days, open air. You're invited to share your energy in our magical Tribe and be conscient of the true power within YOURSELF. Surrounded by Mother Nature and in tune with our Tribe you'll have an experience of Union and Harmony so we can all dance together and elevate our minds to the moon. Universe is a wide living organism where everything is connected, so you're welcome to join us on MOON GATE Festival and together we'll find the Secret of the Tribe that will only reveal to us with Peace, Dance and Love!!! 3õ All Tribes in One 3õ * Powered by ..:: FUNKTION ONE ::.. Sound System * 3õ MOON TEMPLE 3õ Live Act : - LIQUID SOUL (CH) (Iboga Records) http://www.liquidsoul.com/liquid-soul.htm https://www.facebook.com/liquidsouliboga https://soundcloud.com/liquid-soul - SPADE (ISR) Live / Retro Set (MainStage Records) https://www.facebook.com/Spadefanpage https://myspace.com/elmarspade https://soundcloud.com/spade - U-RECKEN (ISR) (Dacru Records) https://www.facebook.com/urecken https://soundcloud.com/u-recken - MENOG (PT) Live with Drums (Spectral Rec./3Dvision Rec.) www.menog.com www.facebook.com/menogspectral/info https://myspace.com/menog - KINDZADZA (RUS) Presentation New Album - 3 hours live (Osom Music) https://www.facebook.com/osommusic https://soundcloud.com/kindza - GOASIA (SRB) 2 hours live (Suntrip/Spacedock/Soundmute) https://www.facebook.com/goasiamusic https://soundcloud.com/goasia - ITAL (CHL) (Antu Records) http://www.anturecords.com/ http://www.facebook.com/itallive - HIYARANT (ZA) (Disasterpeace Rec) http://www.facebook.com/hiyarant https://soundcloud.com/hiyarant - DaVINCI CODE (ISR) 1st time in Portugal (Spin Twist Records) https://www.facebook.com/davincicodeofficial https://soundcloud.com/davincicode - TRYAMBAKA (PT) (Global Army Music/Spectral/1Foot Groove) https://www.facebook.com/TryambakaOfficial?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/tryambaka-officialcloud - * Mccoy´s S.U.N. PROJECT * (GER) Live Drum´s,Guitar,Alienns & Fire (S.U.N. Project Records) http://www.sun-project.de/ https://www.facebook.com/mccoy.sunproject https://soundcloud.com/mccoyss-s-u-n-project - SKYFALL (PT) (Nano Rec./SourcodeTransmissions) https://www.facebook.com/SkyfallMusic/info https://soundcloud.com/skyfall-prog - SYNESTHETIC (IT) (Spin Twist Records) www.facebook.com/pages/Synesthetic/56942503032 https://soundcloud.com/synesthetic - DIRTY MOTION (ZA) (by Hiyarant / Disasterpeace) https://www.facebook.com/dirty.motion?ref=ts&fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/dirtym-sa - ANTAGON (GER) (Damaru Rec./Alice - D) https://www.facebook.com/antagonpsy?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/antagonmedia - D-MANIAC (PT) (One Foot Groove/Global Army Music) https://www.facebook.com/D.ManiacOfficial https://myspace.com/dmaniacmusic - BONANZA BROS (IT/MEX) (Blue Tunes Records) www.facebook.com/pages/Bonanza-Bros/154599601369913?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/bonanza-bros - ALIENN (PT) (Hypergate Rec./Joker Rec.) www.facebook.com/alienn01 http://soundcloud.com/alienn - PSILOCYBE PROJECT (PT) https://www.facebook.com/psilocybeproject https://soundcloud.com/psilocybeproject - KIN (PT) (Spectral Rec./Hyperflow Rec.) https://www.facebook.com/francisco.oliveira.9634340 http://www.beatport.com/artist/kin/224470/tracks - MYRAH (PT) (Biomechanix/Namaha/Sidewave/Psyart) http://www.facebook.com/myrahtrance?ref=ts&fref=ts http://www.myspace.com/myraahh - BLAZED (ISR/PT) Presentation of new Ep "In the Jungle" (aka ZORFLUX/Phantasm Records) https://soundcloud.com/blazed-enzyme-phantasm https://www.facebook.com/blazedlive - AKÉS (PT) (Noise Poison Records) https://www.facebook.com/akesmusic https://soundcloud.com/akesmusic - AUDIALIZE (PT) (Spectral Recs / AudioLabs) https://soundcloud.com/audialize https://www.facebook.com/audialize - JUGGLING (PT) (Crystal Matrix Records) http://www.facebook.com/jugglingpt http://soundcloud.com/jugglingpt - TWISTED KALA (FR) (Disco Valley/Lycantrop/Urban Antidote) http://www.twistedkala.com/ https://soundcloud.com/twisted-kala - LAB (PT) (DVSM Rec./Deviant Force Rec.) www.facebook.com/labpsy www.soundcloud.com/renlab - INNER COMA (PT) (Free Radical Rec./Tribedelik tribe) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inner-Coma/135186766515488?ref=ts&fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/innercoma DJ Set : - TUNE RAIDER (ZA) (Spectral Rec/24-7rec/Magnetika) http://www.tuneraider.co.za/ https://soundcloud.com/djtuneraider - RAVEHEART (IT) (Evil Corp) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Raveheart/531373423557537 https://soundcloud.com/vigno-raveheart - ALPHATRANCE (FR) (Trancemigration Prod.) www.alphatrance.net https://soundcloud.com/alphatrance - MEGAPIXEL (AUS) (Foolproof) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Megapixel/213258018691991?ref=ts&fref=ts - ANANDA (IND) (Fusioncraft Records) https://www.facebook.com/anandaprojectofficial - LAST CALL (Blacklite Rec./Crystal Matrix) https://www.facebook.com/lastcalltechnotrance https://soundcloud.com/last-call-pt - YAKAI (TRiBeDeLiK TRiBe/En Sof) https://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Yakäi/124262547614516?fref=ts - FLUXO (Quest4Goa/Spectral) http://www.quest4goa.com/fluxo http://www.spectralrecords.com/web/index.php/deejays/fluxo - PSARA (ZNA/Cronomi/Suntrip/MMM DJ) https://www.facebook.com/djanepsara http://www.mixcloud.com/Psara/ - HIPNOTYK POISON (Terror Lab Ind./Tribedelik Tribe) https://www.facebook.com/HIPNOTYK.POIS0N.terror.lab.industries?fref=ts - WOULACK (Tribedelik Tribe) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Woulack/518234241536723?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/woulack - GANEISHA " 2 Hours Birthday Set " (Nexus Media/Global Army/Kaos Krew/Mechanik) http://soundcloud.com/dj-ganeisha - GUAPA LEE " 2 Hours Birthday Set " (Crystal matrix/Replicant/Global Army/Magnetika) https://www.facebook.com/guapaleedj https://soundcloud.com/guapa-lee - OM NAMAH SHIVAYA (Phantasm Records / Zna ) https://www.facebook.com/ONShivaya?fref=ts http://www.mixcloud.com/setidatceitil/ons-goa-trance-old-school-set-2014/ - DOUBLE DOSE (Mainstage Rec./Crystal Matrix) https://www.facebook.com/DJDoubleDose?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/dj-set-double-dose/xalloween ~~~~~~~~~~ 3õ SOLO SAGRADO 3õ (Chill Out-Night // Goa-Day) - ØKAPI & ALDO KAPI'S ORCHESTRA Live (IT) (Looney Moon Experimental/Illegal art) http://www.okapi.it/ https://soundcloud.com/okapi23 - CHILLED C'QUENCE Live (Phantasm Organic Groove/Electrik Dream) https://www.facebook.com/chilledcquence https://www.soundcloud.com/chilledcquence - MINIMONSTER Live https://soundcloud.com/minimonster https://www.facebook.com/Minimonstermusic - YECHIDAH Live (Dubmission Rec./Maia Brasil Rec.) https://www.facebook.com/Yechidahliveact https://soundcloud.com/yechidahliveact - GABI VON DUB (Womblabel) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gabi-aka-Augen/178248675565135 http://www.mixcloud.com/Augen/ - FLUXO (Electrik Dream) www.electrikdream.com/artists/fluxo - *PIN* & *PON* (Phantasm Rec./Organic Groove) "Warming up the room" www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZYpvNfrJSc - LIQUID SHAPE (Groovetech Records) www.soundcloud.com/liquid-shape www.facebook.com/liquidshape - SETIDAT (Zna/Enzyme Prod) http://www.mixcloud.com/setidatceitil/dj-setidat-world-music-freeflow2014-promo/ - BALANÇÉ (Maia Brasil Records / Buddha Mantra Records) https://soundcloud.com/balance-3 www.maiabrasil.com - BEAT-D-FENDER (ConcreteJungle Sound System) https://www.facebook.com/BEATdFENDER https://soundcloud.com/beat-d-fender/sets/just-chill - INFINITE LIGHT (Cronomi Rec.) http://www.mixcloud.com/infinitelight/ InfiniteLight - UNIKORP (DSVM Records) https://www.facebook.com/Unikorp https://soundcloud.com/unikorp - YENUISHI (Magnetika Agency) https://soundcloud.com/yenuishi - DAKINI (Magnetika Agency) https://soundcloud.com/djdakini - ANDREI (Ajnavision) www.soundcloud.com/andreioncloud - LAST TRIBE (TRiBeDeLiK TRiBe) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tribedelik-Tribe/153571534753866?ref=hl ~~~~~~~~~ 3õ SECRET GARDEN 3õ ( Tribal Meditation Area ) - NATIVE SOUNDS ------------------------------------------------------------ DECOR BY : 3õ MOON TEMPLE 3õ - MIND EXPERIENCE Decors https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mind-Experience-Rec/186657348087103 Video Mapping by Paleta https://www.facebook.com/vjpaleta?fref=ts 3õ SOLO SAGRADO 3õ - TRANCEFORM ART Decors https://www.facebook.com/tranceform.arte?fref=ts 3õ SECRET GARDEN 3õ - ACID VISION Decors https://www.facebook.com/acidvisiondecor?fref=ts ----------------------------------------------------------- INFOS: - Free Camping - Water Surprises - Brook (Secret Garden) - Offer fresh fruit in every mornings - Sharped objects and glass not allowed in the venue --------------- - Campismo grátis - Surpresas de Água - Ribeiro (Secret Garden) - Oferta de Fruta Fresca todas as manhãs - Proibido entrada de objetos cortantes e vidro no recinto. -------------------------------------------------------------- LOGIN : Pre-sales: - 1st Phase: 25 Tribes (200 available) - 2nd Phase: 30 Tribes (200 available) - At the doors: 40 Tribes ..:: Free Country - MÉXICO ::.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRANSFER : If you want to buy your pre-sale, you have your opportunity until 31st July. All you have to do is a transfer with the entrance value and send an e-mail to Moongate_festival@outlook.com with the following infos: - Transfer proof - Name and ID number for each ticket bought. - Bring your ID card to the event to pick up your ticket. Bank name: Caixa Geral de Depositos Account Name: Fernando Augusto Cardoso Rua IBAN: PT50003502550023098310063 BIC/SWIFT: CGDIPTPL (All taxes must be paid apart from the ticket value). CONTACTS : + 351 939703605 + 351 910007374 + 351 916420210 Moongate_festival@outlook.com ------------------------------------------------------------- by Tribedelik Tribe 3õ Peace, Love & Magic 3õ
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