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Everything posted by serbia

  1. dose somebody have this marry goes wild from tiesto ??????? he has played as unoknown on some parties and nobady have this ecept one tv station in my country ...can somebody put so i can dl it couse it is unposible to buy it
  2. its ok i like it and it is better thane my mix
  3. tozo plz uplod somewhere else cous it says :All download slots (50) assigned to your country (Yugoslavia) are in use. Please try again later try it on http://www.bigupload.com
  4. here is same mix but on big upload !!!! http://www.bigupload.com/d=5DA43347
  5. PsyTrance,what is it? Psychedelic trance, often referred to as psytrance, is a form of electronic music that developed from Goa trance in the early 1990s when it first began hitting the mainstream. In some psychedelic trance circles and online communities, 'Psychedelic' is the preferred name for the genre as it provides an umbrella term for the many divergent styles including Goa, full on, dark, prog and suomi. Referring to it as "psychedelic" also distinguishes the style from the 'clubbier' type of trance music and reinforces the roots of Goa trance in the psychedelic community. Psychedelic trance generally has a fast tempo, in the range 135 to 150 BPM but has developed into numerous different styles within the genre all with their own range of tempos. The emphasis in psychedelic trance is placed strongly on purely synthesized timbres in terms of programming and lead melodies. The original Goa trance was often made with popular Modular synthesizers and hardware samplers, but the preference in Psychedelic trance has moved to sample manipulation and storage in VST and AU software sampler applications. The use of analog synthesizers for sound synthesis has given way to digital "virtual analog" instruments like the Nord Lead, Access Virus, Korg MS-2000, Roland JP-8000 and computer VST and AU plugins like Native Instruments Reaktor. These are usually controlled by MIDI sequencers within Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) applications. Psychedelic trance is most popular in the UK, Israel, Portugal, Mexico, Germany, Japan, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Belgium, Serbia, Macedonia, Netherlands, the Nordic countries and India. The genre is not as well known outside its scene as uplifting or progressive is. Psychedelic music Psychedelic music is a musical style inspired by or attempting to replicate the mind-altering experience of drugs such as cannabis, psilocybin, mescaline, and especially LSD. Psychedelic music is a misnomer and should properly be called psychedelic rock music, but for the purposes of this article it is not rigorously defined, and is sometimes interpreted to include everything from Acid Rock and Flower Power music to Hard Rock. There are also other forms of psychedelic music that started from the same roots and diverged from the prevalent rock style into electronic music. However, an inner core of the psychedelic style of rock that came to public attention in 1967 can be recognized by characteristic features such as modal melodies; esoteric lyrics often describing dreams, visions, or hallucinations; longer songs and lengthy instrumental solos; and "trippy" electronic effects such as distortion, reverb, and reversed, delayed and/or phased sounds. The album that brought psychedelic rock into pop culture was The Beatles's Revolver. While the first musicians to be influenced by psychedelic drugs were in the jazz and folk scenes, the first use of the term "psychedelic" in popular music was by the "acid-folk" group The Holy Modal Rounders in 1964. The first use of the word "psychedelic" in a rock music context is usually credited to the 13th Floor Elevators, and the earliest known appearance of this usage of the word in print is in the title of their 1966 album The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators. The psychedelic sound itself had been around at least a year earlier in the live music of the Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd, and Donovan's hit Sunshine Superman. Psychedelic trance scene Psychedelic trance is often played at outdoor festivals. The festivals often take place over a few days with music being played through the night and well into the next day. These big events usually offer a lot parallel activities, not just music. The Psy Trance scene is very concerned about ecology and nature, and hence it's very usual to find a lot of workshops with educational activities against racism, and promoting love and care for Our Mother Nature. The big trance festivals often form a small independent city, where some 10,000 people from different places of the world meet to celebrate music and life. During winter many parties take place in clubs in modern suburbia or on the many beaches in foreign climes frequented by travellers. Some people at these festivals frequently consume psychedelic drugs like LSD and psychedelic mushrooms. The smoking of Cannabis is widespread within the global psy-trance scene. Drugs such as Ecstasy, cocaine and amphetamine are also used to some extent. There is also a large portion of the psytrance community - including many successful artists, dj's, party organizers and party goers - who do not use drugs, or no longer use drugs. Many of these people believe experiencing the music in the intended spirit of the festivals is the high in and of itself. While psychedelic trance music is a global phenomenon, it is particularly popular in Brazil, Japan, India, Israel, Germany, Mexico, Russia, the UK, South Africa and Australia. PsyTrance vs Goa Trance The term "psychedelic trance" is used almost synonymously with "Goa trance". Goa trance is a precursor to the late 1990s psychedelic trance, which utilizes more sophisticated melodic devices and distinctive basslines. Goa trance is an almost completely defunct genre of music, based on the fact that few if any contemporary artists would describe the music they create as being of this genre. The term "Psychedelic trance" is used to distinguish the newer material made by many artists, who were formerly known to have produced Goa trance. Full On is a sub-genre characterized by "solidly driven" basslines, melodies, and frequent use of DSP Effects. Notable artists include, Spain's (Ibiza) Growling Mad Scientists G.M.S. and Israel's Astrix in comparison to the more "clubbier" minimalist and less melodic genres, such as progressive trance with more of a psychedelic influence, exemplified by many Scandinavian and German artists, including Sweden's Son Kite. Many use the term Goa trance to simply distinguish those pieces which seem to incorporate eastern, Indian, or "organic" melodies (see raga), derived from sources, like Indian classical music. This makes it easier to identify those which don't incorporate such elements, which listeners would call Psychedelic trance. These pieces tend to be more experimental and futuristic (in the case of Full on), usually using programmed melodies juxtapositionally derived from minor arpeggios Cm7, Dm7, Em7, etc and other exotic or unusual harmonic combinations (see transposition), with the intent of being multi-timbral (see glissando). Both genres, however, continue to use samples taken from sources, like sci-fi films, documentaries, etc History of PsyTrance Psychedelic trance developed out of the early 1990s Goa Trance scene through the influence of artists such as Timeshard and Eat Static, both on the Planet Dog record label. The first pure Psychedelic trance label was Dragonfly Records, formed by the artist and trance producer Martin "Youth" Glover (a former bassist for the band Killing Joke) in Brixton, London. For this he took advantage of the organization and the studio of his already existing label, Butterfly Records. It quickly became the center of the London Psychedelic trance scene. Raja Ram and Graham Wood first produced here as The Infinity Project. Simon Posford, who worked as a sound engineer at Butterfly, later released his legendary album, Twisted as Hallucinogen on Dragonfly. This album featured the classic track "LSD" featuring a voice sample from acid guru Ken Kesey. The first compilation from Dragonfly was released as a trance sampler and was soon followed by another compilation titled Project II Trance in August of 1993. These included work from such well-known artists as the French project Total Eclipse and Mandra Gora. In 1994 it released singles from Man With No Name, Prana, Ayahuasca, Slinky Wizard and Doof. The signature Order Odonata compilation was released the same year. At this point the scene was growing rapidly and many new labels were created. Return To The Source, a party collective first appeared. Raja Ram and Graham Wood went on to found their own label, called TIP Records (now TIP World). Tsuyoshi Suzuki worked with John Perloff to create the Matsuri Productions label. Flying Rhino Records was established by James Monro, Dominic Lamb and George Barker (Slinky Wizard), who hired Sally Welch as manager. Simon Berry founded Platipus Records, who among other things, released the first vinyl by Technossomy. It also out licensed the famous Robert Miles' "Children". Simon's own project, Union Jack released their morning trance album There will be no Armageddon in 1996, featuring well-known tracks such as "Red Herring", "Cactus" and "Two Full Moons and a Trout". Around this time a new label emerged in UK. Some consider Blue Room Released to be of the most important, and unusual, labels in the Psychedelic trance genre. It was led by Simon Ghahary and had solid financial backing from a British loudspeaker company. Allegedly, Ghahary had free reign to spend the money as he saw fit, regardless of sales figures. This allowed Blue Room to move away from "classic" Goa trance into new, more experimental directions. Some of the most well-known artists today were signed and had their work distributed on the Blue Room Released label. Their first compilation was titled "Outside The Reactor" was released in April of 1995 and featured work from artists such as Total Eclipse, Har-El Prussky, and Voodoo People. Three of the most well known projects - Juno Reactor, Total Eclipse and The Infinity Project also released their debut albums that year. Soon the German project X-Dream started working with Blue Room as well, releasing their "The Frog" single and the highly influential Radio album. At its height, the label went on to release such works as Violent Relaxation by Total Eclipse, Juno Reactor's Bible of Dreams, Saafi Brothers' Mystic Cigarettes and Dragon Tales by Koxbox. Despite being the center of production for Psychedelic trance in the mid 1990s, England had a very limited party scene. This mostly due to the Criminal Justice Bill and requirements for early closing hours in nightclubs. On the other hand, Germany had much more liberal laws, which in addition to the recent unification contributed to the development of the scene there. The German label Spirit Zone Records opened up in 1994, and ended up signing on many foreign artists such as The Infinity Project (UK), K.U.R.O. (Japan), Etnica (Italy), and Har-El Prussky (Israel). It was also the home label of many German artists such as Electric Universe, Star Sounds Orchestra and S.U.N. Project. France was also becoming an increasingly important location, with not only Total Eclipse, but the now famous projects like Talamasca and Transwave emerging. Around 1997, the original Goa trance scene was undergoing hard times, especially in the UK. Sales dropped and many big labels such as Flying Rhino went bankrupt, while others had to reinvent themselves and emerge under a new name as did TIP World. The death of Goa trance was "officially" declared by Tsuyoshi Suzuki on his Let it RIP album, where the liner notes read "RIP: Mother Theresa, Princess Diana, William Burroughs, Goa trance." The new sound of what would become the Psychedelic trance of today emerged at this time. It included elements of minimal and progressive trance, house, and techno, while focusing less on the original Goa melodies. Germany became the center of this movement in 1997 and 1998. Many Swedish artists also emerged playing a more progressive sound. The most successful and well known is Tomasz Balicki (Atmos). His track "Klein Aber Doctor" was the most successful release for Flying Rhino yet, which was in the process of restructuring. Even the Dragonfly label stated to switch to this new progressive sound, and Psychedelic trance was once again becoming popular. Debut releases from Atmos, Noma, S-Range and Son Kite only cemented this fact and made Sweden an important producer of psychedelic trance. Soon Psychedelic trance was expanding rapidly once again, and for the first time differences became apparent in the music being produced in different countries. Parallel scenes also developed in countries like Israel, Germany, South Africa and Japan. There are also smaller, but active scenes in India, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Portugal, Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Thailand, Denmark, Poland, Canada and even the United States.
  6. jes da nije pravi psy jer ima kombinacije i tranca i ostalih pizdi materini ali sta je tu je pravio sa ga sa sony acid- It's not real psy-trance song,it's a combination of something and trance,but this is it Track has been made with Sony Acid om i am expecting yours comments http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LY6JSJ8B
  7. 0 da jebes ih .... nego chatnice ja se sada selim pa tako da mi ne bi odgovaralo da mi posaljes cd aj molim te nekako da mi das sajt ili bilo sta za psy basove samo mi to treba plz ps dobar ti je onaj terror on tv - 48 sati svadba )) looodilo
  8. moze moze nije odmet aj ako oces uplduj mi negde dobro je da ovde ima nekoga iz nase zemlje ja reko nema nikoga
  9. 40 dolars one ticket ? wow in serbia for that u got atleast 2 tickets that was when they come to serbia last year
  10. wow 3 answers at same time and same answers thats crazy
  11. trust in trance an in the mix are there real albums i got them on mp3 here are also in the mix 2 dancing galaxy,another world,astral fils
  12. no not a plugins... i need some sounds of guitar bsses claps screams sratches and so watch what i have on this pic i left side !
  13. what ?????
  14. i cat buy it it says : Order via internet is not possible in the moment. maybe couse my country is(not) on list it have my ex country (yugoslavia) but not the new one Serbia i will try to find here but if somebody have a site supported with my country please tell me.... for now i got only one orig CD and that is atomic pulse - direct sound
  15. serbia


    crazy lol )))) when say psybaba in serbian it means psygrany
  16. i got fruity loops XXL studio and i need some bases, speaches,sounds and etc can anybody help me plz..... its very good but can it be better ?
  17. nope i boughted 10 tickets for 90 euros it was owusome oh that alcohol and maijuana what can do on partyes TALAMASCA ownz !!! i will buy there orig CD if i find in my country to support that autor
  18. apcourse i support all PSY music and speculy VOID,GMS and Talamasca wich is coming to serba today yeah i cant wait 22h (10 PM) to go in Belgrade with my friends and listen to them its gooona to be crazy
  19. i have nothing to hideif i am a comunist i would say that why i will hide that ?!?! i donot support west poltic and i donot suppport east politic couse i am from a balcan that is middle of earth its same distance from russia and america and i dont like neither of these countrys !!! i just asked to download VOID and evrybody started to talck about comunisam f*ck you
  20. i am non comunist but i am watching how to get cheap music why shoul i spend 30 euros on one disc when i can buy for that 30 discs ??? i suport autors but i "suport" and my money !!! and dont juge me for my bad english !!!
  21. yeah tere are but its hard to find maybe 3-4 stores are selling original music and other shops gota 2 orginal cd-s to show when come control 4 antipiracy i have only one orig cd in my colletcion but i have 3000 songs in my pc that is norml here couse orig cd are vrey expansive and its very hard to find for exemple one orginall cd cost 20-30 euro one pirated mp3 (all albums from one autor) cost half euro - one euro
  22. VOID is great i like them, talamasca,astral projection,aliane project,infected mushroom ad they are all greate !!!!
  23. in this saterday talamasca 16.09.2006 talamasca is in da' SERBIA i cant wait ......... yea this is spam but who cares Talamasca SKC TALAMASCA je solo projekat Sedrika Dasula, francuskog DJ-a koji je poceo sa psytrance partijima u Parizu 1992. godine. Zbog toga sto je psytrance scena u Francuskoj slaba, on je odlucio da putuje i vrti ploce po svetu. Talamasca je nastala 1996. godine, i po izlasku je postala jedan od lidera internacionalne trance scene. Danas je Talamasca jedan od najtrazenijih live act-ova na svim velikim fetivalima.
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