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Samsharp last won the day on January 23 2019

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  1. Prices vary 20-50 euros +8$ post
  2. i just hope it will be released in vinyl version too!!!
  3. Psy Goa trance records for sale with some rare stuff. msg me for inquiries thx! c
  4. cannot agree more what you said about TRANSDIMENSIONAL but i have to disagree with you about IFO - i see ifo as an amazing journey too that keeps getting crazy until the most harder track on the album ELECTRA ,and after that things getting easier on the ears.
  5. The Infected Mushroom - Mystical Experience pal you probably missed the artist with "the infinity project".. let's start with the uptempo classic albums i think every goa\psy trance should have Ra - To Sirius --> start with this one wil ya... from the start to its end Dimension 5 - Transdimensional -> same... this album is like a trip to the stars Flying Rhino - First Flight -- so many classics there...!! Pleiadians - I.F.O. [I.dentified F.lying O.bject] - i recommend the datrecords release with the live versions too. Etnica - Live In Athens 1996 - dat records release again Blue Planet Corp - Blue Planet Astral Projection - Another World Astral Projection - Trust In Trance Dimension 5 - Second Phaze MFG - The Prophecy Cosmosis - Cosmology Man With No Name - Earth Moving The Sun Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy X.Dream - We Created Our Own Happiness Darshan - Awakening The Infinity Project - Feeling Weird UX - Ultimate Experience once done with all those drop me a note ill continue to part 2
  6. Ive heard about it from several ppl here in israel, most of them are djs and people from the "scene" .
  7. i agree, Maia is outstanding opening for an album that its tracks order is just perfect - it just getting harder and harder until electra kills you ..and from then its going down... both albums are great and like a journey into space
  8. anyone can clear up the story behind IFO album? is it real that Carlo made it all by himself cause he was injured and coudlnt tour with the rest of the group ?
  9. oh i love those threads Astral projection  1. Let There Be Light 2. Kabalah 3. Soundform Pleiadians 1. Alcyone 2. Zeta Reticuli [THE LAZY SPIRAL MIX!!] 3. Their Remix to BPC's Antidote. Hallucinogen 1. Slinky Wizard - Lunar Juice (Hallucinogen Moon Strudel Remix) 2. Hallucinogen - Trancespotter 3. LSD Live Mix
  10. still cant make up my mind which is the best psytrance album ever created i may finally take IFO in a lil bit as they are both perfect from the start to its end which one does it better for you??
  11. Faithless - god is a dj rare 12” white label, cheeky records 1999 vinyl is VG++ Open to offers hit me up
  12. its my number 3 in my top goa trance tracks as much as i love x-dream, this one's gotta be a very different and unique tune. i maybe wrong, but i consider this one as their only real MELODIC track, the others sound more progressive \ non melodic . so im asking how come this masterpiece came to be their one and only real melodic one???
  13. when the kick starts at ALCYONE it can really bring tears!! IRON SUN also is a great one to bring emotions
  14. cannot agree more with "astralprojection" about energia magica this track is brilliant!! back in 1998 when i bought macrophage those two were my favorite psytracks on the album really! but cannot agree with you , space dwarfs is by far THE BEST track by SP ever, and im pretty sure most of the ppl bought this album for it. "i feel" is good and maybe great but not a chance to beat the mighty space dwarfs. i think Matthias Rumoeller did a magnificent work on it , and by far this is his best work to date. 11\10. space dwarfs is legendary, from its 2 minutes start until the things gets going all to the end of the story! P.S oh...and as much as i love space tribe, olli's kinda ruined this track with his version.!
  15. sundial aeon make great downtempo music especially this album is amazing .... press play for the best track in this album : "Iced-Melancholy Spectacle "
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