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  1. One week before go down on the magic world of Abysses ... More information on event : https://www.facebook.com/events/1800017500220905/ See you there ! BooM
  2. Lineup is closed and available in description, A big night is in preparation to start 2017 with a big energy ! Do not forget the presales : https://www.weezevent.com/abyss BooM
  3. ┌ ABYSSE ┐ The 14th january 2017, Project Moon will bring you into the depths of the ocean for the evening ABYSSE ! Deco will be based on Abysses subject and the lineup will be organized with this atmosphere too... Presales: 15€ (exclude rental fee): https://www.weezevent.com/abyss At gate: 20€ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ૐ ૐ ૐ LINEUP ૐ ૐ ૐ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Metaphyz Funky Freaks Records / Biijah Records – Fr https://soundcloud.com/metaphyz ► Z3nkai Digital Shamans Records – Ch www.soundcloud.com/dj-z3nkai ▷ Act One Digital Shamans Records – Uk www.soundcloud.com/allsoppy5 ► WARP ENGINE (Common project of Z3nkai and Act One) Purple Hexagon Records – Ch & Uk https://soundcloud.com/warp-engine ▷ A Robot Comes to Her Geomagnetic, Break Wind Productions et L*C*D Recordings – Fr https://soundcloud.com/arobotcomestoher ► Version Bizar Psykedream / Elixion Record / Padang Record – Fr https://soundcloud.com/versionbizar ▷ N'Gwa Vim / Divergence record / Kindcrime – Fr https://soundcloud.com/ngwa ► BenMarc3l Project Moon / Phonotrope / Rearguard – Fr https://soundcloud.com/benmarcel ▷ Yosiris Project Moon – Fr https://soundcloud.com/yosirismusic ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ૐ ૐ DECO / MAPPING ૐ ૐ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▷ Decoration by Project Moon team Project Moon ► Vjing : VJ Spin - Vizual Invaders Vjing of Stone Moon was great ? VJ Spin will be back for this night with a new project ! ▷ Presta Sono : Ambouch Studio et Spectacles ► Presta Lights : L'écho des volcans sonorisation et eclairage ▷ Presta Graffiti and painting : Apogé Graffiti Artiste Forbidden to - 18 years ! No glass, no dogs ! Do not forget to make an effort for environment and think about carsharing. Respect us, you, the place and the envrionment. Facebook page of the Project Moon association: https://www.facebook.com/asso.projectmoon/ Event link on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1800017500220905/ Event link on Project Moon website: http://www.projectmoon.fr/event/abysse-janv-2017/ Event link on Trancegoa website: http://www.trancegoa.org/s,trancegoa,13,,43511,1,0.html Event link on GoaBase website: https://www.goabase.net/party/abysse/92072 Location of the event: Salle Jean Couzon Rue Pierre de Coubertin 63120 Courpière
  4. Tic tac tic tac... Stone Moon 5 in approach on the next 09th of july ! The organisation of the event is in progress and the team work very hard for you ! This is the moment to remember you that you can always take your presale (until 08.07.2016 23h59) : 25€ (exclude rental fee): https://www.weezevent.com/stone-moon-5 At the gate: 30€ Warning: There is No cash machine on the site ! D-10...See you there
  5. Stone Moon 5 is coming and the teaser of the event is online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE2wI5QUcoo Do not hesitate to share it ! Project Moon Team
  6. More information availables in the description: Stands, Performers, Deco, Mapping Have a look too on the Lineup which is complete ! We have always presales at 20€, don't hesitate : https://www.weezevent.com/stone-moon-5 Project Moon team
  7. Project Moon association is celebrating its 5 years anniversary ! The 5th edition of Stone Moon will stand the saterday 09.07.2016 Come on in… ₪ 5th Dimension ₪ ! This year, a gap is passed and we are happy for a new time to receive you on the beautiful location of the Chemin Fais’Art (63) ! Our Deco team will sublimate facilities of the sculptor Gilles Perez with a special note on the Snake this year. 3 stages / 3 bars ! ——————————————————————————————— Gates will be open the saturday at 18:00 PM and will be closed the sunday at 12:00 Prices: Presales Phase 1 (500 tickets) : 20€ (exclude rental fee) Complete https://www.weezevent.com/stone-moon-5 Presales Phase 2 (until 08.07.2016 23h59) : 25€ (exclude rental fee) At the gates : 30 € ——————————————————————————————— ॐ Artists on the 5th Dimension ॐ A main stage always in agreement with the magnificent structure of Gilles Perez which puts so much value in this scene year after year. A surprise will close the beautiful stage... Sonorisation Noise Control Progressive, Goa, Fullon, Psytrance, Forest, Darkpsy ——————————————————————————————— Live – Acts ⇲ FLEGMA (TesseracStudio) – Belgrade (Serbie) https://www.facebook.com/FlegmaOfficial/ https://soundcloud.com/oflegmao ⇲ E.V.P (Wildthings Records) – Londres (UK) https://www.facebook.com/EvpWildthingsRecords/ https://soundcloud.com/e-v-p-wildthings ⇲ INSANE CREATURE (Purple Hexagon Records) – Barcelone (Espagne) https://www.facebook.com/Insane-Creatures-135351256560201/ https://soundcloud.com/insanecreatures ⇲ PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT – Paris https://www.facebook.com/principlesofflight/ https://soundcloud.com/principlesofflight ⇲ FIGHTING SHADOWS (ADN Music) – Paris https://www.facebook.com/FightingShadowsLive/ https://soundcloud.com/thefightingshadows ⇲ GALACTIX RIDERS (Spiritual Rebirth) – Toulouse https://www.facebook.com/GalactixRiders/ https://soundcloud.com/galactix-riders ⇲ NIBANA (ADN Music / OVNI Records) – Paris https://www.facebook.com/nibanamusic/ https://soundcloud.com/nibana ⇲ OHNOMA TOPEE (ADN Music / BloomBastic Records) – Lyon https://soundcloud.com/ohnomatopee ⇲ RABBIT FURY (Outrance) – Lyon https://soundcloud.com/rabbit-fury https://www.facebook.com/RabbitFury/ ⇲ EUPHOX (Suce Mon Beat Records) – Montpellier https://www.facebook.com/Euphox.prods/ https://soundcloud.com/euphox Dj – Sets ⇲ ASTRALUNKA (Project Moon) – Clermont-Ferrand https://www.facebook.com/Astralunka-382372931867496/ https://soundcloud.com/astralunka ⇲ ACROFEN (Project Moon) – Clermont-Ferrand https://www.facebook.com/Acr%C3%B6fen-846683392087245/ https://soundcloud.com/acrofen ——————————————————————————————— ₪ Artistes scène Alternative Techno / Electro ₪ A scene revisited for this anniversary edition! novelty, a new location but still mind techno! Sonorisation L'Acoustics Minimale, Drum & Bass, Techno, Electro... ——————————————————————————————— ▷ ELECTROBUGZ (Heretik) https://www.facebook.com/Electrobugz-125240253958/?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/electrobugz ► MIK IZIF (Music From Exo Planet / Sono Pirate Unit) https://www.facebook.com/mikizif.exo/ https://soundcloud.com/mik_izif ▷ DJ PANIK & Yox (Drum Orange) https://www.facebook.com/Dj-Panik-23964973542/?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/djpanikdnb https://www.facebook.com/DJ-YoX-158753637494398/ https://soundcloud.com/djyox ► HELL DRIVER (Techburst / Elektrax / Yin Yang) https://www.facebook.com/helldrivertechno/?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/helldrivermusic ▷ MOSHE GALACTIK (Oxymor / Dark Smile / DC10) https://soundcloud.com/moshe https://www.facebook.com/Moshé-Galactik-345913718854081/ ► KEVIN SICK (Harnak & Electrovino Records) https://www.facebook.com/kevinsick666/?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/kevinsick666 ▷ LE SON DU PLACARD (Scander / Electrovino) https://soundcloud.com/lesonduplacard https://www.facebook.com/lesonduplacard/?fref=ts ► WASS Live (L’Epicerie) https://soundcloud.com/wassatz ▷ EGREGOR Dub (Phonotrope) https://soundcloud.com/egregor-dub https://www.facebook.com/egregordub ► MATT FAUSSE MANIP (Project Moon) https://soundcloud.com/matfausse-manip ▷ BEN MARC3L (Project Moon) https://soundcloud.com/benmarcel https://www.facebook.com/BenMarc3l/ ► DJ BOUTCH https://www.mixcloud.com/XARBeats/ ▷ PATCH AMANIACK (Project Moon) https://soundcloud.com/patch-amaniack https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dj-Patchamaniack ► NONO COLLECTOR (Project Moon) https://soundcloud.com/djnonocollector/ https://www.facebook.com/Nono.collector.page/ ——————————————————————————————— ∞ ChillOut – Indian Chill ∞ Space and relaxing place where you can always find the usual stalls designers / artisans and vegetarian meals to accommodate you and rock you to the rhythm of Downtempo / Chill Psydub and ambiant. Sonorisation Project Moon ——————————————————————————————— < – – – Live Acts – – – > ⇲ NIBANA (Maia Brasil Records / ADN Music) – Psychill/Deep Trance – Paris https://soundcloud.com/nibanachill https://www.facebook.com/nibanamusic ⇲ SERPENT’S EGG (HFE) – Act Duo – Ethno-Techno-Prog – Saint Etienne/Ardèche https://soundcloud.com/the-serpents-egg-1 https://www.facebook.com/The-Serpents-Egg-797741190279304 ⇲ FILS DES ETOILES – Psybient – Toulouse https://soundcloud.com/filsdesetoiles https://www.facebook.com/filsdesetoiles ⇲ ECOTONE (Psykedream) – Electronica/Breakbeat – Montpellier https://soundcloud.com/ecotone-4 https://www.facebook.com/ecotone4 < – – – DJ Sets – – – > ⇲ KALIFER (Hadra) – Psychill/Downtempo – Andalousia (Espagne) https://www.facebook.com/DjSolEye https://soundcloud.com/k-5 ⇲ TRIPO (Psykedream) – Dj set Deep Ambient/Deep Trance – Toulouse https://soundcloud.com/tripoo https://www.facebook.com/Tripo-Psykedream-1426773730964231 ⇲ PSYSUB (Project Moon) – Psybient/Downtempo – Clermont Ferrand https://soundcloud.com/psysub-gero https://www.facebook.com/psysubgero < – – – Dub – – – > ⇲ CULTURAL SOULJA – Live Dub – Clermont Ferrand https://soundcloud.com/cultural-soulja https://www.facebook.com/Cultural.Soulja ⇲ KOALA DUB SQUAD – Live Dub – Clermont Ferrand https://soundcloud.com/koala-dub-squad https://www.facebook.com/koaladubsquad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Φ Ouverture du festival Φ ☼ Brésil Volcanique ☼ – Clermont Ferrand https://www.facebook.com/bresilvolcanique/ Déco scène principale et secondaire: Project Moon Déco Chill-Out : Déco Chill-Out : Sly Artwork https://www.facebook.com/sly.leslie.fleche/ Déco Fluofreax https://www.facebook.com/FluoFX/ Mapping: VJ Spin - Vizual Invaders https://www.facebook.com/vjspinvizualinvaders/ + VJ Oniris (Synesthé'Zic) ∞ Performers / Stands ∞ Koala Dread, Moksha Cuir, Nic.L', ૐ Gaïa Antikä ૐ, Şlÿikhã (bijoux: https://www.facebook.com/slyikha/)Freaks Spirit and more TBA... Food : Festiv'été (sandwich "locaux / frites bio") , gwenn ardu (crepes sucré/salé), La bouche à l'endroit (bio végé/végan) et Gerry (camions produits locaux et régionaux) A stand of the community Nepalisathi - France will be present. This ONG is selling pictures to finance the build of schools in Nepal following the 2015 earthquake. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE RESPECT THE BEAUTY SITE AND PLEASE LEAVE THE GLASS AND YOUR DOGS AT HOME ! Stands are welcome so feel free to contact us on our Facebook page or our mailbox contact@projectmoon.fr, we will give you formalities to be part of the adventure with us Presale tickets are available, so if you want to be part of this magical evening do not hesitate! We are working very hard and we expecting many of you for this evening ! Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1755802991315629/ Event link on our website: http://www.projectmoon.fr/event/stone-moon-5/ Mushroom Magazine: http://mushroom-magazine.com/event-89749 The Project Moon​ Team
  8. Teaser of the event: https://youtu.be/I3u5fL5_FmQ To watch in HD
  9. To start 2016, the association Project Moon invites you in the clouds for the evening TRIPPIN CLOUD ! Event on our site: http://www.projectmoon.fr/event/trippin-cloud-janv-2016/ Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/620831078055078 Presales: 10€ (hors frais de loc) https://www.weezevent.com/trippin-cloud At the gate: 15€ ๑๑๑ LINEUP ๑๑๑ ૐ LIVE SET ૐ ▷ MEERKUT (FUNKY FREAKS RECORDS) Live Psytrance - Nantes https://www.facebook.com/Meerkut-121708634580343/ https://soundcloud.com/meerkut ▷ SOLAR WAVES (Namaste Records) Live Prog - Paris https://www.facebook.com/solarwavesmusic/ https://soundcloud.com/solarwaves-1 ▷ MICROSPHERE (Namaste Records) Live Psytrance - Paris https://www.facebook.com/Microsphere-854432881241284/ https://soundcloud.com/microsphere-2 ▷ SYCHOVIBES (Wazacrew) Live Morning - Montpellier https://www.facebook.com/SYCHOVIBES-221053471609/ https://soundcloud.com/sychovibes ▷ TOXEED (Spheres Association - Ethereal Decibel Records) Live Goa - La Rochelle https://www.facebook.com/dj.toxeed https://soundcloud.com/dj-toxeed ▷ DIEZZZE Live Prog - Paris https://www.facebook.com/diezzze-202107266505046/ https://soundcloud.com/diezzze ૐ DJ SET ૐ ▷ PHOENIX BLAST (Spiritual Rebirth) DJ Set Psytrance - Toulouse https://www.facebook.com/PhoenixBlast23/ https://soundcloud.com/phoenix-blast ▷ KALOUBADYA (Tantra Music) DJ Set Psytrance - Paris https://soundcloud.com/kaloubadya ▷ PSYSUB (Project Moon) DJ Set Psybiant - Clermont-Ferrand https://www.facebook.com/Psysub https://soundcloud.com/psysub-gero ▷ LE BATELEUR (Project Moon) DJ Set Prog to Fullon - Clermont-Ferrand https://soundcloud.com/le-bateleur ๑๑๑ DECO ๑๑๑ ▷ Déco by Project Moon ▷ Vjing & Mapping by Metatron'Acid https://www.facebook.com/MetatronAcid/ Prohibited to minors ! No glass, no dogs ! Don't forget to think about the car sharing, Respect people, you, the dance place and the environment. Event location: Salle Jean Couzon Rue Pierre de Coubertin 63120 Courpière
  10. Event TOWER MOON 4 is SOLD OUT - Presales are now closed Thank you for your participation ! Do not forget the presale ticket for the gate and think about carsharing. Rendez-vous next saturday !
  11. One month before the Tower Moon 4 event, Do not forget your presales: https://www.weezevent.com/tower-moon-4
  12. La saison est repartie et toute l'équipe Project Moon est fière de vous convier à la 4ème édition de la Tower Moon ! Cette première soirée de la saison vous transportera au travers d'un univers magique préparé par les soins de notre équipe déco. Le lineup de la soirée comportera quelques petites surprises et arrivera très bientôt... Attention la salle a une capacité limitée à 500 personnes ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L’ouverture des portes se fera le samedi 14 novembre 2015 à 21h et se terminera à 10h le dimanche. Soirée uniquement sur préventes : 10 € (hors frais de loc) Lien préventes: https://www.weezevent.com/tower-moon-4 500 places disponibles ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lineup de la soireé : ₪ Artistes Live - Acts : MAT FAUSSEMANIP (Project Moon) Live Psytrance/Psytech - Clermont-Ferrand https://soundcloud.com/matfausse-manip http://www.projectmoon.fr/artist/mat-faussemanip/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DJ Sets : DHIRA (Peak Rds) Djset Psyché - Avignon https://soundcloud.com/dj-dhira https://www.facebook.com/djdhira?fref=ts RISE (Oréades Production) Progressive - Avignon https://soundcloud.com/dj-rise-progressive https://www.facebook.com/djriseprogressive?fref=ts SOUL EDGE (Mental Drop / Outrance) Djset Prog/Psytrance - Lyon https://soundcloud.com/antaress https://www.facebook.com/SOUL.EDGE.mental.drop KZR (Totem) Dj Set Prog https://www.facebook.com/Dj-kzr-totem-Sound6tem-165082616857901/timeline/ NONESK (Eywah) DJ Set DarkPsy / Hitech https://soundcloud.com/nanonesk https://www.facebook.com/manon.perretonberzinzeatomique ASTRALUNKA (Project Moon) DJ Set Goa Trance - Clermont-Ferrand https://soundcloud.com/astralunka https://hearthis.at/astralunka/ https://www.facebook.com/Astralunka-382372931867496/timeline/ ACRÖFEN (Project Moon friends) DJ Set Techno - Clermont-Ferrand https://soundcloud.com/acrofen https://www.facebook.com/Acröfen-846683392087245/timeline/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ramenez votre plus beau sourire et n'hésitez pas à vous déguisez, vous êtes les acteurs de la soirée ! Un bar sera également à votre disposition. Localisation salle des fêtes de Tours-Sur-Meymont: 50 km de Clermont Fd 100 km de St Etienne N'hésitez pas à covoiturer, vous pouvez proposez votre trajet ici: http://www.tawacovoiturage.fr/events/view/1674 Nous travaillons dur et vous attendons nombreux pour cet évènement ! Nos amis les chiens ne seront pas admis dans la salle et le verre sera interdit ! Lien évènement facebook: : https://www.facebook.com/events/402867313235800/ Détails sur notre site internet: http://www.projectmoon.fr/event/tower-moon-4-nov-2015/ L'équipe Project Moon
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