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kicma last won the day on February 13 2024

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  1. Uptempo: 1. Dosage - Cosmic Experience 2. Triquetra - Myriad Vision 3. VA - Tricky Grain 4. Texas Faggott - MEZiZAH 5. Morphic Resonance - Extrasensory Perception 6. Nervasystem - Underground Culture 7. Guagibo - Two Loves, One Life 8. VA - Hugjan & Maudjan 9. Xenomorph - Negative Time EP 10. Attoya & Foggy - Normal Trolls Talking
  2. @TrunksanThanks for sharing some of "inside" information (Technossomy, Synchro). I wasn't able to hear everything of course but for me number one set of the festival was Holeg vs Spies. Amazing music, perfect transition from UX to Ray & Nick (and from night to day). And his interaction with people on the dancefloor was something special. After him, there are few that I could put on number two: Nervasystem (agree with everything that Trunksan said), Nick Taylor vs Ray Castle, Andrew Till, (Australian weirdness mixed very well) Sunborn (unreleased darker stuff) but I like weirder and darker stuff. After that: Zen Paradox, X-Dream, OOOD, Intact Instict, Bus vs Gus Till... I saw last 30 minutes of UX and didn't hear anything out of beat, it sounded very well.
  3. Try Cosmic Serpent, Yudhisthira, Ethereal Vision, Omnium, maybe even newest Spindrift album And compilations from Glowing Flame Records, Stereohemia Records and Axios Records
  4. I don't think they persuaded him yet. I'll just quote their post in facebook event.
  5. 1. Triquetra - Human Control (Suntrip Records) 2. Insearch - Spaceship (Unreleased Goa Records) 3. Cosmic Serpent - Visitors EP (Axios Records) 4. Swaratrip & Friends - Twilight Patterns (Neogoa) 5. VA - Guardians Of The Light (Axios Records) 6. Todra - Dust From The Past (Unreleased Goa Records) 7. Giorgio Celeste & The Cobra - Tales from Terkaarg (S.O.N.S) 8. VA - Frequency Brew (StereoHemia Records) 9. siliconnexioN - Live in Adelaide 10. Goasia - Landed On Wrong Planet (Spacedock Records)
  6. Lunar Dawn - Kolovrat Ultimate Xperience ‎– The Realm Of A New Dawn
  7. And a new one for 2020...
  8. Yes, if you are looking for experimental then definitely Psy-Harmonics and Demon Tea, also Devic Craft Cordings, WMS Records, it's mostly Australian stuff. If you like Sibilant then you might check 21-3 Records but I wouldn't call that freestyle / experimental, it's begginning of psybreaks. Sab Kuch Milegator is unique forest goa, something maybe similar would maybe be Kiriyama.
  9. Koxbox - King of Jazz Transdriver - Jazz Acid Shaolin Wooden Men - Trickster
  10. My selection of 2019 goa trance
  11. 1. Spindrift - Deep Nature (StereoHemia Records) 2. K.U.R.O. & Charm ‎- Japanese Vibrations (DAT Records) 3. Psylent Buddhi - Secrets of the Atom (Suntrip Records) 4. Omnium ‎- Neural Geometry (StereoHemia Records) 5. Ultimate Xperience - Realm Of A New Dawn (Neogoa Records) 6. Battle Of The Future Buddhas - The Light Behind the Sun (Suntrip Records) 7. Gubbology ‎– Next Door To Mystery (Axios Records) 8. Ocelot ‎- Iconoclast (Moon Koradji Records) 9. DJ Omsun ‎– Illusorium (Moon Koradji Records) 10. VA - Fleinheim (The Cure) edit 1: Added Ocelot - Iconoclast to 8th place, Chassi - Limiar goes out
  12. Switzerland https://www.discogs.com/Various-Our-First-Swiss-Artists-Compilation/release/251398
  13. 01. Triquetra - Ecstatic Planet (Suntrip Records) 02. Morphic Resonance - Perplexity (Suntrip Records) 03. SubConsciousMind - Symphonies Of Life (Self-released) 04. E-Mantra - Stapanii Timpului (Suntrip Records) 05. Denshi-Danshi - Brain Chemistry (Suntrip Records) 06. Ephedra - What The Future Brings (Goa Madness Records) 07. Sab Kuch Milegator - Surrounded By Surreality (Self-released) 08. Veasna - Spectral Flux (Neogoa Records) 09. Unknownium - Unknownium (BMSS Records) 10. Smuds - For Fuld Musik (Real Vision Music)
  14. On Richpa's kind request I'm going to provide some more info about Goa parties in Croatia. Friend and I are organizing parties in small town (2000 people!) of Novi Marof and each year doing Goa night on small festival nearby called High Grounds (event for next edition isn't out yet, but it will take place at the end of July). Besides that, each summer we are doing at least one party somewhere deep in the forest. As Richpa said, scene is small and people are not willing to pay much for entrance so bringing international (and some of the domestic) artists can be very hard but we try to have 2-3 parties with international names each year. The idea is very simple, to make more parties with local DJs with idea to earn some money, then one bigger. Funny (or sad ) thing is that often more people comes to those local parties than on bigger names. The most important things for us are that we have what we think is the right spirit on our parties and that it doesn't get commercial. Anyways I don't like talking (or typing ) too much so here are some links for those interested. Balkan Goa Fanatics - organizer(s) of 3 editions of BGF festival and many fantastic parties in and around Zagreb, Area 53 - young collective doing Goa parties in Sisak and Petrinja OH - Novi Marof and nearby
  15. Yeah I know about Khetzal with violin, that's nice. UX also plays drums Xenomorph had interesting live on ZNA Also Ubar Tmar But I'm primary looking for new guys who are enthusiastic to perform live like the two I mentioned in first post.
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