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About 2Spirals

  • Birthday 06/14/1979

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    Salt Lake City, USA
  1. lol... Be like water, my friend. yes.
  2. So Elegy has a new project with the name 2Spirals, and I didn't want anyone to get confused, just in case. I am Kidron. I think his name is Daniel. I post on here as 2Spirals but my artist name is Redgloam. If you search in google for 2Spirals, my things often come up. But this awesome music 2Spirals is making, is not mine. Just sorting that out!
  3. Thank you! I realized going through your list, that the stuff I like is what you're calling Nitzhogoa. The Uplifting and Nitzhonot are things I was either unfamiliar with, or did not prefer. You note that Nitzhogoa isn't a real genre, but I think it should be because there is an obvious difference (to me, now).
  4. DI.fm is ddefinitely good for psytrance, but if you want ambient/downtempo/psychill I highly recommend soma.fm
  5. I also personally dislike singing in psy. I also really don't like ANY vocal samples. I am picky and I like ONLY the music. Samples, voices, etc... am I weird? Everyone else seems to love it.
  6. I saw Infected Mushroom in Seattle a few years back. I was very disappointed and left early. It was crap. It was nothing like their first few albums. Now they are highly over-commercializd, with crummy vocals, and there's nothing we can do about it! ;-D
  7. I think Goa is making a resurgence, yes, but I don't think it is the same sound as Classic Goa trance from the 90's/early 00's. I think that the new stuff is great, but it has a more "polished" sound. I really liked Proxeeus' s album from last year. That was a good example of new good stuff.
  8. I guess I will just have to listen to all of it and if I like it, I like it, if not, then I don't and I shouldn't worry about what it is called or why it wasn't called something else.
  9. Ok. So I am fairly late to the picnic on this thread, but I came across the album "Mysteryland" by Zopmanika tonight, and saw it was called Nitzhogoa. It has a track on it that was done with Agneton, whom I see praised in this thread. Ok. So. Here's my problem with this whole 'thing'. After listening to the examples people have posted, I am still, mostly, stumped at the blurry lines between nitzhogoa, neo goa, goa, uplifting, and nitzhonot. Someone posted a "cheese" video of Astral Projection's "Kabbalah" track which was/is always been my favorite older goa track of all time, so now I am very confused. I was hoping to revive this thread to have people post more specific/definitive examples so I can see what the difference is. JBC Akardii is the only artist so far that I have ever heard of being called 'nitzhonot' before and I liked it. thought it sounded like goa, to me, though. So HMMM.. help!
  10. This is a contender for top 10 psytrance albums of 2015 blog. Still have more in queue but this was an exciting release.
  11. I liked this release. neo goa (the genre not the label) to me is too repetitive and machine-like. I really dig the acid lines of the 90's style goa trance, and this reminded me of that.
  12. If y'all want the actual best of the best from 2014 (which was a terrible year by the way, in terms of psy music) check out my blog. https://twodarkspirals.wordpress.com/2015/01/01/top-10-psychill-and-psytrance-albums-of-2014/
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