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Everything posted by Psynetix

  1. I found it because I was just recently listening to the song, and I knew I really liked it so I found it while listening to the songs I really enjoyed at the time. By all means, list away the songs and I will definetly try to help and I'm sure some more people will too. Thats awesome man, I really need to get out skiing this year. I hope you enjoy/enjoyed your trip!
  2. I found the song. Its off of the compilation Remote Viewing. Talamasca Feat. Jeremy Tsunami - Take Off, Man!
  3. Thanks alot man!
  4. I JUST heard this song! I can't remember the name at the moment but I will get back to you asap man. Your in Lake Louise? Im in Edmonton Alberta
  5. Hey, can anyone tell me the track name in the video? http://youtube.com/watch?v=NzuV5FEIVYI&amp...ted&search=
  6. I found another song that sample is in... Shanti - Promised Land
  7. I am eager to find out where a certain sample originates from. It sounds some-what tribal, and it sounds like "HEY YUH!" I have heard it in a few songs such as: Sesto Sento - Sneaky Sneaky (Triptych remix) Magic Stick - Dna and Melicia I know I have heard it in another song but I can't remember. Anyone help a psyfiend out?
  8. I was just thinking the other day that "Infected Mushroom" needs to come out with a new album. Then I hear they will be releasing one in early 2007 called "Vicious Delicious"! I really can't wait for this album, I really haven't been too impressed with IM in the past but I am very eager to hear what they have changed in they're future release!...Maybe I'm just not in the "know" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicious_Delicious
  9. Dino vs Antitode - Drugs (Dino Remix)
  10. Well I got this idea from the other thread. I'm not sure if this has been done before, im sure it has, but I guess we'll do it again. Anyways, I had an awesome summer this 2006, I saw Eskimo and John 00 Fleming at Motion Notion in Alberta, Canada. Then the next month I saw Shpongle, Hallucinogen, Younger Brother, OTT, and Pixel at Shambhala 2006 in British Columbia, Canada. I plan to travel to Germany and hit up the Full Moon Festivel next summer, along with any other top psychedelic parties on the way. Tell me about yours...
  11. I am looking for some really good full-on psytrance. I am also looking for stuff that sounds similar to the the track Primitive Earthlings by Lucas and Eat Static. Cheers
  12. I just recieved Pixel - Reality Strikes Back in the mail today from lumpi!
  13. Spacecat VS Talamasca - Armageddon
  14. Thanks alot man!
  15. Hey, a while back I wrote down a sample from a song. I don't remember the name of the song but I know it is on my computer and I haven't found it since! Some words may not me completely accurate but I'm pretty sure I wrote it down 97% accurate "I think I found the map alluded too on one of the tablets, the artifact is constructed into the ceiling and it is a magnificent flight! It appears to be made of some crystalline material. The markings on it were strangely familiar when I first observed it, and after digitizing it and analyzing it, im certain...this is a map our our solar system!"
  16. Hmm, maybe no one replyed because you have to sign up on that site! lame! heres another link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fwxl6c
  17. Hey, I have a sample here from a live SUN Project set and I need help to identify a track. You will notice the song chops up in the sample but anyways here it is: File Size: 1.94 mb Sample Length: 1:25 http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...77DF28E2887CD14
  18. Yeah sorry this year was Wrecked Machines and Wizzy Noise, year before was Talamasca and Dino. Anyways! ANYONE?
  19. I was wondering if anyone could identify the track played in this movie. Its Dino Psaras playing at the Eclipse festivel 2006 in Montreal, Canada. The following link is a quicktime movie, its very small: 4.29 mb http://www.eclipsefestival.com/video/eclipse_Dino_dj.mov
  20. Haha I never thought of emailing him. I guess I will
  21. 53.9 mb
  22. Hey fellow psytrancers! I would like if someone could please identify a track from a set. I wish I could just record the song from it so this would be easier. Anyways right click and save target as on this link: http://www.moontribe.org/music/downloads/t...ert_Sunrise.mp3 This song starts at 12:36 in.
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