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About thinkbox

  • Birthday 03/14/1994

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Montreal, Canada
  • Interests
    The algorithms of life
  1. I like the cover art. It's so weird! I mean yeah, the proportions are messed up and the font choice is terrible, but it's kind of creepy/trippy. Where can I actually listen to this?
  2. Funky Baomi on soundcloud. Some solid psy.
  3. Hello Everyone! I recently applied for a volunteer position as a radio DJ and got accepted. My show will be featuring mainly genres of underground and alternative trance! Unfortunately, due to broadcasting guidelines, I need a certain amount of Canadian music per episode in order to keep the show running. I'd like to give anyone who would like some radio play the opportunity to send me their work, so that I may be able to feature it on my show once I start broadcasting. I am not making any money off of this show; I just love trance, and I want others to enjoy it too. I will be putting up more information about my show as it becomes available, I am just in the beginning stages. Once I start to broadcast, you can hear the episodes online for free anywhere in the world! Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions! Thank you!
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