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Lightforce last won the day on April 14 2020

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About Lightforce

  • Birthday 12/14/1994

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    Orleans, France
  • Interests
    Science Fiction (Cyberpunk - Steampunk - Whatyouwantpunk)
    Musical genres collector
    Mangas and Japanese animes

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  1. Well, since it's not even finished and up to date it's not worthy yet and just a waste of money to keep the server. Just stick to the pdf for now
  2. Hi, yeah it's normal, I had to stop it. I don't have enough time to work on it anymore for now. Maybe later, after my studies.
  3. F*CK NO !!! Alexi Laiho passed away...
  4. Group : ISON Album : Inner - Space Style : Shoegaze/Post-Doom Metal/Ambient Metal/Drone Music /!\ An etheral gem /!\ Group : Conan Album : Blood Eagle Style : Stoner Doom Metal/Drone Music
  5. @thefreewave Ormion just gave examples of Twilight classics. My PDF is not about giving classics but about giving examples of albums for each sub-styles after having explained each of them. I could perfectly have included his examples in the Twilight pages P.S.: about the list on discogs, although Wild by Absolum is undoubtedly a "proto-Twilight" album, it rather fits in Psytrance category (the one I described in the PDF)
  6. I think Ormion just gave classic Twilight Psytrance productions, all kind of Twilight confonded, not only those who fits in the South African one. I don't see anything contradictory with what is put in the pdf
  7. @Psyjafo Hi, welcome on Psynews and thanks for your support First of all, about the rolling bassline it has been popularized by Full-On but most recent Psytrance productions has a rolling bassline too so it's not peculiar to Full-On. For the classification of the artists you listed I'd say : - Ajja is usually just Psytrance on his LPs at the exception of "Spira Mirabilis" which is somewhere between Psychedelic Downtempo and Deep Trance. - Tristan as you said it, it's UK Psytrance and I think I will end to add it in the PDF. For this one I'd suggest you to ask to @Ormion, he's a better connoisseur than me on this sub-style. - Whiptongue, from what I can hear by now on his EP ("Oscillate") I'd say UK Psytrance too. - Jumpstreet I'd say Hi-Tech, but a slower kind of Hi-Tech compared to what we can hear most of the time in Hi-Tech. - Fungus Funk from his last EP, "Fractal Funk", seems to has kept a part of his "proto-Hi-Techish" Darkpsy sound on leads and FX but, not surprisignly (this EP was released on Sangoma and Timecode records after all ), has a Twilight bassline on the 2 first tracks. - Burn in Noise, from his last album ("We Stand"), it depends on the tracks, but there's blends between these sub-styles : sometimes it's UK Psyrance, sometimes a kind of slower Hi-Tech, sometimes Full-On, and some other Progressive Psytrance and even Psychedelic Downtempo/Deep Trance. - Avalon, from his last album ("Rise"), it's UK Psytrance most of the time but sometimes there's blends with Full-On. - Regan just made compilations so it woud be too long to classify each tracks from different artists. - Mad Tribe on "Superstar" : a kind of "Full-Onish" UK Psytrance. - Outsiders on "Be As You Are" : most of the time Full-On. UK Psytrance, Progressive Psytrance or Psychedelic Downtempo on some tracks with featurings. - Sonic Species on "Tokyo Sunrise (Transient Disorder Remix)" : "Full-Onish" UK Psytrance too. - Dickster (when he's alone) on "Inebriatti" : UK Psytrance. - Braincell used to be Full-On back in the days (Transformation Of Reality ), now he's UK Psytrance with some hints of Full-On on his last album, "Gaia". - Earthspace on "Machines Reflecting Love EP" : UK Psytrance. - Earthling on "Radio Gaia" : sometimes Full-On, sometimes UK Psytrance. - Electric Universe on "Lakshmi" like on his last LP "Journeys Into Outer Space" : Full-On. - Astrix on "He.Art" : "Full-Onish" Progressive Psytrance. I might be wrong but I think there's nothing Forest in the artists you listed
  8. I made a thread with a document gathering all the styles of Psychedelic Trance (thx to the help of this community here too) and explaining it here : https://www.psynews.org/forums/topic/70402-the-psychedelic-trance-in-its-entirety/ And thx Padmapani for your further explainations Btw, about the creator of psytranceguide.com :
  9. Group : Ulcerate Album : Stare Into Death And Be Still Style : Experimental Death Metal/Technical Death Metal
  10. Sorry for the wall of albums
  11. Well...2019 has been absolutely...out of this world Group : Xoth Album : Interdimensional Invocations Style : Technical Thrash Metal/Technical Death Metal/Technical Black Metal /!\ VEKTOR AND OTHER THRASH METAL MADNESS LOVERS THIS IS FOR YOU /!\ Group : おとぼけビ〜バ〜 Otoboke Beaver Album : いてこまヒッツ Itekoma Hits Style : Hardcore Punk/Noise Rock /!\ THIS IS A MUST CHECK FOR EVERYONE HERE /!\ Group : Devil Master Album : Satan Spits on Children of Light Style : Blackened Crust Punk/Death Rock Group : (DOLCH) Album : Feuer Style : Blackened Doom Metal/Dark Ambient/Drone Music Group : ESOCTRILIHUM Album : The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods Style : Experimental Death Metal/Blackened Death Metal Group : Dawn of Nil Album : Culminating Ruins Style : Progressive Blackened Death Metal/Blackgaze Group : Deathspell Omega Album : The Furnaces of Palingenesia Style : Experimental Black Metal Group : Lower Slaughter Album : Some Things Take Work Style : Garage Punk/Stoner Metal/Sludge Metal Group : Plateau Sigma Album : Symbols - The Sleeping Harmony of the World Below Style : Funeral Death-Doom Metal Group : Crypt Sermon Album : The Ruins of Fading Light Style : Epic Doom Metal Group : Blut Aus Nord Album : Hallucinogen Style : Experimental Black Metal/Industrial Black Metal/Atmospheric Black Metal/Dark ambient Group : Midnight Odyssey Album : Biolume Part 1 - In Tartarean Chains Style : Ambient Black Metal /!\ GO CHECK THIS ONE TOO ABSOLUTELY /!\ Group : Obsequiae Album : The Palms Of Sorrowed Kings Style : Melodic Black Metal
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