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Everything posted by Lightforce

  1. Well, since it's not even finished and up to date it's not worthy yet and just a waste of money to keep the server. Just stick to the pdf for now
  2. Hi, yeah it's normal, I had to stop it. I don't have enough time to work on it anymore for now. Maybe later, after my studies.
  3. F*CK NO !!! Alexi Laiho passed away...
  4. Group : ISON Album : Inner - Space Style : Shoegaze/Post-Doom Metal/Ambient Metal/Drone Music /!\ An etheral gem /!\ Group : Conan Album : Blood Eagle Style : Stoner Doom Metal/Drone Music
  5. @thefreewave Ormion just gave examples of Twilight classics. My PDF is not about giving classics but about giving examples of albums for each sub-styles after having explained each of them. I could perfectly have included his examples in the Twilight pages P.S.: about the list on discogs, although Wild by Absolum is undoubtedly a "proto-Twilight" album, it rather fits in Psytrance category (the one I described in the PDF)
  6. I think Ormion just gave classic Twilight Psytrance productions, all kind of Twilight confonded, not only those who fits in the South African one. I don't see anything contradictory with what is put in the pdf
  7. @Psyjafo Hi, welcome on Psynews and thanks for your support First of all, about the rolling bassline it has been popularized by Full-On but most recent Psytrance productions has a rolling bassline too so it's not peculiar to Full-On. For the classification of the artists you listed I'd say : - Ajja is usually just Psytrance on his LPs at the exception of "Spira Mirabilis" which is somewhere between Psychedelic Downtempo and Deep Trance. - Tristan as you said it, it's UK Psytrance and I think I will end to add it in the PDF. For this one I'd suggest you to ask to @Ormion, he's a better connoisseur than me on this sub-style. - Whiptongue, from what I can hear by now on his EP ("Oscillate") I'd say UK Psytrance too. - Jumpstreet I'd say Hi-Tech, but a slower kind of Hi-Tech compared to what we can hear most of the time in Hi-Tech. - Fungus Funk from his last EP, "Fractal Funk", seems to has kept a part of his "proto-Hi-Techish" Darkpsy sound on leads and FX but, not surprisignly (this EP was released on Sangoma and Timecode records after all ), has a Twilight bassline on the 2 first tracks. - Burn in Noise, from his last album ("We Stand"), it depends on the tracks, but there's blends between these sub-styles : sometimes it's UK Psyrance, sometimes a kind of slower Hi-Tech, sometimes Full-On, and some other Progressive Psytrance and even Psychedelic Downtempo/Deep Trance. - Avalon, from his last album ("Rise"), it's UK Psytrance most of the time but sometimes there's blends with Full-On. - Regan just made compilations so it woud be too long to classify each tracks from different artists. - Mad Tribe on "Superstar" : a kind of "Full-Onish" UK Psytrance. - Outsiders on "Be As You Are" : most of the time Full-On. UK Psytrance, Progressive Psytrance or Psychedelic Downtempo on some tracks with featurings. - Sonic Species on "Tokyo Sunrise (Transient Disorder Remix)" : "Full-Onish" UK Psytrance too. - Dickster (when he's alone) on "Inebriatti" : UK Psytrance. - Braincell used to be Full-On back in the days (Transformation Of Reality ), now he's UK Psytrance with some hints of Full-On on his last album, "Gaia". - Earthspace on "Machines Reflecting Love EP" : UK Psytrance. - Earthling on "Radio Gaia" : sometimes Full-On, sometimes UK Psytrance. - Electric Universe on "Lakshmi" like on his last LP "Journeys Into Outer Space" : Full-On. - Astrix on "He.Art" : "Full-Onish" Progressive Psytrance. I might be wrong but I think there's nothing Forest in the artists you listed
  8. I made a thread with a document gathering all the styles of Psychedelic Trance (thx to the help of this community here too) and explaining it here : https://www.psynews.org/forums/topic/70402-the-psychedelic-trance-in-its-entirety/ And thx Padmapani for your further explainations Btw, about the creator of psytranceguide.com :
  9. Group : Ulcerate Album : Stare Into Death And Be Still Style : Experimental Death Metal/Technical Death Metal
  10. Sorry for the wall of albums
  11. Well...2019 has been absolutely...out of this world Group : Xoth Album : Interdimensional Invocations Style : Technical Thrash Metal/Technical Death Metal/Technical Black Metal /!\ VEKTOR AND OTHER THRASH METAL MADNESS LOVERS THIS IS FOR YOU /!\ Group : おとぼけビ〜バ〜 Otoboke Beaver Album : いてこまヒッツ Itekoma Hits Style : Hardcore Punk/Noise Rock /!\ THIS IS A MUST CHECK FOR EVERYONE HERE /!\ Group : Devil Master Album : Satan Spits on Children of Light Style : Blackened Crust Punk/Death Rock Group : (DOLCH) Album : Feuer Style : Blackened Doom Metal/Dark Ambient/Drone Music Group : ESOCTRILIHUM Album : The Telluric Ashes of the Ö Vrth Immemorial Gods Style : Experimental Death Metal/Blackened Death Metal Group : Dawn of Nil Album : Culminating Ruins Style : Progressive Blackened Death Metal/Blackgaze Group : Deathspell Omega Album : The Furnaces of Palingenesia Style : Experimental Black Metal Group : Lower Slaughter Album : Some Things Take Work Style : Garage Punk/Stoner Metal/Sludge Metal Group : Plateau Sigma Album : Symbols - The Sleeping Harmony of the World Below Style : Funeral Death-Doom Metal Group : Crypt Sermon Album : The Ruins of Fading Light Style : Epic Doom Metal Group : Blut Aus Nord Album : Hallucinogen Style : Experimental Black Metal/Industrial Black Metal/Atmospheric Black Metal/Dark ambient Group : Midnight Odyssey Album : Biolume Part 1 - In Tartarean Chains Style : Ambient Black Metal /!\ GO CHECK THIS ONE TOO ABSOLUTELY /!\ Group : Obsequiae Album : The Palms Of Sorrowed Kings Style : Melodic Black Metal
  12. Group : Necrowretch Album : The Ones From Hell Style : Blackened Death Metal
  13. Hey, thank you for these words and nice to meet you too. For sure, I'm always up for discussions and improving That's to say? Explain me
  14. Thanks for these words. Your comment about Ksointsu made me listening to it again and I changed my mind, I think you're right and I moved this album in experimental
  15. Old School Death Metal of 10 tons. Best "pure" Death Metal release this year.
  16. Group : The Offering Album : Home Style : Progressive Extreme Metal/Alternative Metal /!\ To my mind we have the best release of 2019 just here. There's no weak track on this album. These guys are madmen and this is ridiculously good. /!\
  17. F*ck yeah ! Insomnium, In Mourning and Alcest almost the same day ! Melodeath and Blackgaze are back ! Funny how In Mourning now sounds like a blend of the old Opeth and Insomnium
  18. Group : Hacrid Album : Back To Where You've Never Been Style : Experimental Metal/Progressive Death Metal
  19. @OrmionJust wanted to say that I took the time to listen this album and it's a new masterpiece of its kind for me. I loved your previous album and this one makes no exception. Goa and Twilight fits perfectly well. I saw some people say that it was a bit too repetitive for your previous album but I don't agree with that, I think it's perfect like that. I'm often listening to them since the first one and this one came out and I can't get enough. Your work remind me a lot Morphic Resonance style while being different enough. Great job mate !
  20. They're doing great job !
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