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Everything posted by GoaPal

  1. GoaPal Airlines Flight 303 destination 604, live every wednesday & sunday 19h CET but usually more often 2020 10 29 GPAF303-D604, 258min Tracklist: Astronobios - Spider Web Astrancer - Ain Soph Psylarium - Lunar Tide Shakta - Expedition To Earth Omnivox - Parallel Spaces Ovnimoon - The Honest Meditation Atlantis - Acid Goa Madness In Moscow Alienapia & ShivaOm - After The Universe GoaWave - Acid Experience Celestial Twins - Sleeping With LFO Dynamica - Lfo Move Adrenalin Drum - Electrip B N3V1773 - Mettle Wizard Project - Andromeda Filami - Wavicle Astral Projection - Dominion Somnesia - Endorphin Memory Battle Of The Future Buddhas - Shinechaser Worms Of The Earth - Tesert-Baiu Barmohak - Spiritual Ceremony Proxeeus - Orne & Hutchinson Merr0w - Space Whale Confirmed (Live Version) Xenomorph - Dying Sun SwaraTrip - Chatushruti Rishabha Oforia - Emotionally Charged Memories Roy Sasson - Mentalogue MeloDeep - Foundation Stone Fiery Dawn - Prana The Maniac - The Crawling Chaos Psy-H Project - Genesis Median Project - Midnight Monumental - The Makers Tranquility Base Project - Where Did The Towers Go Psychedelic Quest - Psychotherapy Message From God - Global Light (Retro Edit) Bell Size Park - 3000 Chakrams (Live Vocals Mix) 01-N - Mystic Dawn Psychedelic Quest - Vibrations Mind Echo - Dreams of Travel Barmohak - Spiritual Ceremony RA - Eikon Psy-H Project - Precession Of The Universe (Median Project Remix) got myself 6 new comps (4*timewarp, 1*global sect and 1*suntrip) yesterday and i wanted to listen to some of those new tracks... ended up with a 4h+ mix enjoy
  2. Les Mixs du Soleil, live every wednesday & sunday 19h CET 2020 10 19 The unsuspected, yet inevitable, famous "Mix du 4am". 237min Tracklist: Elysium - Trancelestial Psychobabas Shakta - The Future Is Now Tim Schuldt - Red Hair Hospital Power Source - Memory Bubble Oforia - Maximiser The Muses Rapt - The Return of the Travelers Prana - Plexus Prominence Zabra - Waterworld Conspiracy Theory - Project Oblivion Total Eclipse - Free Lemonade Transwave - Robostyx Hallucinogen - Spiritual Antiseptic Psychopod - Psychopod Oforia - Cream Synchro - Babes On Broomsticks Nervasystem & Aether - Kinetik Space Dilation Mystica - Mama Kallu Total Eclipse - Space Clinic Toi Doi - Up Days S.U.N. Project - Alienated Judson J. Eiloart - Orion Astral Projection - Cosmic Ascension (feat. DJ Jörg) Pigs In Space - Who Is Feeling Normal Ominus - Saucer Dip Hallucinogen - Shamanix Shakta & Ping Pong - Between The Nothing Van Basten - King of the Death Posture Mystica - Ashes to Ashes Lunar Asylum - Vanishing Point Blue Planet Corporation - Alidade Transwave - My Dear Medical Assurance X-Dream - Panic In Paradise Transwave - Absolum Astral Projection - Kabalah Quatermass - Kali Electric Universe - Rain (California Sunshine Remix) Astral Projection - Nilaya Laughing Buddha - Karma Miranda - Triplexus Talamasca - Jungle Storm sample goapal airlines outro
  3. Le Mix du Soleil, live every wednesday & sunday 19h CET 2020 05 10 Mix du Soleil (Suntrip Special) part 1, 161min Tracklist: Imba - Creature Of Heaven Celestial Intelligence - Alteration Median Project - Life Line Filteria - Lost In The Wild Imba & Ephedra - Digital Non-Sense Merr0w - Mind Blowing Artifact303 - Energy Waves Celestial Intelligence - Inevitable Feelings Red Gravity - Momentary 29 Lydia DeLay - After All (Imba Remix) E-Mantra - Wrath Of The Nomads Morphic Resonance - Unreal Merr0w - Utopian Society Filteria - Life Never Sleeps Artifact303 - Feelings Celestial Intelligence - Forking Paths E-Mantra - At the Foothills of Kogaion Mindsphere - Photosynthesis Artifact303 - Mysterious Fantasy Celestial Intelligence - 1001 Reasons (Remix) Morphic Resonance - The Creature E-Mantra - Rise of the Dacians Filteria - Birds Lingva Franca (2013 Edit) Denshi Danshi - Tsuki
  4. Le Mix du Soleil, live every wednesday 19 CET & sunday 15 CET 2020 08 23 Mix du Soleil, 193min Tracklist: Pleiadians - Boarding Pass To Balangan Blue Planet Corporation - Micromega Electric Universe - Magnetic Field TransWave - Hypersphere Chi-A.D. - Exit Eternity Soluna - Dancing Spirit Avi Algranti & Bansi - Inner Reflexion Dimensions - Deep Space 50 Subcouds - Space Angel Ominus - Acid Tester Prana - Starchild (Total Eclipse remix) Malarkey - Stabilise Dimension 5 - Limitless Dimension Space Tribe - You Can Be Anything Children Of The Doc - Martian Civilization (Domestic Goblin Remix) Underhead - Orejuna Infernal Machine - Lion King (Man With No Name Remix) The Secret - Pagan Dance Tromesa - Gaja Lunar Asylum - Iron Age Crop Circles - Classic Process (Hale-Bop) 1000 Faces Of Nyn - Vulture Etnica - Vimana Process - Cryogen Shakta - The Neuromancer Crop Circles - Full Mental Jackpot (Pleiadians Remix) Asia2001 - Kalimba Cosmosis - Telekinetic Etnica - Microdrive Slinky Wizard - Funkus Munkus Electric Universe - Radio S.P.A.C.E Encens - Orgasmatronic Virtuart - Time Cruncher
  5. Le Mix du Soleil, live every wednesday 19 CET & sunday 15 CET 2020 08 19 Mix du Soleil, 144min Tracklist: Space Tribe - Out There in The Universe Electric Universe - Flashback Prana - Primal Orbit Pigs In Space - Visitors (Part 2) Crop Circles - Lunar Civilization (Etnica Remix) Mindfield - Cosmic Courier Astral Projection - Ionised Shakta - Spaceflowers (Dirty Guitar Mix) Mandala - Utopia Juan & Domi & Jorg - Spirtual Healing (Remix) Pleiadians - Asterope Virtuart & Chronomyst - Prospector M Electric Universe - Sunset Skyline (Edit) Astral Projection - Powergen Infected Mushroom - The Gathering S.U.N. Project - Spaceships & Spacepeople Brain Accent - Orange Acid Astral Projection - Soundform Prana - Alien Pets State of Trance - Alien Prophecy Astral Projection - Searching For UFOs Witchcraft - Major Frequencies Doof - Double Dragons Green Nuns of The Revolution - Two Vindaloos & an Onion Bhagee www.facebook.com/604pal www.youtube.com/c/GoaPal www.twitch.tv/goapal_airlines www.globalsect.ru
  6. Le Mix du Soleil, live every wednesday 19 CET & sunday 15 CET 2020 08 12 Mix Du Soleil, 246min Tracklist: E-Mantra - Above The Skies Median Project - Infinite Space Hypnoxock - The Choice is Yours Merr0w - Atlantis Antares - Eureka Triquetra - Stormbringer E-Mantra - The Entity Pleiadians - Electra Filteria - Reflected Median Project - It is not Possible E-Mantra - Xibalba Morphic Resonance - Ouija Filteria - Dog Days Bliss (Album Edit) Median Project - Pandora's Box Filteria - The Big Blue Afgin - Heaven's Tears Imba - Cosmos In Her Eyes Celestial Intelligence - 1001 Reasons Median Project - Sunrise E-Mantra - Gebeleizi Ra - Predator Afgin - Old Is Gold (Part 2) Sirius - Universe Celestial Intelligence - Blueberry Mindsphere - Tears Of Goddess Afgin - Journey Through Acid Mindsphere - World Is Yours Artifact303 - Close Encounter Filteria & Ukiro - Infinite Regression Celestial Intelligence - A Different Story Innerspace - Mental Stream Clementz - Inner Core Celestial Intelligence - Celestial Beings Imba - First Encounter Clementz - Music Machines Shall Inherit The Earth Shakta & Deedrah - Lepton Head (Part Iii) (Filteria's Z-Particle Remix) Sykespico - Visit Earth Yesod - On The Edge Of Time
  7. les mixs du soleil, live every wednesday 19 CET & sunday 15 CET 2020 08 01 Mix du Soleil, 232min Tracklist: Artha - Insidelamp Astrancer - Neighbor Astrancer - Tetragrammaton (Psychowave Remix) Radical Distortion - Promise Of A Better World Pigs In Space - Now And Beyond Consept Lightwork - Ancient Magnetic Crystals Boris Blenn - Rain (Original Mix) E-Mantra - Pathfinder Crossing Mind - Hydrophobic Visions Ra - Predator Blue Planet Corporation - Midian (Astral Projection Remix) California Sunshine - Coming Home Afgin - Heaven's Tears Imba - Cosmos In Her Eyes Ephedra - Crispy Bsicuits Centavra Project - Space Flight Prana - Mugen (Astral Projection Remix) Celestial Intelligence - Blueberry Filteria - The Big Blue Sirius - Universe Median Project - Sunrise Afgin - Old Is Gold (Part 2) Celestial Intelligence - 1001 Reasons Hypnoxock - Heaven Can't Wait Chi-A.D. - Cause And Effect E-Mantra - Gebeleizi Hypnoxock - Big Crunch New Born - Playing Games Atlantis - Acid Mantra Dragon Twins - The Acid Man Omnivox - I Am The Storm (2017 Edit) Mindsphere - Visual Perception Jaraluca - Solar Spectrum Innerself & Zopmanika - Connecting Galaxies Median Project - Heaven and Earth (Omneon Rmx) Atlantis & Median Project - Supernova Morphic Resonance - Chromatic World (PsiloCybian Master) E-Mantra - Trans Neptunian Objects www.facebook.com/604pal www.youtube.com/c/GoaPal www.twitch.tv/goapal_airlines www.globalsect.ru
  8. les mixs du soleil, live every wednesday 19 CET & sunday 15 CET 2020 07 16 Mix du Soleil, 187min Tracklist: Artha - Sannjasin Crossing Mind - Modulated Self Reminders Aerosis - Cape Quetzal Negans - Life On Earth Ocean Star Empire - How Small We Are Innerzone - Disco Valley Cactus Arising - Karma Artha - Saikol Landscape Observer - Dream flow controls Afgin - Old Is Gold J.I.S - Zero Gravity Travma - The Reality Afgin - Northern Exposure Artifact303 - For A Better World M-Run - Live Session 3 - Spiral Cloud Psychowave - Engineers Also Need Fun Liquid Flow - 2012 M-Run - Etheral Resonator Psychowave - Innertrip Cosmic Dimension - Nucleosynthesis Lunar Dawn & Svarica - Perun's Stones Cosmic Dimension - Telekinetic Mind Lunar Dawn - Ananke (Screwloose Remix) Fiery Dawn - Soul Ocean Imba - Hidden Paradise Radical Distortion - The Score InnerZone - Uplifter Etnica - Triptanite (Playa Remix) www.soundcloud.com/goapal www.facebook.com/604pal www.youtube.com/c/GoaPal www.twitch.tv/goapal_airlines www.globalsect.ru
  9. les mixs du soleil, every wednesday 19 CET & sunday 15 CET 2020 07 15 Mix du Soleil,154min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCrj3YLcoYI&feature=youtu.be https://soundcloud.com/goapal/2020-07-15-mix-du-soleil Tracklist: Fiery Dawn - Cosmic Soundforms Afgin - Journey Through Acid Cactus Arising - Dirt Crazyness Carbon - Jupiter Clementz - Inner Core Celestial Intelligence - A Different Story Cosmic Dimension - Dark Side Of The Universe Electric Universe - The Prayer 2009 Deimos - Funkscape 2.0 Goasia - Terra Incognita Artifact303 - Close Encounter Hada - Imaginarity Astral Projection - Mahadeva 99 Imba & Ephedra - Melosomnia Cactus Arising - Space Filter Madness Innerspace - Mental Stream elestial Intelligence - Into The Depths Of Illusion Liquid Flow - Chaotic Clementz - Music Machines Shall Inherit The Earth Median Project - Made on Earth Filteria & Ukiro - Infinite Regression Merr0w - Burning Universe Shakta & Deedrah - Lepton Head (Part Iii) (Filteria's Z-Particle Remix) Skarma - Cianendeon Ra - Gateway Eight (Cosmic Dimension Remix) http://soundcloud.com/goapal http://www.facebook.com/604pal http://www.youtube.com/c/GoaPal http://www.twitch.tv/goapal_airlines http://www.globalsect.ru
  10. live facebook video: http://www.facebook.com/604pal/videos/2068304053381885/lien audio only: http://soundcloud.com/goapal/special-goapal-birthday-mix-featuring-mlove Tracklist: Proxeeus - Tekeli-Li Astral Projection - Enlightened Evolution [remix] Pharaom - Shiva's Cosmic Dance Jaraluca - Minds Circus Disco Volante - Moon Raker Artifact303 - Contact Clementz - Circles Dimension 5 - Purple Om Cosmosis - Alien Disco Ephedra - Trip Through The Heart Of The Galaxy Dimension 5 - Blue Pyramid Mindsphere - Wasted Years Psychowave - Sunshine Reborn New Born - Omen E-Mantra - Dansul Ielelor (Eleusyn Remix) Notor - Contient Mu Merr0w - Citrus Circus Omegahertz - Entropia New Born - Unidentified Skarma - Animoneae Nexus Plexus - Born To The Purple Triquetra - The Spiral That Is Time Atlantis - Space Mantra Ra - Reign Of Madness (Alienapia Remix) Proxeeus - Something Lurks On Yuggoth Ohm Mind - Ultimate State of Consciousness (Proxeeus Remix) Lunar Dawn - Ananke (Screwloose Remix) Proxeeus - Collapsing Cosmos Filami - Ingenuous Curiosity Asia2001 - Anafuzz Mindsphere - Mental Processor Crop Circles - Lunar Civilization (Filteria's Higher Remix) Pigs In Space - Visitors (Part 2) Timofey - Megahertz Stardust - Music sounds better with you (12_ club mix)
  11. Ep1: Ep2 or "about the great outer astral shroohm mantra of space from the chai mush of crystal worlds and the legend of the fourty trancers of love" Tracklist: Centavra Project - Journey To Another Worlds (Mix 2017) Psy-H Project - Crystal Worlds Artifact303 - Tropical Sunset (Trance Dance Remix) Centavra Project - Terraformer Kurandini - Brahamantra Centavra Project - Capsula Artifact303 - Black Light Katedra - Radiointerference Clementz - Conquer the Universe Centavra Project - Galactic System Liquid Flow - Radiation Celestial Intelligence - Minding The Universe Javi & Skooma - Fucked Up Beyond Repair Man With No Name - Posessed (Cosmic Dimension rmx) https://www.mixcloud.com/GoaPal/global-sect-tribute-ep2/
  12. my pleasure mate, those tracks....
  13. because it s my favorite label atm i made a small 5h03min mix (303 minutes!!!! hehe, must be a sign right?) here are the first 80min =) Tracklist: Skarma - Cianendeon Liquid Flow - Chaotic Mindsphere - Hidden Depth Alienapia - Night Train Psy-H Project – Gaura Nitay Mindsphere - Enchanted Land Median Project - Mad Space Liquid Flow - Psyonic Storm Artifact303 - Contact Skarma - Animoneae Mindsphere - Divine Intervention Psy-H Project - The Essence of Bhagavat-Gita Atlantis - Space Mantra Alienapia & Khetzal - Endless Glade Centavra Project - Journey To Another Worlds (Mix 2017)
  14. definitely one of my best live! had soooo much fun. was definitely in the mood from scratch hehe Tracklist: GoaPal - Intro Asia2001 - Eolis Delirogenius - Astral Explosion Triquetra - One-Way Ticket To Unity Moonweed - Om Life Ogo - Kobejada Sinhu - Free Space Trinodia - Human History (Nova Fractal Remix) Proxeeus - Silken Delights John 00 Fleminng & The Digital Blonde - Oxygene (Eleusyn Remix) Carbon - Jupiter Proxeeus - Tekeli-Li Denshi Danshi - Make Make Asia2001 - Bais 51 Daimon - Edge Of Darkness Proxeeus - Orbiting Arcturus Amanite Fx & Práná - Black Rain (Original Mix) Ra - Crossing Planet Emmanuel Top - Acid Phase
  15. https://soundcloud.com/goapal/tomaowhm Tracklist: 01 | 0.00.00 | Asia2001 - Eolis 02 | 0.05.52 | Delirogenius - Astral Explosion 03 | 0.08.55 | Triquetra - One-Way Ticket To Unity 04 | 0.12.24 | Moonweed - Snake Charmer 05 | 0.16.06 | Ogo - Kobejada 06 | 0.20.40 | Sinhu - Free Space 07 | 0.23.43 | Skizologic & Moonweed - Fusion 303 08 | 0.27.12 | Toï Doï - Exostatic 09 | 0.30.57 | Astral Projection - Free Tibet 10 | 0.35.45 | Doof - Star Above Parvati (Original Mix) 11 | 0.39.14 | Denshi-Danshi - Southern Sign 12 | 0.40.26 | Astral Projection - Black & White 13 | 0.44.01 | Proxeeus - Silken Delights 14 | 0.47.37 | Moonweed - Aardvark 15 | 0.54.35 | Carbon - Jupiter 16 | 0.58.10 | Proxeeus - Tekeli-Li 17 | 1.01.39 | Denshi Danshi - Make Make 18 | 1.07.55 | Proxeeus - No Happy Ends 19 | 1.09.06 | L.S.C - Big Brain 20 | 1.14.59 | Asia2001 - Bais 51 21 | 1.16.11 | Daimon - Edge Of Darkness 22 | 1.21.57 | Proxeeus - Orbiting Arcturus 23 | 1.25.00 | Amanite Fx & Práná - Black Rain (Original Mix) 24 | 1.30.07 | Goasia - The Religion 25 | 1.31.45 | Proxeeus - What The Moon Brings 26 | 1.38.04 | Nostromosis - Revival 27 | 1.40.47 | Power Source - Granada Remix 98 28 | 1.44.39 | Prana - Scarab (Proxeeus Remix) 29 | 1.49.00 | Grand-Cheff - Dirty Trance 30 | 1.53.11 | Ra - Crossing Planet 31 | 1.55.22 | Emmanuel Top - Acid Phase
  16. ... but as sharing is caring here it is Tracklist: Asia2001 - Eolis Delirogenius - Astral Explosion Triquetra - One-Way Ticket To Unity (unreleased) Moonweed - Snake Charmer Ogo - Kobejada Sinhu - Free Space Skizologic & Moonweed - Fusion 303 Toï Doï - Exostatic https://soundcloud.com/goapal/goapal-high-frequencies-contest-mix-entry ps: it s the beginning of my next mix +-
  17. available for download =)
  18. don t worry mate, i intend to do exactly that. except i ll hopefully mix it even better at some point, who knows? thx for the support, <3
  19. hey all! i ll let u know when it ll be avaible for download
  20. i made this as a gift to my fb friend list. now u can enjoy it too MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR MATES =) Tracklist: Cymatics - Celestial Sunrise Cosmic Silence - Psy Spirit Astral Projection - Sticks & Stones Cosmic Silence - Cosmogenesis Aerosis - Lunar Effect Nolax - Teonanacatl Crossing Mind - Psy Crise California Sunshine - Futuro Blue Planet Corporation - Micromega Electric Universe - Magnetic Field Blackstarrfinale - The Star Cloister Khetzal - Indian Attic Chi-A.D. - Celestial Khetzal - Aramean Dreams Indoor - Bom Shankar (Original 1995 DAT Version)
  21. Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard this GoaPal Airlines flight 303, destination 604. 2h OF PURE MELODIC GOA TRANCE @ 147bpm " 36th Hour" Tracklist: Artha - Faith Liquid Flow - Awakening Eleusyn - Kosmodrom Cosmic Dimension - Acid From Above Sulima - Back To Goa Mindsphere - Inevitable Delusion Khetzal - Aramean Dreams Astral Projection - Electric Blue Chi-A.D. - Celestial Ree K - Far East Frequency Ra - Static Distress Dimension 5 - Psychic Influence Vishuddha - Trip Tonite (Remix) Alienapia & Khetzal - Endless Glade Mindsphere - Wasted Years Celestial Intelligence - Gray Matter Liquid Flow - Psyonic Storm Cosmic Dimension - Time Beyond The Universe Innerspace - The Ground Mindsphere - Beyond The Illusion Dimension 5 - Deep Space 5D Artifact303 - Delirium Ra - Initiated Mindsphere - Patience For Heaven John 00 Fleming & The Digital Blonde - Oxygène (Eleusyn Remix) Antares - Aurora Ladies and Gentleman, We have been glad to have you on board and hope you enjoyed the flight. We thank you for flying GoaPal Airlines and hope we may welcome you again. Good Bye Booking Infos: 604pal@gmail.com
  22. now avaible for download =)
  23. Tracklist: 01. | 0.00.00 | Jagoa - Solar Journey 02. | 0.04.22 | Mindsphere - Presence 03. | 0.11.31 | The World Beyond - The Journey (Across The Silver Sea Of Eternal Life) 04. | 0.21.46 | Proxeeus - The Sea Of Tranquility 05. | 0.26.54 | Perfect Blind - The Expanse 06. | 0.33.06 | Arronax - Dive Into Merak 07. | 0.39.01 | Astropilot - Yasmin (2011 Rework) 08. | 0.44.13 | Unusual Cosmic Process - Legend 09. | 0.51.03 | Katedra - Eidos 10. | 0.56.41 | JBC Arkadii - Molekula 11. | 1.01.03 | Perfect Blind - Sabled Sun (feat. Subscale) 12. | 1.08.48 | Shamanizm Parallelii - Temple Of Buddha High In Sky 13. | 1.14.16 | Shamanizm Parallelii - Spaceship In My Brain
  24. my pleasure mate =)
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