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Everything posted by astralprojection

  1. ^ do you know of any New Old School tracks or did I just make that up a few comments ago ? Is everything made since 2004 technically New School? Or what in your mind, would constitute something being produced now; but still Old School ? So pretty much same question recursion asked me
  2. excellent question! Skarma is probably one of those artists, that I would say have both New and Old School production style at the same time. So both Same with Afgin, actually, tracks like Afgin - Shine On , Id say actually IS New Old School =) edit: meh, Skarma too, now that i go through those two tracks you linked me. If that isnt New Old School then I really dont think it exists. So good point and good questions
  3. not sure probably the style of music. no, i dont think so. and if it was then i think the breaking point must be 2003/2004 yep, that has alot to do with it for sure, but certainly not every time. filteria for example who is a hardware nut =) yes. production style is for me the thing that defines it. good question! uhm, i guess not really a hard answer, since style of music seems to be the most defining character; i think the same way a person could make newschool goa he could also make oldschool goa (meaning LESS layers, LESS software-like sound, using hardware sequencers and synths for sure will help here)
  4. great input this is exactly why i started the topic its very interesting to read others opinions about it. I do remember that Ypsilon-5 album, and it was also a fresh gust of wind, but it wasnt really captivating to me then, it sounded a bit too awkward there in the ether, not old-school and to me, not new school either, just in between. Alot of artists had tons of "in between" attempts, but for me i still think it was filteria that got it right the first time. id concede that space juice absolutely is psytrance and not goatrance, but its so close to goa though, and to me also another attempt at creating something new. Chi-Ad - Hammerhead is another one of those "in between" tracks for me, but i guess that might be a debatable example :p i blame the fact that i completely missed earth crossing, and then heard this track by accident on some random VA from the time. so a few hits and misses for sure in the years 2001-2004- ish i hadnt noticed that 2001 album you mentioned. WIll have to check it out now
  5. Thats a very nice and slightly profound comment there, thanks alot ^^ While I do love neo-goa; I cannot disagreee with anything you just said edit: well, with fresh ears, i do disagree on the "copy paste pleadians = newschool". I disagree with that, i think Filterias first album yes, it is obviously very close to pleadians. But its not very strange because he uses same synths, and the music is the same style too, so its really not strange, but these days i really much prefer filterias music over pleiadians. but then, i dont really compare the two .
  6. i cannot understand how you keep the momentum of trolling for 10+ years. thats something else entirely. kudos.
  7. addition: i guess many people would say the New School part simply refers to the artists themselves. As in they are new to the scene, but the scene is old, and they gave a rebirth to the scene. I mean, i know that is what it means. But nowadays, when we say Newschool or Neogoa - we most likely are referring to a style of music rather than just semantics.
  8. can it be pinpointed? I think so. Its likely Filteria, with his 2004 release? But damn, he was really early, because peeople were still trying to make New "old school" goa back then. (MWNN, ypsilon-5, chi-ad, and many more - all came out with New Old School tracks in 2003-2005.) But IIRC, filteria is the person who did not try to make New "old school" goa, but instead, New, "Brand new" goa. Or maybe it wasnt him? Then who? And what is your definition of New School goa vs Old School goa if released in the same year? For example. MWNN - Space Juice was released in 2003. Its most definitly old school , while still sounding "new". So , its what I would call New "old school". But Filterias release in the following year, sounded nothing like the old school - while at the same time, it sounded EXACTLY like it. but it was new. it was brand new! Well, New School was born very quickly and a couple more artists came in, immediately after Filteria - with their own "New School" releases. (E-Mantra, Artifact303, Radical Distortion, Afgin etc) But what was the track or album that really defined New School, and what is your opinion, youve just read mine, now im eager to read yours
  9. Very cool stuff, it reminds me of etnica - mystical appearance in goa. But of course a much better and more worked on version. Since the etnica track today is pretty bland and empty. This for some reason triggers that song as its archetype. Good job, I guess :))))
  10. just wanted to add to e mantra, that, youre missing sub slightly from this last release. its very highpassed. edit: that was just stupid to say. take it back who tf am i to say that anyway. my bad
  11. nope. it was made in 2001 but sounds like 96 astral.
  12. this must be the creation of a new galaxy a galaxy of truth, knowledge, love and respect a place where all forms of life can live in peace i suppose i give a name to this new galaxy i shall call him, life no googling
  13. i know its silly but im just so damn curious by nature =))
  14. Im really impressed to see E-Mantra - an oldie in the game now - keeps evolving his style. He keeps getting better and better. Progressive Neogoa! We need more pioneers in this genre. Pushing the boundaries of Neogoa. Even though this might not be pushing the boundaries per se, its still very much classic new school but, it feels more progressive in the mixing and basslines. Excellent work! This one is a hands down buy!
  15. fuck, its missing Groom Lake, id honestly buy it otherwise : O anyway, so nice to see the oldies remastering their stuff, only wish more producers did that. Who wouldnt buy a remastered version of Astrals catalog? I would. From what I can gather from my research most mastering was done by Lior Perlmutter himself and honestly , he damn near ruined Amen for me, and i can think of dozens more albums that really would be excellent to get a modern master of. mastering quality has increased tenfold since the 90s/00s.
  16. im pretty sure you could see that before, why was it removed?
  17. +1. space juice was such a warm gust of wind when it came out, because goa trance had been plagued with absoulte garbage for like 3 years straight. so finally we get space juice which is a very refined version of 2003 goa trance. and axis flip.... thats just a beast of its own, what a monster. his best track hands down, and i listen to it several times per year =)
  18. i dont get it there are gigs on trains?
  19. There was no day no night No sound no touch no smell There was no form no taste, there were no directions
  20. that link is dodgy . i clicked and it was just spam... and in portugese.
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