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Everything posted by astralprojection

  1. checked out some machine head as i was curious how one can not enjoy the soft metal that is dead by april, kill hannah, some soilwork (while i love ALL soilwork most of it is heavier and growlier) but i couldnt really dig machine head, its too stiff and hard. no pun inteneded. and you are most likely right that there are quite a few simliarites in soilwork and machine head. the first song you posted sounded almost identical to the sound of early soilwork except another lead vocal. btw i really do can recommend their entire discog, and thats rare, its like, astral, soilwork, vibrasphere, solar quest, manu chao. and norah jones.
  2. cozy thread. was a while back but a prev gf was also into partying and "raving" as we said in swedish. it was a good match but, and here goes that expression again that i hate.. At the end of the day we realised we were just completely different even though our taste in music were similar. While i completely understand and wouldve agreed with what rasolom said, i think that i was too narrowminded before, and in the search for ms perfect i probably dissed some girls just cause they didnt have my perfect match in music taste which is a freaking broad spectrum probably impossible to match. (world music like Manu Chao, raw hiphop from the streets like busta rhymes and fiddy, deeply psychedelic trance like noosphere, calm chillout like solar quest and global, raw slit-my-wrist type metal like soilwork, wine drinking jazzy grooves from norah jones) now, well, i still care about a girls musical preference obviously; i mean, if she enjoy pop too much she might not be very bright and yeah i know, thats pretty damn assuming... but like i said i dont think i care AS MUCH these days, about a partners musical preference - although of course it would be an added bonus if it clicked too. at this time im just happy a girl know what goatrance is she might not go mental on a lawnparty with some alcohol in her system and gamma goblins 2 comes on and just starts dancing with the closest speaker with a smile; but thats ok.
  3. oh here was the comment. nm my PM. by the way you didnt answer did you remove the treble by choice ? because like i said, if so it was a bold and genious move. the dark and wet feeling by doing so was undeniable.
  4. i have that but i dont think its very legal for me to share it :/ although take a look here. open website so .. dont think its illegal to share a website.. http://muteam.fm/dl/ meh just 3 albums..
  5. haha, thanks. and damn. i dont think im ready just yet for another dose, i almost died yday. just gotta hear the mix in and mix out tho waaow. btw is the treble turned down cause you wanna increase the dosage? cause i think its working, it gets confusing and you kinda feel disoiriented when all you hear are the kick in some echo torturer chamber thing, and its certainly not very safe and familiar in here, feel like i wanna get out, but its so thick and the air is so hot and damp, its like i cant breathe. the kick just hammers on in the walls, you dont know where it comes from , its just there as a pulse is just there, and ghost stuff from silent hill is trying to get out from the walls. That is the general idea of what it feels like listening to this mix. and bravo if that was intended. bravo indeed. if not, well, then, you need to check your filter and damn here we go.. thorazine is epic at this bpm, feels alot slower, might not be though i dont wanna A/B listen atm, this is just too damn heavy, but yeah, sounds about 15bpm or so slower and it works very well the electricity sound is just gnarly man, just ugh, raw and cold and sweaty like serious chock therapy going on, in some old hot silent hilly hospital somewhere, where everything is dark and dank. ugh. thank you for the great mix and this was my review of it, but i only listened to the later part for now. it definetely feels like its YOUR mix, and not some random mix, it most definetely has a unique feel, and the tracks just sound new and fresh, in this dark and danky environment. you definetely signed your name on it , very good job.
  6. oh, thats pretty sweet then, it sounds like, i wanna hear it
  7. that high potent shit definately hit me hard
  8. aye, the human mind is a strange creation. its built to create. its like the Creator said "fuck it, ima let them find out, at the end of all that, they just find out that they are me, hah thats gonna fuck them up proper, trust me, look look watch, let me fuck up psynews real quick, hahaha" well, im lying if im dying
  9. he scared me man, his eyes just didnt wanna send me any good vibes, and the way he said he was not in and out of jail was kinda like that chris rock sketch, where chris rock, a black man, hating on "niggers" cause they be taking creds for some shit they SUPPOSED to do. like NOT go to jail. thats one. and well, i always bust out laughing when i think of that and this dude looked both scary AF but wierd too. the fact that psykovsky (comon, who sain person would call themself that, that guy already know he aint right in the head) is on the news is obviously extremely news worthy.
  10. some will say its the tools though.
  11. hahah.. well yaeh. you did miss alot of wonderful freaking acidtrance, man.. but you at least appreciate it now. thats more than i can say for many people.. who cares about Solar Quest anymore, you know? I feel its important, keeping our elders close. And he was one of the most prominent Ambient/chill out masters, on the level of Aes Dana and beyond, i Mean that guy was a genoius... and most people didnt even know he did the very best acidtrance to date. (im off to goa, a+b=c in d# and acid air raid, is all you really need to teach, if you ever were a teacher teaching about the tb303.)
  12. oh so NOW he likes the second one well enough to share it,. mmmhmmm..
  13. LMAOFAO i even forgot the letters but dafuuq that guy , if i ever saw that guy high on shrooms i would fucking murder a few people
  14. i heard the 12 bit style no need to mention it, but i would love for you to upload the real version, seriously.. please man, its a buitful piece of work, whats taking so long? I love it - dont you want me to love it and enjoy it? do you have better things to do? if so, then teach me. what is better than giving someone some sonic pleasure, say so , teach it to me, cause i wanna learn so i can teach it on, on my bros and sons whats more important than the listener, and why is it so? I challenge you to answer me honestly. Cause I have your music. I have your mind in a headlock. Tell me and ill let go.
  15. I dont think its possible, sir. show me the 303 built by andy pledger, and put a vid up, that displays its awesome properties. why you even in here if you just wanna say the word and then dont do it? pic or it didnt happen is ever so true. I can act like I got the SH101, the TB303, the TR808 and 909, the JP9000, the minimoog, the juno, whatever i dont i give props when props due, and no other synt avaliable today can fuck with Roland TB303 - Legend TR808 and 909 - Legend, even in the commercial standpoint its not even just psytrance anymore. SH-101, legend jp, juno, jupiter, and other "big synths with large soundbanks" not one piece of software can fuck with it. but we try!
  16. you joking right? i had that shit up the other night man, i KNEW you was my brother from another mother. i knew it. thats str8 acid right there, if you wanna learn how to tweak a TB303, Solar Quest is gonna tell ya.
  17. somehow my brain reads TACO instead of YOCTO but all jokes aside this is one track that can take the jokes... its beatiful man..Share the proper version, with the proper stereo image! plz! oh crud... things are getting deleted i can feel it, if im not here tomorrow, dont miss me good night psynews
  18. i actually wasnt even hating on anything, thats kinda funny to me though cause i really didnt say much, mostly jibberish and yet here i am trying to say one word or the other like im on trial.. I can understand it takes years and i wouldnt want to trade with you, the eye sight loss. and i feel for you , i really really do. btw all hail the tb303 no other can come close! hows that for software clones... i can play with my ABL2 vst all day and not come close to the gritty sound of the original. not even the koxbox sounds proper to my ears
  19. its amazing, and one of my all time favorite tracks, and will ever be. which is why i think the dude kinda ows me... by now ive spread that track to about 50 people and well, ive cherished it since I first heard it as a KID... on a ravemission cd. well, believe it or not, im all grown now, and I want the sample... I need it. cause the single that launches me into the stratosphere is the remix of this track. so i need it. the track doesnt work without it..
  20. i can imagine. im left with cruddy pirated software, and youre left with decent hardware copies. i dont know WHERE it gets sad(dder) but its just a general sad state of affairs tbh.koxboxes all over the place, some contain cocaine, some contain acid, and some literally contain acid, some knobs here.. some there... a resonance knob for example... and there goes a cutoff knob.... on another synth it might not even say cutoff. so you are left clueless. "where is my fucking cutoff knob". "its supposed to be right by the resonance knob". and youll never know, its just a HP filter knob and the resonance knob was gay to begin with.. A SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS.
  21. no sir i didnt mean what went into the actual production. that much i couldve guessed. i was talking about your brainchild, the sound, the thing that came out of you. what went into THAT thing. and please fix the panning, and re upload cus I really really want this. Its not a gag or anything, its seriously that good and its just a coincidence that you uploaded it on the very night i treated psynews like my own personal rubber room.
  22. no no , if you didnt already grasp how much i think its badass, you should probably re-read my earlier comment. the tr808 is a masterpiece. but since the samples is out there and well - NOONE could identify a sample taken from the original 808 or a toybox, its still up for jokes - but thats not letting it slide the fact that the tr808 is an amazing piece of hardware, just like the tb303.
  23. If you come up with the secret, im telling you right now, im gonna send you some chickenwings, some hot sauce some fucking fries and a pepsi
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