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recursion loop

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Everything posted by recursion loop

  1. This NOT Anders Nilsson, right? https://www.discogs.com/ru/artist/197796-Andromeda-4
  2. One of my all-time favs. Amazing track! And more Andromeda And yet another one. Very hypnotic track with deep and lush atmosphere - that's basically what I think progressive should be ... Interesting that it's the only psytrance track made by this guy, for what I know. He seems to be mostly focused on chillout (not even psychill).
  3. Actually I read the AP review where he said that the production was very good but the melodies weren't that great - that was exactly the impression of all Celestial Intelligence's tracks I ever heard (I remember one from Inti compilation and the album they released in 2015 ). So yes, I honestly thought it were the same guys until I read the Penzoline's post. I used to listen to neogoa a lot 3-4 years ago but then I switched to other forms of psy and lost track of current goa projects. Lol, man . Okay, I just listened to that Fabric of Creation track. It's actually quite nice but I kinda agree with everything said above - very good production (mixing and sound-design are superb for the genre) and some nice melodic parts, especially in the second half - but it lacks something to be really memorable, imo. Kinda "sounds like neogoa" and that's it. It has that typcial neogoa sound - super intense, a melody after a melody after a melody, everything is too fast and too loud. Well executed for what it is but not really my thing.
  4. It took me a while to realize that they were not the same guys "Uhm, what was the name? Cosmic Intelligence? Celestial Dimension? I don't remember!"
  5. That's excatly what I was saying in another thread All in all, i think really complex harmonies typcially don't go well with psytrance. Some people manage to pull it off, like U-recken, Terrafractyl or early Infected Mushroom. But mostly the "melodics" in full-on are repetitive patterns in natural minor or Phrygian with some occasional root note changes adding tension. These melodies keep the entrancing effect of the bassline but also add some emotion, making it more than just a bassline with some sfx noises on top. I see how this style of psy may sound like 'elevator music" to some, as people said in the nearby thread, but I still like it for what it is.
  6. Do you mean Mr. peculiar or everything in this thread? The Peculliar's tracks aren't really melody-driven and don't have very complex harmonies (especially the 1st and the 3rd one I've posted) but they have some nicely executed melodic bits so I think they still fit. E.g. the Other Speices track at 1:50 and 6:28... goosebumps! What do you think would be an example of proper melodic psy? Agree with that. It seems that at some point it was concluded that "melodies are for pussies" and then psytrance became much less ineteresting to me as a whole. I do like some non-melodic stuff but big part of it sounds to me like some kind of "genre exercise", often techncially good but not really inetresting musically.
  7. Was listening to Mr Peculiar's Infinite Evoltion on a loop lately Just cool AF, every single track!
  8. So are we working with this track? Okay, that would be 138 bpm E minor.
  9. They just didn't have the tools we have now, like surgical equalizers or super-precise compresors, also they only used hardware synths I think. Was there any software synth in 2000? Maybe only Rebirth is that old. When you record a hardware synth into a cheap inteface you can get all kinds of noises and artifacts. Likely they also didn't use DAWs for mixing, rather it probably were some cheap and noisy hardware mixers and everything was recorded on noisy tapes. Now most mainstream psy labels expect more polished sound. And that probably means that artists, at least those signed at bigname labels, focus more on production quality, mixing, mastering etc, than on musical ideas.
  10. What melody? From that track, or something else? I think that track was much faster than 130, and it probably won't sound good if slowed down. I can make some new melodies for 130 bpm
  11. When you make "modern" psy, it's much easier to make leads when you already kick/bass/drums. Making kick/bass/drums when you already have leads is a total nightmare. Been there, done that. In case of more freeform music I think it doesn't really matter, you may start with a cowbell or whatever. For this track let's say G Minor (or G Phrygian), 138 bpm.
  12. Yep Also I don't really make goa, I'm more into proggy/full-on style. Iirc I made that mini-track just to test the Diva sofware synth (it's all Diva except the drums). I don't think I ever going to put more effort into this track but I don't mind giving away the synth parts if someone wants to use them somewhere. I typcially start any track with making the kick/bass combo and when I add the first lead synth into the project I already know what will be the key and the bpm. But it's just me.
  13. Will you be making the kick and the bass? Maybe make these first and then tell us the key and the exact bpm?
  14. ok, 130 bpm and what is the key? I don't mind throwing in some pieces Also I have this short thingie which never evolved into anything. I can buonce the separate synth parts from there. I still must have the DAW project somewhere.
  15. Great album, I still like it a lot. Other Species is my fav but there are no bad tracks here. I appreciate it even more when I compare it to 2020-2021 fullon releases.
  16. Electric Universe 1998 2019 (the 2019 track sounds to me like an obvious attempt to rectreate his classic track The Prayer from 2004)
  17. Production quality can't be a bad thing per se. When the mix is good, everything is loud and clear, the kick and the bass are in perfect alignment, each sound is perfectly polished, the listening experience will be much better - the track will sound equally great in a club, in a hi fi sysetm at home, or even in earbuds plugged into a smartphone. Thing is that the current production quality standards requre that the sound-engineer mindset must dominate over the musician/arranger mindset. I think that's why there's so many perfectly produced but boring psytrance tracks these days - they are made by people who know how to make perfect mixes but either don't care much about the musical content or make some compromises in this aspect to make the tracks mixable better. E.g. when you have a melody that requires a lot of key changes in the bassline, or a lead with a lots of automation/realtime knob tweaking with harmonic content radically changing along the way and wild resonances randomly popping out, that will be very challenging to mix, especially if you want your track mastered loud (and you want this if you want your music to be accepted by a known label) - so you will likely leave this out and use sounds that are less tricky to process and mix and simpler harmonies that don't make a nightmare out of the bass processing. Also less layers overall, because less sounds = less frequency conflicts, less volume buildups and other "undesirable" things like that.
  18. Yes, Dacru. Morning fullon. They actually have 2 or 3 decent tracks if you are into that sort of thing (I know you are not).
  19. New track, released a couple of days ago Sounds much more like Digicult than MWNN but really good anyways I sorely missed this kind of full-on (yes, full-on!)
  20. There is also Isratrance forum and a few others but none of them seems very active these days. Everything must happen at Facebook and such i guess (I don't know, I have a FB account but hardly ever use it). I'm actually curious if there is a place on the web to discuss Astrix, Ace Ventura and other modern prog stuff with people who actually like it or at least have some interest in it, like myself.
  21. Out of the blue Freq released a new track the other week. It has that modern very sharp bassline but the synths and the melodies sound like the old stuff. Really nice track IMO
  22. It's always far more important how it sounds than what it looks like in an analyzer. But I'd say it's quite unusual to see such a massive peak at 1.1. KHz in a kick. Also it seems you have the two main harmonics and not much stuff inbetween. That's what a spectrum of an exemplary psy kick might look like You may watch this video, it gives some basic explanations on how psytrance kicks are usually made
  23. IDK, sounds really cool to me (I guess one has to understand the lyrics and the overall context tho) Actually the whole thing sounds pretty much like some Perplex/Michelle Adamson collab from 2007. Which is a good thing for me
  24. Thanks, glad you like it!
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