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recursion loop

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Everything posted by recursion loop

  1. That's a bit tricky to explain, and it's not that I'm such an expert. I'm listening in a relatively decent environment (have some acoustic treatment in there) with good monitors and headphones... the same room where I mix my own stuff. What I hear is that your bass seems to be indeed concentrated around the root harmonic without much harmonic content in the upper octaves, if any at all, and the kick barely has any impact, it's just a short midrange sound, not even very clicky. The kick/bass in psy is not just low frequenices, it actually populates the area from the lowest sub to upper mids and even highs (approx 15-20 kHz) and you have to get it right in this whole frequency range - the attack/release, the balance, the frequency content etc e.g., that's the spectrogram of the k/b bus from the track Silent Universe in the nearby thread (that's not a pro relelase, but I think if you dissect a mix from a pro artist you'll see something more or less similar) Hope that helps
  2. 138 bpm progressive with some 303s and a bit of cheesy euphoric melodies Mastered by Astralprojection (master@aeap.se)
  3. This might require a bit more mixing/mastering work (IMO it still doesn't have enough bass - not in the sense that you should add more low frequencies, but the bass and especially the kick somewhat lack presence and impact). But sonically and musically it's really impressive!
  4. Because Virus Thanks!
  5. Take a look at Viper VSTi if you are on Windows. It has essentially the same sturcture as Virus and can sound very similar, especially FM and stuff https://www.adamszabo.com/vstplugins/viper/
  6. Cool, I don't use Ableton but I know Futurephonics make some quality content. I have Virus Snow and Microbrute. Both really cool synths, I use them sometimes in my tracks but these days I mostly use software synths.
  7. Hi! On behaf of NHJO, who is somewhat busy now, i offer you a new awesome band name Micro Delic Please kindly paypal 5 usd to: stupiduselessshit@gmail.com
  8. Going darker? Still sounds cool What did you use for the FM synths? Virus?
  9. There is an old tuotrial about that vb-1/quadrafuzz bass (for the end result skip to around 30:30) I wouldn't say it's exactly the same sound as in that Aquila track, but this sounds a lot like the full-on basslines everyone and their dog were making around 2005-2009, like Astrix, Galactica, Ephedrix etc.
  10. I see. Indeed the filter characteristics are similar in your example. I have neither cubase nor logic myself, but I know many people used vb-1/quadra in the 00s (iirc someone told me this technique was invented or made popular by Skazi), so I'm just guessing it's how the bass was made in that track. TBH I never managed to really nail this specific bassline style myself
  11. Is it possible to run ES-1 outside of Logic? Or Quadrafuzz in Logic, for that matter? Yor example sounds nice but not quite similar to that Aquila bass imo.
  12. I thought Aqiula were cubase users, so my guess would be the classic vb-1 + quadrafuzz combo
  13. Groovy and powerful, very competent production but misses some individuality 7.5/10
  14. Lol, that's a very old meme but I thought it would never get out the Russian part of the internet
  15. Great track, as expected Listening at home, where I have 7inch monitors and some acoustic treatment, can't seem to hear anything wrong in the mix. Maybe the kick is somewhat weaker than what is considered the modern norm, but if you are aiming at mid 00's sound then it sounds fine. The bass is great, what synth/technique do you use? Do you resample it or run directly from a synth? I'd make the track 2 minutes longer and add a more pronounced melodic climax. E.g. at 4:37, drop some supersaw arpeggio and go full cheese, then it would be fkn epic
  16. Indeed, older fullon used to be less intense but this wasn't a bad thing. I like slow evolution in trance tracks, when elements are gradually added instead of being thrown into your ears right away Like here, there are sections where not much is going on except for the bassline and some squelches/stabs but somehow the whole thing sounds really entrancing. Is it your Virus at your userpic?
  17. Okay, we defnitely need to talk the guy into dropping what actually makes his music great and unique
  18. Thanks! Maybe I'll make more tracks in the style like that Safe Travels track. Basically when I started making some music myself I wanted to cocnentrate mostly on this style but by the time I became able to make tracks of more or less acceptable quality the world had moved on and this style seemed to be dead. There is some charm in these oldschool jumpy basslines, like in that Atomic Pulse track (dope track!).
  19. Next time better start your own thread for your works, but the track you posted sounds nice. Impressive that you have been doing this for a half of a year only (unless you are using premade loops). These short clap/kick breaks at every second bar sound a bit distracting, if you remove most of them except the places where they would mark a trasition to a next section the track would be more groovy.
  20. Your music and your production are great and I think we badly need full-on like that in 2020. It used to be my favourite subgenre but it seems that people mostly stopped making it by 2012 or so. There is a nostalgia thread here Of recent artisis I only know Lexxus with similar sound, he has released some stuff at Dacru btw So I think you could submit your stuff to Dacru as well, why not? In the worst case they never respond but you lose nothing anyway I don't know any labels consistently releasing melodic/morning fullon at the moment, if they do exist please someone let us know
  21. Thanks Beastie! Well, making the whole arrangement of the pieces people will provide, making the bassline, mixing the whole thing, that would be a lot of work. I can do that and sure it would be interesting to try but I can't promise making it soon, chances are it would be months ... Quite busy with the dayjob and my own projects.
  22. I can also do goa (or what I think is goa ) This sounds very cool
  23. Some really good tracks in there! Hope the rest of them will be released too at some point
  24. I can add some genuine fullon cheese, think Electro Sun, Intersys, Indra etc. Always wanted to do something in that vein, just needed a proper excuse
  25. Чего ты несёшь, дурнина? Wanted to say I indeed prefer reading reviews over watching videos
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