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recursion loop

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Everything posted by recursion loop

  1. Bascially, the only way to go is: pick a release you want to have on a CD -> contact the label managers and dicuss the details with them. Artists usually aren't the people who may make the decisions like that on their own, unless they have released their stuff themselves (they own the lables or the music is of "not on label/self released" kind). I have a bunch of tracks released at various labels and the agreements I've signed basically don't allow me doing anything with the released tracks, I guess these argeements were more or less standard.
  2. Guys, I wish you success, but speaking for myself, I have zero interest in physical copies, I handle my whole music collection digitally as 320 kbp mp3, this is just so more convenient. I believe the last time bought a CD was in 2010 or so. I still have some CDs, when I have time i grab mp3s from them and then throw the discs into thrash (my wife hates my CDs because they occupy some useful space in our flat and she constatntly asks me when I'm going to be done with the grabbing process) I'm one year older than the OP if that matters, my melomania started in 1994.
  3. For what I know, TAL is considered to be more accurate emulation in terms of features and sound. On their site there are some comparison demos https://tal-software.com/products/tal-bassline-101 LUSH-101 is more an "inspired by with some features added on top" thing.
  4. Most good software synths cost like that or more. In case of Lush there is a cheaper alternative from TAL but it has less features (no layering, no vowel filter, maybe something else is missing).
  5. I wonder what Cydelix is doing here. For what I know about him, he is mostly doing downtempo and atmospheric DnB, very mellow and melodious music barely touching psychedelic. As for your opinion on the album I fully agree - technically good but forgettable musically (judging from the samples on soundcloud). The only interesting moments I've heard were that subtle melody in Space Ripping and the bubbling synths in One Million Years, but even this was not interesting enough. Btw, I want to say that I really enjoy your reviews, you usually manage to catch the essence of the album and give weighted and unbiased opinion. This is much better than some other reviews which often boil down to "sounds like banging oldschool goa = good/ doesn't sound like banging oldschool goa = bad".
  6. I liked the first one except that the main melody in the first part (which returns again near the end) seems disharmonic, the last note feels wrong. Sometimes "wrong" notes work wonders, but this is not the case imo. The second part of the track, where you have that arpeggiated pattern is really good but I wish the mix was a bit cleaner. The second one is less memorable but also good, I liked the part form 3:45 to 6:05, the melody which starts thereafter is not so good imo (a bit too simple and the synth which plays it sounds thin and harsh).
  7. Nice track, depsite it has no melodies, it was really intereting to listen, lots of cool sounds and unpredictable changes. Production is relaly good, tight and fat. What synths did you use?
  8. This should mean that there is no darkpsy at all.
  9. I think his next live act will be at Lost Theory in Spain http://www.losttheoryfestival.com/program/
  10. I'm just finding it a bit funny that one of the creators of this album tells other producers not to use old sounds and production techniques and to invent something new instead but is totally sticking to such sounds and techniques himself.
  11. Of course not, this is a parody track. Murka (the melody which starts at 4:45) is a well-known song of Russian thieves. I won't post the original song because it can be damaging to your mental health, google it at your own risk.
  12. I didn't listen to the whole album, only several tracks from bandcamp, but my first impressions are the same: typical psytrance sounds thrown over a typical full-onish bassline. Recently people were discussing how to make FM leads for pystrance at another forum, and Scorb posted this: "The FM thing has been done to death though and apart from the ubiquitous galloping bass is one of the sounds in psy that can make it mind numbingly derivative and boring. I've been at more psytrance events than many have had hot dinners and everytime I hear tracks that contain little else other than that FM sound, it makes me roll my eyes skyward and head for the bar! We caned that sound 15 years ago and it no longer sounds futuristic. Innovate don't imitate" Well, I think calling this "mind numbingly derivative and boring" would be way too harsh, but I don't hear much innovation either. That galloping bass is very prominent here. I didn't hear much sounds that could be attributed to this very recognizable two-osc FM made in Nord or Virus, but other cliched psy sounds are definitely here as well
  13. Awesome! Almost everything I love about psytrance in one mix. Thanks for posting this.
  14. Actually the Taiwan/Chinese relationships are more complicated than "Taiwan wants to be independent, China wants to control it". To the best of my knowledge, they both claim to be the one and only "real China" (hence the name "Chinese Taipei" which was specially adopted to distinguish Taiwan from China at Olympic Games).
  15. You may blame Astral Projection for giving rise to the hordes of copycat neogoa and nitzhonot acts to the same efefct
  16. Well, I think that it boils down to the fact that IM are really muscially talented, and this is what matters. While "propely made" goa will be appealing to goa fans, music with good melodies, catchy, memorable and well produced will appeal to big audience.
  17. That's so true! I've just checked the folder "psy selection" on my PC, it has 471 file. This means that I had to listen to about 4710 tracks to filter out all the crap and leave the decent ones. And I bet there are another few hundreds of great tracks I'll never hear because they are hidden among another few thousands of crap I can't be arsed to go through.
  18. Great, man! I remember your Doof Aloof which was really good. Will check our this.
  19. Fucklol And your discussion about the Anu's law in the pop music thread proves that the Anu's law does exist
  20. Thanks, I have this Juno-lx and also their 101 plugin, they both are great. As for your other suggestions, I think I'm covered by what I already have. Thanks nevertheless, this may be useful for other people. I admit that I don't have enough skills and patience to make great sounds with crappy free plugins, but I admire the people who can do it.
  21. I agree that you can make music with free software or basic DAW plugins, but quality plugins or digital hardware usually have better sounding algorithms, more options, etc. Also for old goa sound you can use basic waveforms and filters, modern psy production involves FM, wavetable, additive oscillators, complex filters (like vowel or comb), various effects and whatnot, I don't know many free plugins having enough options and good sound quiality, this TAL free stuff sounds fine but is too basic. As for the Virus, this is basically a plugin in a box, no magic in it but I happen to love the sound and the workflow, the only disadvantage is that you can run only one instance of the virus plugin so you have to bounce everything and also that plugin takes forever to load. I wish Access release a native plugin but I highly doubt it will ever happen
  22. My latest tracks are mostly made with Virus TI but I'm slowly getting back to softsynths. Spire sounds very convincing and is much easier to handle in a DAW. Also Discovery Pro is a really fine softie, I never owned a Nordlead but I like to think that with this Discovery I can pretend that I have one . Massive and Diversion are also great for modern psy sounds, Diva and Juno/SH-101 emulations by TAL should be good for oldschool goa.
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