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recursion loop

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Everything posted by recursion loop

  1. Yes I do, thanks
  2. I.e. a track in 6 minutes. That's lame, it can be done 3 times faster The 2020 version also has the kick/bass phase aligned by default. You can disalign them but then you'll be erased from the universe like Psynina (known bug, they are working on it).
  3. No, apparently it changed our reality so that Psynina doesn't exist here anymore and never existed Shit like that happens all the time
  4. It's hard to estimate exactly as it was a part of bigger refurbishment I did in my appartment. The materials didn't cost a lot, I used Rockwool Acoustic Batts and Lutrasil for covering (it's our local product, generally you need acoustically transparent fabric) they aren't very expensive here. I think when people say 500-600 EUR that's more or less close to what I've actually spent on the whole thing (or maybe it was even less) - but this will depend on your local prices ofc. Great article on that, basically I did what's described here https://www.masteringmastering.co.uk/cheap-acoustic-treatment-for-mixing.html I'd also say that the room treatment should be done before buying new monitors. For a year after I had treated my room I was using the same shitty KRK Rokit G5 as I had before but the treatment drastically improved my mixing abilities (or, to put it bluntly, I finally became able to deliver passable mixes )
  5. Muddiness may have many causes, phase conflicts, frequency conflicts (not necerssary kick/bass, the leads may interfere the low end too if not hipassed enough). Some of that may be adressed even before the actual mixing, at sound design/arrangement stage. I had been making very muddy mixes before I treated my room, so I know a lot about that What's about your room and monitors? Are you sure you hear your bass right?
  6. Buy it and tell us then Only you can decide. What kind of kick/bass are you making? bpms, kick style (short and punchy or long subby tail? or tonal like goa kicks?), bassline style? Most imprortantly, do you feel you kick/bass combo lacks something and what excatly it lacks (if it does)? Phase aligment tips discussed here are not some kind of cool thing all the cool guys are doing because they are cool guys, it's a set of techniques that can improve the groove and maybe the tonal qualities (sub content) of your kick/bass in certain specific situations. Or can be useless in others.
  7. TBH, I don't think you need a dedicated 250 bucks plugin to put your psy kicks and basses into good order. If you synthesze your kicks and basses you can acheive good match between them by tweaking the kick tail pitch envelope and the bass starting phase and then you likely won't need any phase aligning tool at all. If you use a kick sample you can just find out the key/bpm where it work best with your bass and then all you may need is a sample delay utility, which your DAW may have (if not, download Forward Audio Sample Delay thingy, it's free), to align them a bit better. There is also that method Imba posted earlier here, it also uses only free plugins but I haven't tried it yet.
  8. Yeah, that's seriously awesome track! Is it really a new Human Blue track? Or some old unreleased stuff?
  9. I wonder what are the minimum monitoring requirements for making a really classy KbBB, ready for festivals and big speakers. I think I'm out anyways, all I have in my possession is a tiny room (about 11 square meters) with some DIY acoustic treatment and 7inch monitors, I don't even have a sub because with my room dimensions this doesn't seem to be practical. Just wonder what rooms do big producers have (minimum size) and how much do they invest into treatment and monintors/sub. The question also applies to techno, D&B and any other genre that needs a precise sub frequencies control
  10. Yes, Aigel is one of the few our pop bands i really like, but that's partly because the lyrics are in my native language, so i was curious how would it sound to someone who doesn't understand what they sing. The other two tracks are kinda irrelevant but i just love them, also great lyrics. TBH, I have no idea what current Russian top 10 sounds like, based on what seems to be currently popular I guess it must be the same kind of crap as in the OP but in Russian.
  11. I'm not sure what was that "value 32" in Sylenth, but i think you could match the values in both with something like Smexoscope
  12. Dune3 does have osc phase control. First you turn on the reset knob, then you go to the mod matrix and use const as the source and osc starting phase as the destination. The amount of this modulation will effectively be the osc starting phase position. Sure, your ears should be the ultimate judge, all these trick are invented to help you, not to restrict you in any way. But since not everyone has the luxury of having a big perfectly treated room with top notch speakers and matched sub, many people do rely on spectrum and waveform analysers, reference tracks etc, it does help.
  13. Indeed! Very nice track
  14. When someone says "psytrance bass" i think about the typical KbBB patterns, so I linked the relevant tutorials. Ofc, different bassline styles will have their own techniques and tricks but the core principles are the more or less same, when you hear a groovy, fat and clean kick/bass combo it means that there are no frequency conflicts and the phases are in good order, even if the producer didn't think about that at all and just did what sounded best to him. I guess these tricks with visualisation are more useful for beginners and semi-amateurs like me, seasoned producers probably don't need that as they already know what sounds best and how to do that, and also have invested enough into their mixing setup to be sure that they hear things right in the whole frequency spectrum. @Prophecy99 Glad you like Safe Travels, thanks
  15. If we talk about modern KbBB patterns, the phase relationships between the kick tail and the first bass note, at the point where they overlap, are very important. It's one of the things that define the groove. Ofc you have to use a synth with osc phase retrigger or a sample for the bass, an analog synth or emulation with free running phase is useless for that. This video corers that.
  16. For bass I always use Sylenth + a processing chain that involves a multiband plugin, usually Saturn. This tutorial has helped me a lot But people use Serum, Massive, Hive, Trillian, Logic stock synths and whatever else they have. The psybass synthesis is very simple, the key steps are the processing, resampling and aligning the phase with the kick (the video above covers that). Here's another video showing how to do similar bass in Serum As for the examples of my basses, a couple of tracks with different bassline style, all Sylenth, processed as above But I'm not really a pro yet, still learning and trying to improve my basslines. There are people round here who are much better producers than me and make awesome basses, hope they will contribute something too.
  17. Yeah, indeed. Like always Great tracks posted. That Andromeda remix is amazing! (like pretty much evetything made by Andromeda/Chromosome). I knew Healer but didn't know he also had an uptempo project
  18. Absolutely agree with that. I still love that style and wonder why it's not produced anymore. Your track is amazing, man! Great production, great melodies and all the genre characteristics 100% nailed. The track might be longer tho.
  19. Another great track from 2014 (not even that old, but similar sound )
  20. Thanks, glad you like it! The last track is my own favourite as well, really happy with this one
  21. Nice track. Very good production and nice melodies. To my taste there is too much starts/stops/glitches in there but I suppose it would work well at a dancefloor.
  22. Everybody should know Sensogram, this album is sublime https://www.discogs.com/ru/Sensogram-Parallel-Minds/release/3590430 Probably the most atmospheric record in psytrance ever. Good stuff, Padmapani. This Human Blue track reminded me on the Joof guys, John 00 Fleming and Airwave. I actually know Stereofeld, iirc he released two albums at Ectoplazm. Gotta give them a listen again.
  23. Sounds nice, indeed! Thanks
  24. Freq - 2004, Andromeda -2005, Sensogram - 2012. I don't know any current artists with similar sound. Most recent mainstream "prog" actually soudns like full-on slowed down to 138-140 bbm.
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