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  1. Minusman was a 2008 release.
  2. Orphic Thrench, although I also consider these tracks very close. Fluoro Neuro Sponge Angelic Particles Thugs In Tye-Dye
  3. Tough question. My choice is The Feelings, because it has much more serious melodies.
  4. Definitely TIT 3 / Trust In Trance.
  5. Random order, except for twilight producers. Twisted System The Dealers Core Pitch Hikers Twilight Zone Brethren The Legend Of Cane X-Dream We Created Our Own Happiness Irritant The Delta Scizoeffective Send In ...Send Back Midi Miliz Passages Pleiadians I.F.O. (Identified Flying Object) Bonus Transwave Hypnorhythm EP
  6. Top three in no particular order for each era, it's impossible for me to choose one track. Goa Trance Children Of The Last Generation The Second Room (A-Trip) Our Own Happiness Psytrance ('98-'00) Telegram Psychomachine Out Here We Are Stoned (The True School Heart Trance Mastermix) Psytech Rewind Fall Out (Dong Edit) Intercorporal Stimulator
  7. Can anyone share the album in WAV format by pm? I've been looking for it for a long time.
  8. Can anyone share the album in WAV format by pm? I've been looking for it for a long time.
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