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Everything posted by thanosp81

  1. Entry #22 https://www.discogs.com/Artha-Dream-Telepathy/release/9402679 Hmmm, that cover, and especially that font. It doesn't bode well. Thankfully, I'm wrong. It isn't the Artha you would expect from his debut album and EP, but once again he shows us that he is one of the few artists that truly get the feeling of oldschool Goa. My only complain is that some tracks feel a bit underdeveloped or forced to complete them in time.
  2. Entry #21 https://www.discogs.com/DJ-Inada-If-I-Wasnt-Human-Id-Be-A-Trance-Track/release/5286348 WTF? I had to check my phone to make sure it wasn't the 90's (I wish). This compilation sounds like it was (expertly by Dj Inada) compiled 20 years ago. More please.
  3. On the menu for...?
  4. Thank you for the mention You can currently get the Cosmosis on discogs IF you think the price is worth it. I'm sorry I cannot help you https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/11631048?ev=rb
  5. Entry #20 https://www.discogs.com/M-Run-Some-Run-Just-For-F…/…/3948484 Let's start with one thing that won't make me a very likable person. I do not like NeoGoa. No matter how much I try I cannot enjoy it. It sounds too mindless and purposeless compared to oldschool Goa/Psychedelic. Too much noise for nothing (how many channels do you need to make a modern track?) Their sole purpose is to be played in a club or an outdoors festival (which is great) but with Goa, home listening was always an option. Having said that, 90% of those releases I do not like. This is the case with M-Run's album. Sorry.
  6. Entry #19 https://www.discogs.com/Portamento-The-Port…/release/3089702 Funny how our perception of art depends and changes with era, time, personality, mood, even the time of the day. I do not know anything more subjective than art. When I first heard Portamento I was blown away. I remember thinking that's how NeoGoa should be made. But I did't get that feeling when I re-listened to it. Whether because I heard it so many times, or it didn't age that well, or I just wasn't in the right mood I do not know. But it is what it is. Still, a solid album.
  7. There is nothing more subjective than art as clearly my next post demonstrates
  8. Entry #18 https://www.discogs.com/Various-Erta-Al%C3%…/release/2776370 Boom. The bomb has dropped. Pure acidic Goa Trance and an excellent cover as well. For me this is where Cronomi Records peaked.
  9. Entry #17 https://www.discogs.com/Artha-Influencing-D…/release/2253740 Another gem from Artha. Nothing else needs to be said.
  10. Entry #16 https://www.discogs.com/Artha-Fluori-Dolby/release/2137690 F******* Great Goa Trance.
  11. Entry #15 https://www.discogs.com/Various-People-Walk…/release/1671912 Second compilation release and 2nd quirky title. I guess in festivals you do see a lot of people walking around in ways fit only to alien forms of life. Acidic Goa with many great names, more mature that then first release and....ohm, welcome Artha please everyone :)
  12. No idea to be honest. Have a listen, well worth it. http://www.cronomi.com/#Freebees
  13. Posting about them helps me keep on track. Gives purpose. As long as people post a comment here and there
  14. Entry #14 https://www.discogs.com/Anakoluth-Beyond-Re…/release/2218490 Next release from Cronomi is a digital only EP from Anakoluth. It is available for free from Cronomi's website and yes, I made it into a physical release. Why not? the artwork was rdy :)
  15. I know you had, check the very first post That's good, only years to go, presuming you don't buy any new music,
  16. Entry #13 So after The Orb I decided to increase the bmps a bit Of to Cronomi Records and some fresh Psychedelic Trance. One of the few labels that joined the NeoGoa movement and has something interesting to say without its artists blindly copying the Etnica/Pleiadians sound. https://www.discogs.com/Various-Freshly-Cut-Tomato/release/1390986 With a quirky title that at first you think there is no connection with the music included. But re-listening to the compilation I think I get it. It's a fresh sound and exactly like tomatoes nobody loves them but nobody hates them either. It is a very solid first comp with all tracks being more than average (but not great either). My only complain is that in a lot of tracks you can easily hear the software synths used for their creation. Good start
  17. You will find that artists are really friendly, in the end they only want to have their music released. The prices people will ask vary depending of whether it will be an exclusive track, who keeps the rights, how much will be the profit, digital or physical distribution etc etc. If you go for a percentage instead of a fixed amount for an unknown label you should expect something like 50-50% between label and artists (and then you split that 50% to each individual artist). The other thing you can do is give all the profits to a charity, you'll find a lot of artists willing to give you a track for free if they know/trust you. The easiest thing to do is get in touch with the artists. Have a concrete plan and numbers first and then do it
  18. Entry #12 https://www.discogs.com/The-Orb-Moonbuilding-2703…/…/7138350 Highly enjoyable, your typical ambient/dub house/techno.
  19. Entry #11 https://www.discogs.com/The-Orb-Featuring-David-G…/…/2761537 By this time I have completely lost interest to The Orb. Sorry and thank you for the memories.
  20. Entry #10 https://www.discogs.com/The-Orb-Baghdad-Batteries-Orbsessions-Volume-III/release/1870783 Ambient House. Cute. Pass.
  21. Entry #9 https://www.discogs.com/The-Orb-The-Dream/release/1510465 Well that's pleasantly surprising. The Orb of 2008 sounds more like classic Orb than their previous albums. Maybe being released in Liquid Sound Design had something to do with it. Or the people that joined The Orb bandwagon for this album, or is it a collection of older tracks skillfully compiled into an album? Doesn't matter, it sounds cool, it sounds Orb. P.S. At this point I should be listening to https://www.discogs.com/The-Orb-The-Orb-Versus-Freeze/release/1458582 but again, it is with my main collection in Greece.
  22. Entry #9 https://www.discogs.com/The-Orb-Bicycles-Tricycles/release/30836 I always believed that a good cover is the one that makes you understand what kind of music you are going to get. Nice, lighthearted dubby downtempo. The Orb of the new millennium.
  23. Entry #8 https://www.discogs.com/Orb-Auntie-Aubreys-Excursions-Beyond-The-Call-Of-Duty-Part-2-The-Orb-Remix-Project/release/224532 Second entry of Auntie Aubrey's Excursions Beyond The Call Of Duty. A 2 cd compilation of tracks remixed by The Orb. As I said before, this is where they shine. Actually it sounds more "Orb" than their albums around that time. Just get it, it's worth it.
  24. Entry #7 https://www.discogs.com/Orb-Cydonia/release/2732 ???? Who messed up my cds? I was listening the discography of The Orb. How did that get in here? Oh, I picked the right case, it's only the disc that's swapped. I swear it was my daughter....Hmmm, the disc is the right one. What the hell is going on? How can that be The Orb? It is not, and I fucking love it. Fans infuriated by them going commercial (considering). I mean, vocals? And not samples, actual singing voices with Trip Hop rhythms. It strikes the perfect balance between easy to follow downtempo music combined with the playfulness and experimentation of The Orb. GEM
  25. Listening to my entire Collection: Entry #6 https://www.discogs.com/Orb-Orblivion/release/434489 We reached the year 1997 and for me this is a turning point in the sound of The Orb. You could say that this album is divided into two halves. The first part is more melodic with less, in your face, effects and more structured. The second half is your typical at the time sound of The Orb. A lot of people were fascinated by the first tracks, but an equal number were complaining they were going commercial. I admit I liked the first part more as well. However, the whole album is what I have in mind as the sound of The Orb. In the end, is about diversity :) NOTE: This entry should be about their EP Toxygene but since is located with my main collection back in Greece it will have to be on a future day. https://www.discogs.com/Orb-Toxygene/release/13935
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