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Everything posted by antic604

  1. A collection of older, heavily-acidic tracks from Merr0w: https://merr0w.bandcamp.com/album/hybridization
  2. ...and most professional psytrance sound great, but is shit *music*. Go figure.
  3. How old are the tracks there? I bought it right when it came out, but - despite great ideas - it sounds a bit 'dated' production-wise...
  4. I've been out of loop recently, but were those announced?
  5. I'm certain the music will be awesome, but that cover and font...
  6. Sounds very promising!
  7. Nothing "jumped" at me yet as extraordinary, but they're solid and varied. Need (much) more listens to tell anything more, though
  8. Oh, your English is fine I think people voted the 3/5 rating, rather than the description for it. But you're right, that this doesn't fit neatly into a typical cathegory of goa, full-on, prog, dark/forest, etc. and this is something I love the most about it and other albums like it (Nervasystem "Brainradio", Ajja "Spira Mirabilis" to name just a few).
  9. https://yggdrasilrecords.bandcamp.com/
  10. Despite posting the samples a month ago, I personally never got around to listening to them... But damn! Disc #1 caught me by surprise!!! Loving it so far
  11. For me that's pure "psychedelic trance", but not "psytrance" which usually stands for full-on.
  12. Just recently discovered Mindspring's releases on Bandcamp and they're really something! Thanks for posting this. I'll definitely have a listen (and likely purchase)
  13. Now that's interesting http://www.arabesquedistribution.com/index.php?option=com_artistavenue&task=singleCd&id=3833&Itemid=1 Unless it's a mistake by Arabesque?
  14. My point is most people very rarely go beyond and above what's in this tutorial, because it's somehow assumed that this is how psytrance kick+bass should sound, both in terms of the rhythm and sonic characteristic. I actually think that such tutorials, by indirectly suggesting that the technique is more important than 'soul', make more harm than good by shifting focus away from what's important. We started using computers to make the process of tracking & editing music easier, but we've taken it now to the extreme by focusing on phase starting point, on how to remove any 'imperfections', etc. Sure, technical proficiency is incredibly important, but is the music really more enjoyable if bass' phase always starts from the same point? Or if phase of kick & bass always align perfectly? It's like painting with a ruler & caliper: perfect, but at the same boring and predictable... --- But OK, I'll end there because I feel my perspective is different than most people's - I've been listening to psychedelic goa trance since '96 and rarely (as in almost never) go to parties, so I might be looking for different things in this music than most
  15. Very, very nice! 1st track in particular sounds as if it was taken from Juno Reactor's "Beyond The Infinite" album. Congrats!!!
  16. Exactly! Post your music online, and unless it's an off-key amateur mess, it's almost guaranteed than any comments you get will be about kick & bass, as if this was everything that's important in Psytrance...
  17. It's a great video, but it's also a symptom of what drives (or has already driven, sadly...) the scene to narrow down to a very specific, limited sound... Type in 'psytrance kick bass' in YouTube and 90%+ of videos will be exactly about this type of "groove". It wasn't like that in the past. There was no single type of sound that everyone thought of when talking about psytrance rhythm section. I appreciate the technical depth of it all, but I'm saddened by the lack of any soul and artistry in it... For God's sake - it's a foundation of your music, it shouldn't be done off of a technical template and recipe. But I'm probably 10 years late with this rant, so I'll just leave you to it...
  18. antic604


    Check Kinematic Rec. - I think it's owned / run by Terrafractyl? - where a lot of music sounds like it: https://kinematicrecords.bandcamp.com/music
  19. Sounds nice, very old-school (incl. the sounds used)! Also props for differentiating the price between d/l and physical CD
  20. It's out https://shponglemusic.bandcamp.com/album/codex-vi
  21. @gfp1 Don't worry, Strontium Dogs' (Eat Static + Martian Arts) up-tempo album is coming out later still this year This one will indeed by more down-tempo / freestyle.
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