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Everything posted by Rasalom

  1. Someone wants to trip really hard, 'eh?
  2. It's always been around. It's never been my cup 'o chai, but many people do enjoy it. I saw it in psy parties in the mid 90's.
  3. Well, there's another $500 I'll spend this year.
  4. Using it to open a mix.
  5. Rasalom

    RIP Nemo

    RIP. He was still quite young.
  6. I love your reviews.
  7. The remastered version of 2012 was nice, but it was essentially an expanded version of their first album from 1997. This is NEW music by UX. I think I'm starting to drool.
  8. Well, I thank you for the upcoming release. UX absolutely blew my mind when it was first released. I took it for a multiple listen session when my ears and mind were highly enhanced. Been waiting nearly 20 years for more.
  9. Never saw the post
  10. Yeah, it was the combination of the two which made the magic. Kris also released as EON Project. A decent album, albeit with a more industrial twist (still Goa, but you can hear his shift happening). https://www.discogs.com/Eon-Project-Brain-Filter/release/35860
  11. You guys are making me feel all girly, and it's not even Valentine's Day yet.
  12. http://www.mushroom-magazine.com/ux-are-back/
  13. Download Link
  14. Being unsure of exactly what "Forest" was, I went to Ektoplazm and started downloading albums. There was a lot of really nice stuff there. After spending a bit of time listening to the compilations and albums (not all pure Forest, mind you). I wanted a mix of this type of sound for the car (my daily commute is over 2 hours round trip). So, here is that : Mixcloud Link Track List : Noctilus ~ Far Flung Dance Jotunn ~ Troll Epidemic (Parasect Remix) Altius ~ See No Evil Third Eye Of Monkey ~ Ch'Eh'Oc Psychastra ~ Occult Particle Fafazz ~ Homo Homini Lupus Kadasarva ~ Cybermind Roswell ~ Holographic Universe (Gollu Remix) Re-Horakhty ~ Dungeon Keeper
  15. 山本千夏 = Yamamoto Chinatsu (A Japanese female name)
  16. Morning traffic reports. I need to catch those.
  17. I love this mix. It offends me when I turn on the radio and hear crap, and knowing that beautiful sounds like these are out there. Brilliant job, Paul Eye.
  18. Yeah, it's probably 01- morning(ish)
  19. No idea. It never was in the shops in Toyko before I left, and it hasn't hit my radar until this thread.
  20. Haven't been to Goa in 20 years. So, sorry. I can offer no help. That aside, exotic. I envy you. Shpongle in Goa? That had to have been amazing.
  21. I'm still awake You're welcome.
  22. The synesthesiacs say "all of the above"
  23. Download Link
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