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Everything posted by Rasalom

  1. I'll give it a listen later today. I have a furniture delivery so I'm off for the day. (Yay!) Ok, I concur with Rotwang. The mixing is good, the track selection is nice, but the sound quality is in need of some TLC. Definitely record it as a wav, and try to record with less signal coming from your mixer (lower the volume output). You can then adjust the levels in audacity (or Soundforge) afterwards. See if that can make the sound a bit more crystal.
  2. I'm really impressed with what K.U.R.O. has done over the years. Tokyo Tekno Tribe were Kuro, Masa, and Charm... along with resident Equinox DJ Kuni. I thought initially that it would be Masa that would have the stronger trance over the years... but it was actually Kuro who ended up being the one I preferred.
  3. Yeah, it's been over 20 years for many of us As someone earlier mentioned, the top 100 might be a better question. Earlier in the thread, Earwall mentioned Ubar Tmar's "true" album. That one is fantastic. Listen to all of the rhythmisms in order. It's a great ride. Ubar Tmar's first album was also quite good for the time. Here's his first album :
  4. A Stanford psychologist explains why spacing out and goofing off is so good for you
  5. I was agreeing with you about the dreads And while I differ from your opinion on this matter, I still understand your points. A differing opinion expressed well will never be offensive to me (unless it is a truly offensive opinion... like trying to justify horrific acts of wanton cruelty). With nearly 7 billion people on Earth, it would be pretty dull if we always agreed on everything completely.
  6. The most wicked dreads I've ever seen were being worn by Sadhus in India. To me, having dreads shows a mindset of being less fashion focused and more mind focused. Hence the Rastafarians, Sadhus, and others with a mystical bend to their thinking wearing them. Example, this guy. Wicked dreads, and a nice mindset to boot. very fitting.
  7. I find many things people do to be rude &/or insensitive... but the list is simply too great to worry about. While I would prefer people to understand all of the religious aspects of Hinduism/Buddhism/Jainism when dressing with various symbols associated with those faiths, it's not a real issue for me. As long as they aren't harming anyone, I really don't mind. There are so many wonderful aspects to all of the different cultures on this planet, that it would be sad for people not to be able to fully experience them all. I lived for many, many years all over Japan. And one thing I loved about the Japanese culture was their ability to absorb nice aspects of other cultures into their own. It's as if they see something that just works better, and they will adopt it over time. I have a lot of respect for that system.
  8. But those are lizard people, so just ignore them
  9. It's so full of happiness it can turn your QQ into a lol.
  10. So, essentially, you're against poseurs who, for example, wear a bindi without understanding the significance of it... but wearing one while understanding the significance is fine. So it's not cultural appropriation, it's simply being a shallow poseur that is the problem.
  11. When I rip music into my computers, I label the genre on nearly all of it "Goa". If it has its origins in the Goa sound, than it's Goa to me.
  12. He got nearly everything wrong. Cultural appropriation is nonsense. Human beings are free to explore and use any aspect of any human culture. We are, after all, a social animal. If cultural appropriation is wrong, than Japanese men wearing suits is wrong. After all, the suit is part of European culture. Listening to classical music by non-Europeans would also be wrong if this nonsense of cultural appropriation were something. The very idea that you are restricted in the type of sounds, foods, clothing, manners, language, and art because of the culture you came from is absurd. Let's get rid of this ridiculousness, and not worry about sharing culture.
  13. Well, definitely not this...
  14. From Balagan Symbiosis. A CD I listened to so often on my Disk man that I'm surprised the laser didn't burn a hole through it.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO47m1xEDEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63MtQXKIkF0
  16. Youtube links from my list above :
  17. The remastered one seems to have a problem with its mastering. Also, while some of its changes were good, some were not. The original is just really, really good. Listen with very enhanced ears for a nice trip.
  18. Nice choices. Top 3, 'eh? That's pretty difficult to answer. Aside from the three you've listed, I'd include : Psychopod ~ "Headlines" E.P. U.X. ~ Ultimate Experience Hallucinogen ~ Twisted Juno Reactor ~ Beyond the Infinite (for more personal reasons... saw the live tour in Shinjuku and it blew my mind) And I'm leaving out so many gems...
  19. That track is called "Special Offer"
  20. I love Oood. It's really hard to pick one favorite. From the old days there's Cthulhu, Silence, Two Dawns Over Baleswar, and Fluorostani Transcendance (as Unconscious Collective) More recently you have Eye Of The Beholder (with Ott), Apollo Son Of Rifa, Oddball, and That's Why We Shwing. Out Of Our Depth is reliable quality. I look forward to all of their releases.
  21. The 240 € pack?
  22. A mix at 140 bpm Tracklist : Thing ~ The Delta FM 17 ~ Koxbox Peter's Hoover ~ X-Dream Ghost Brigade ~ Spirallianz Scorpio ~ Talamasca The Funkadelic Drummer ~ Electric Universe Submarinieri ~ Spirallianz Analogue Laughing Machine ~ Sandman Fast Forward ~ Spirallianz Ant Invasions ~ Planet B.E.N. Mixcloud Link https://soundcloud.com/rasalom-330894623/eine-kleine-nachtmusik Enjoy
  23. House Harkonnen party music.
  24. Well, that was really nice. And being that I had a session, I can't stop listening to psychedelic music tonight So now, time to mix.
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