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Everything posted by XoArK

  1. This track would fit on an album well, for an Outro track!
  2. This track is based off a song from a Dragon Ball Z movie, titled "Bardock, The Father Of Goku." Original:
  3. This artist's tracks were either hit or miss, and he released a lot of filler on many old goa trance comps. I guess this will do for now, I suppose...
  4. Nice Suomisaundi!
  5. Pretty good! It sounds like some Suomisaundi to me, which is a good thing!
  6. Some old Midi Miliz, and Dragon Master - Sidewinter
  7. Another Psytechno classic. I'm currently listening to Spaztech - 18u from VA - Clairaudience.
  8. Sounds like Wizzy Noise and other Psytechno bands around 2000-2006.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83LTetDEWs0
  10. Nice! As of now I don't have anything to say about the track.
  11. This was actually the second release to get me into psytrance! So many memories...
  12. Sienis - Feel The Power Of My Itchy Foot Has one of the most infectious basslines I have ever heard, and it keeps the track going!
  13. Exceptional Forest!
  14. Some light suomi: Sattel Battle - 12/8 https://soundcloud.com/sattel-battle/sattel-battle-128
  15. Tea Chair tracks are hard to come by on the internet, but I might be able to track them down on a russian psytrance DL site.
  16. I feel like these oldschool Shlabb artists need albums: Lardfish Doda Hundens Kykra Freak Brothers Church Of The New Age Hippie Disco Shit
  17. Weird Alchemy - Mother Funker
  18. I was looking for that original footage to use on an old goa/psytrance music video threads, thanks!
  19. When I say "droney", I mean going on and on without much change. Don't fall into the same trap as I have with repetition, but make sure you don't change your track too much.
  20. I don't use Spotify. I really don't get the appeal when I can just upload all my my mp3 files on my phone's file player and just go on from there without worrying about losing Wi-Fi connection.
  21. Pretty good for ambient, but try to not make it so "droney".
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