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Everything posted by XoArK

  1. XoArK

    V/A - Goa Head 4

    One of the worst Goa Heads IMO, as most of the tunes are mediocre and forgettable with the exception of Oforia, Organic Noise, MFG, Hallucinogen, Nada and DJ Jorg, Synchro, Planet B.E.N., Fluoro Conspiracy and Pleiadians. Rest is just boring... 5/10
  2. GREAT compilation, with only one "weak" track (8) which isn't even that bad, just a bit repetitive. The other tracks are REALLY GOOD, the best ones IMO are Lardfish - Kedves Utasunk and Dead Dog Barking - Hybris 1939-1945. Lardfish - Kedves Utasunk takes time to get where it's going, but darn! It ends like a horror movie! Dead Dog Barking - Hybris 1939-1945 is slow and menacing, but it reaches its ultimate peak when the sampled horror movie screams come in. I actually got a bit scared when I first heard it, as I was alone in the room. Please buy the compilation if you want to support the artists, but here is a preview:
  3. XoArK

    Review Requests

    I find it quite odd that no one has reviewed Pulse 12.
  4. Planet B.E.N. - Trippy Future Garden Pitched: Original:
  5. I was 11 when I first listened to psytrance, now I am 13. (I started with the classics like AP, Hallucinogen.)\ How about you guys?
  6. This is a well-known track that I am surprised it wasn't listed..
  7. Most SWM tracks are really unique, but this and Remember The Slime stand out..
  8. Ah, loads of goodies here, (Spastic Elastic!!!!!!, Out Here We Are Stoned!!, Blizzard Of Ooze!!!, Wormhole, Magik!!!, 1.3 Crumbs!, and every Psychopod track. All tracks here are good, but the ones I listed are the best.
  9. Something really strange and different for the time it was released: Killer track!!!!!!
  10. This is a acidic killer!
  11. This is a killer!!!! Just listen to 7:04 and it explodes right there with a acid climax.
  12. 7-8 years and no one has mentioned The Delta!!! The Delta - Thing
  13. Another old 1995 classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xQ_pZi_V2U
  14. Another track that doesn't use a 303 but is a slow, acidic monster!
  15. Of course, another OOOD killer track!
  16. This one is so minimalistic, but a trippy stormer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W98fHnmNV0
  17. Some of these are really acidic, but some don't use a 303.
  18. Can someone please upload the other goa heads (11-29) please? I would like to listen to them.
  19. Dark, simple and boring, you say? Listen to it again and will be immersed into darkness and its psychedelicness!
  20. Found some more highlights:
  21. NOTE: I call oldschool psytrance oldschool because I think psytrance is supposed to be psychedelic, hence the name of psytrance. One of my newest favorites is this track and some others: BTW, who is Synthetic? His tracks sound like Midimiliz/Spirallianz tracks. I have heard somewhere that he might be Deedrah. Is that true?
  22. Current favorite track:

  23. Tracklist A The Temple 9:00 B Stalking The Wild Controller 6:20 This is my first post, and review BTW. How didn't this E.P. get reviewed over the years? This is pretty minimalistic! "The Temple" Starts with some thudding, then it starts sounding like some deranged Mayian gods sacrificing people in a temple. Good track for stomping and will work well for the dancefloor! "Stalking The Wild Controller" continues the madness and it is even more of a stomper, because it explodes midway and will knock you off you of your chair! Note that these tunes might sound boring, but listen to them repeatedly and they will mesmerize you! 9/10 Here are the tracks on youtube:
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