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triplexreal last won the day on June 21 2024

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  1. For me it goes down like butter. Especially tracks 4 and 7. But I like more progressive approach with spaced out sound design. Yet this still remains deeply hypnotic. As they say: One mans trash is another mans treasure.
  2. Thanks to you I found the track and it is pretty popular tho. Link to the song: I am not exactly sure if it the exact same song or some mashup but it sound really identical! Thanks again
  3. I am very thankful for your help!
  4. Hello fellow Psychonauts, I recently got the pleasure of hearing Boom Shankar playing again. Now there was this one song I'd really like to have but could not whatsoever find it anywhere. Just listen to this sample: https://www.facebook.com/DjBoomShankarBMSS/videos/vb.127214297356376/893216737422791/?type=2&theater If someone knows the Track ID that would be so awesome!
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