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mudpeople last won the day on March 11 2018

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  1. I do this hardware improvisation thing, but I've never played it out before. Fully hardware, mostly analog, almost entirely sequenced live on the fly. Sometimes I think it even sounds alright.
  2. I've definitely had my share of times listening to psytrance and doing drugs. I'd probably do them a lot more, still, if I didn't have a job, and if they didn't kick my old ass so hard when I do do them, these days... Nowadays I don't even drink alcohol. Just cannabis and coffee for me these days. I first got into electronic music, and psytrance, when I was living in a small town in Nevada where there was barely any smokeable weed, let alone a variety of psychedelics, so I've always loved the music no matter what state my neural chemistry may be in. Back when I was first learning to DJ, I liked to test how well I could do under various states of intoxication, with varied results. One of my best mixes ever was recorded after being awake all night on cough medicine, then drinking like a 12 pack of beer. Don't try that at home, kids.
  3. This is the first "serious" mix I've done in nearly 10 years. https://hearthis.at/mudpeople-yh/aug-26-2020-dj-tech-4x/ Luis M- Amplitude Point- Rastutel Stoertebeker- El Dorado Daana & Brendan Lawless- Discovery of the Shadow Daana- Hindu Kush Lampe- Crystal Caves Snok- A Spinning Object Kleesh- Roll Deep MNGRM- Voyager (Troy Polygon remix) MNGRM Unbreakable Autosome- Ice Reflections Medular- Neuroluminescence Luis M- Basslien Lask- Ohrwurm Frech & Koch- Deep Sky One Dub Connection- Coasting Michael Lawrence- Journey to Poundu John Lead-Tunnel Vision
  4. More about the 90s but a pretty good one. Has a special place in my own heart cuz that was the era I first got into electronic music: And this Goa classic: Not exactly a documentary though it has interview segments:
  5. I helped a little back on the first one, always wondered what happened... (I was alleycat back then) I'd be willing to give it another try, I'm definitely a more capable musician now than I was then
  6. Supposedly psytrance died already in 2006 https://nabirecords.bandcamp.com/album/psytrance-is-dead
  7. Been almost a year since I recorded anything. Lots of practice and a few workflow tweaks. Almost entirely improv, the only thing pre-sequenced was the basslines. https://hearthis.at/mudpeople-yh/nuclear-magic-live-improv-july-10-2020/ Keystep Pro is the main brain, and runs Neutron, Minilogue XD, 0 Coast, and Minitaur, and clocks Circuit, Tanzbar Lite, and Microfreak Circuit runs Nanozwerg and Micromonsta Tanzbar Lite runs MBase11 and Rakit Drum Synth Long audio clips from Ableton all other effects are hardware, mostly cheap Chinese pedals, and a Kaoss Pad Quad Recorded from the Soundcraft EPM12 onto Zoom H1. The levels turned out about as spot on as they ever get on the first try, so all I had to do was convert to mp3.
  8. Pixiejanet is a friend of mine on FB, she was doing fine last I heard. I might have a few others on my facebook unknowingly.
  9. Incidentally their reaction to the track is often a great indicator of their general temperament.
  10. https://hearthis.at/mudpeople-yh/live-november-9-18-fixed/ As usual, almost everything is hardware. All improvisational, no script, no plan. Recently got the Arcade Series Returns pack of Max for Live sequencers from Isotonik, which includes some really nice generative sequencers that map to the Launchpad for fun moving lights and stuff. Also got a few more fx pedals for various synths, mostly Electro Harmonix as it turns out. Their effects are just the perfect quality for the right price. Also recently got a DIY kit, Rakit Drum Synth, and built it. My first DIY kit build. ( rakits.co.uk/product/drum-synth/ )
  11. Faster than I usually do, 170 BPM. Still a typical mudpeople track. With Phoscyon 303 lines, and as it turned out, all software. Usually I use at least the Microbrute... https://hearthis.at/mudpeople-yh/gravity-assist/ I'm sure I'll hear something small to change pretty soon, but the main bulk of the work is done.
  12. Personally I have plenty of satisfying results making acid lines with the Microbrute. Bonus because it's actually great for a whole lot of different sounds besides acid lines, but the filter really does lend itself to them. I've considered getting a 303 clone of some kind mostly to use live, but every time I have the money I've decided I can't justify spending on something that I pretty much have covered. Especially for such a one-trick pony. The MAM MB33 Retro is super cheap, and every demo I've seen sounds 303-y, but again I can find reasons not to; no more room on the MIDI thru, only one empty in left on the mixer :P. When I want actual-303-sounding acid lines (put side by side the Microbrute will definitely sound different to any 303) I've got Phoscyon. I got it on sale for something like $40 USD from Plugin Boutique. Definitely worth it, it sounds pretty good and it's rather easy to emulate 303 sequences in a piano roll if you know the sliding and accent tricks.
  13. I mostly eat vegetarian, but from time to time have some kind of meat. I've never been a huge dairy person, except for cheese. Don't like straight milk, though I have ready access to raw milk from 2 very well-treated cows who live right near me (honestly I'm even less enthusiastic about raw milk). Anthony Bourdain made a great point, that vegetarianism as a moral choice is a First World luxury, that people in developing places don't really have the option and are just trying to survive with whatever they can scrounge, whatever it may be. But, I was curious and looked up the typical diets of common chimpanzees and bonobos, our 2 closest living primate relatives, and they're "omnivorous frugivores", eating whatever, but mostly fruit. So it's certainly in our biology to only eat fruit.
  14. Sometimes I do the same note, depending on how it sounds, but usually I'll find another harmonic. I guess I do it differently each time, and by ear, so idk how accurately I tune them relative to the root note. I prefer to not pay too close attention to the specific harmonic ratios (which at least in Live are never not 12 tone Equal Temperament tuning [without 3rd party aid like a m4l device] so the ratios aren't super accurate to begin with but that's a whole other can of worms) and just find what sounds decent.
  15. I was around starting in like late 05, 06 for sure. I was alleycat then.
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