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Void Mantra

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Void Mantra last won the day on February 11 2019

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  1. Bought! Keep up the good stuff guys.
  2. Good lord NEOGOA rises from the ashes! I missed you guys. What a great news!
  3. Great ethical framework. Hannibal Lecter would be proud.
  4. That's purely anecdotal; the lowest quality on the hierarchy of evidence.
  5. When you're done poisoning the well, you can actually give me an argument.
  6. "A lot of effort involved in making vegan diet work." It seems more difficult than it actually is to be honest. Eat a balanced, whole food diet, take your B12 vitamin, make sure you meet your daily caloric requirements and you're good to go. "Eating vegan doesn't automatically imply eating healthy." The same can be said of an omnivorous diet. "I struggle a lot with finding mostly animal product specifics (if not specific to, then very scarce among vegan-friendly products) most notably cobalamin and taurine to name some." Technically speaking, cobalamin (B12) comes from bacteria, not animals. As such, it can be found in soil, water and some aquatic plants. Having said that, I don't see an issue with taking one B12 tablet once a week. It's also worth noting that 85% of the B12 production goes to farm animals. We are supplemented, whether we like it or not. Taurine, on the other hand, is not an essential amino acid. Nevertheless, it's widely available in synthetic form (vegan friendly) in most energy drinks. "I would need to hire a personal trainer to get a proper vegan diet going". If you're really concerned about your dietery reference intake, I highly recommend cronometer, it works wonder. I can easily be reached on discord. Let me know if you ever feel like exploring/debate this topic any further or if you have questions with respect to the core tenet of veganism. Have a good one.
  7. "Not giving arguments in favor of being vegan, but giving arguments against animal abuse." It's entailed. Veganism, at its core, is an ethical principal against needless exploitation, suffering and harm inflicted on non-human animals. "I think we all agree with so and so" That's rhetorical yes - that doesn't invalidate his arguments in and of themselves. "I also think we all are against animal abuse." Of course we're not, don't be silly. Each day, we pay for animals to but stabbed in the throat for palate pleasure. The notion that "cruelty" is a factory farm exclusive is just naive. It is not the case. One question, are you vegan? If not, why not?
  8. Great speech from Alex O'Connor @ CosmicSkeptic
  9. Holy shit new Triquetra!!!
  10. Purchased. Full support. Still waiting for the synthwave comp btw
  11. Pre-ordered the digital version. Can't wait!
  12. Sounds absolutely sublime. Purchased.
  13. 15 euros?? LMAO
  14. New Pleiadians album?? Why virtually no one's talking it?
  15. I thought that UX was guaranteed AOTY. Well I'm not so sure anymore...
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