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Void Mantra

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Everything posted by Void Mantra

  1. Sounds great indeed. I see that he made a song with that Pogo dude. Good stuff. Thanks for the tip.
  2. Good news indeed. Very much looking forward to this. On a side-note, that cover art!
  3. Between Pogo, Tristan and Earthspace, which would you recommend the most (I already own Loud's latest)?
  4. Out yet? Anyone can confirm? This is confusing because their BC page states: "This is a PRE-ORDER ! Album release date is AUGUST 20th", but it's sold as a "buy" instead of "pre-order". Anyone??
  5. https://shponglemusic.bandcamp.com I'm putting my digital pre-order on friday (trans donation). Who's getting this?
  6. For the sympathizer of the LGBT cause, This friday, 100% of the bandcamp profits goes to Transgender Law Center. Full article here: https://daily.bandcamp.com/2017/07/31/this-friday-stand-with-bandcamp-in-support-of-trans-rights/
  7. Thanks for the list! Sorry if I screwed up your breakfast...though life. Didn't know Psykovsky, will check it out for sure. Thanks again for sharing!
  8. Yep, from anything you want...as long as it's Goa!
  9. Interesting! Definitely will have an eye on this. Thanks for posting.
  10. Just asked my girlfriend, she didn't know wtf my topic was about either. She thought "Desert Island" was actually a band "Desert island album" meaning that if you were stranded on a desert island, you would bring this album with you. You can only choose 5 albums. You need to list those albums in order, #1 being your absolute favourite one. This is stricly limited to goa music. Ah fack it, just name your top 5 goa records in order, god damnit!!! P.S Sorry if this topic isn't completely original; I'm bored.
  11. Come on, it's not like NHJO__HYENNRO hacked my account!
  12. Desert Island. 5 albums granted only. GOA. In order. Note: Depending on the popularity of this thread, I might compile the results.
  13. Having a cd-only release 2 weeks before the "official" date as a way to fight piracy just doesn't sense. The avarage folk who download their music illegally never, I repeat, never pay for their music; "Why paying when you can have it for free" they say. Now, someone's asking 25 bucks for their shiny new record on the promise that they'll receive their piece of plastic around the same date as the official digital release (which is precisely when illegal sharing will peak). Bob, who wants his music for free, has two options: 1) Pay 25$ and get his music in two weeks. 2) Pay nothing and get his music in two weeks. We all know what will follow...
  14. Tell me about it. Seems like these guys are 6 feet under and loving it...
  15. I'm extremely pleased with this compilation and wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone interested in top quality goa. @gfp1 No issues with the mastering, which is balanced pretty much the way I like. The low-end seems spot on to me.
  16. It's like these guys (Flying Rhino) just don't give a rats ass about "properly" releasing this record. The last entry from their facebook page is more than a month old, they have no bandcamp page (!?), no press release etc. I know old-school is the new thing but come on guys, it's 2017...
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